#NoMeds Story: Weight Loss & More!
/We love being able to help people everyday, and this week's #NoMeds story (practice member testimonial) comes from Gay:
“I first saw Dr Bob at a Mustard Seed seminar and was so impressed that I now drive 45 minutes each way to get my adjustments and nutritional help. I have several issues that the doctors are helping me with. My main reason for coming to see Dr Bob was for help to lose weight and little did I know that he would help me with my scoliosis and arthritis problems as well as keeping my blood pressure within a normal range. It all has to work together for the best results and I have been moving forward. I have learned so much and hope to continue to learn. And I truly enjoy seeing all three doctors as I feel that I can relate to each of them. What a joy to receive and learn so much from these great and knowledgeable people.” - Gay
We love responses like this and would love to help you, too! If you are interested in chiropractic and natural care, please contact us here for our Westlake and Elyria practices.
Gay & Dr. Casen