Kids and Chiropractic Care: We Can Help!

Kids and Chiropractic Care: We Can Help!

Both Dr. Casen and Dr. Anthony are ICPA-ceritified in pedicatric chiropractic, and have been able to help many children with various ailments - naturally!

In this new video, Dr. Casen shares about how we were able to help one of our young practice members when life may give us a little bump on the head.

If you have a little one(s) or are expecting, we would love to help *both of you, too!

Product Spotlight: MetabolicBiome Fuel

Product Spotlight: MetabolicBiome Fuel

Hello, Everyone!

Our March product spotlight is on Biotics Research’s MetabolicBiome Fuel. We have seen great success, as Dr. Anthony shares, with this product, including those who may have leaky gut syndrome, or those who are limiting their carbohydrates.

It is on special for March 2025 in our Westlake Wellness Store (only). We invite you to come in today to get yours. You may also consider our FIT Test (Food allergy testing) if you are keen to learn which foods you may have a sensitivity to.

Product Spotlight: Cardio Lipid

Product Spotlight: Cardio Lipid

February is recognized as American Heart Month, and Dr. Anthony is here with us to share the benefits of Cardio Lipid from Biotics Research.

Please consult your physician prior to beginning any new nutritional support. You may consider coming to visit us for personalized nutrition care - more info here.

February New Patient Promotion

February New Patient Promotion

We want to “Share the Love” with you this month, and Dr. Casen is here with a new video explaining the promotion, which is valid for new practice members only. More information in the flyer as well.

Fine Print: Not applicable for Medicare, Medicaid, Workers Comp, Personal Injury Cases, or where prohibited by law.

VALID IN WESTLAKE OFFICE ONLY FOR NEW MEMBERS, not applicable for any other offers!


The Drugless Detox: What's New for 2025!

The Drugless Detox: What's New for 2025!

We are here with a new and less expensive Drugless Detox, and in this year’s series of new videos, both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are here to share answers to common questions, what to expect, and how it helps to heal your gut. Visit us today at our Westlake practice to begin. We look forward to helping you!

Testimonial: Trust Your Gut Program Success!

Testimonial: Trust Your Gut Program Success!

Let's begin this video with something great 🤩

Dr. Casen is joined by Ellen who shares her experience with the "Trust Your Gut" program we offer at our practice (and in Naples with Dr. Bob) - and it's worth watching the entire video, 10/10!

If you would like more information about this program, please email us today, - you'll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Improved Gut Health, Peripheral Neuropathy, and More

Testimonial: Improved Gut Health, Peripheral Neuropathy, and More

Dr. Casen is joined by Ann who shares how she once was a "skeptic" prior to becoming a patient, but has seen great results in our services, including losing twenty-five pounds, sensory improvement with peripheral neuropathy, and the benefits of taking the FIT Test (food inflammatory testing). We invite you to visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida (with Dr. Bob‬) where we know your skepticism will be a thing of the past.

Testimonial: He Used to Be Chiropractic’s Biggest Skeptic!

Testimonial: He Used to Be Chiropractic’s Biggest Skeptic!

Hello Everyone!

Dr. Anthony interviews George, a retired police officer, who felt an immediate change when he started coming to our practice for care.

As he says, George used to be the biggest skeptic of chiropractic, but with the regular adjustments, he's been feeling painless (we love to hear that!).

If you're feeling skeptical, or you're tired of living with constant pain, we encourage you to come and visit us in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida today!

Testimonial: Life Change with The Drugless Doctors

Testimonial: Life Change with The Drugless Doctors

Hello Everyone!

Today, we are joined with a practice member who has been with us for eight years, and she shares her health journey and how we have helped make a positive difference in here life - including our breast thermography service.

This is her second video she has done with us, and to say that it has been a journey is an understatement, and we are so grateful to continue to help her!

We would love to help you and your family, too! Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida with Dr. Bob.

Mental Health Video Series with Dr. Bob

Mental Health Video Series with Dr. Bob

Hello Everyone!

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, and throughout the month on Dr. Bob’s social media, he has been highlighting important topics found in his “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” book, and today, we have included them in a complete series just for you. Please take the time to watch each, and then contact us today for us to help!

Natural Spring Allergy Relief with Dr. Bob DeMaria

Natural Spring Allergy Relief with Dr. Bob DeMaria

Dr. Bob DeMaria (@DruglessDoctor), shares about two products (A.H.F and Histoplex-AB) that we use in our practice that can help provide relief during allergy season, especially during the spring.

Although these supplements may provide relief, we look at the entire picture, which may include food allergies, which is why we suggest the FIT Test, and also chiropractic care, as Dr. Bob shares in the video.

The FIT Test is available at our Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida offices, as well as online on Dr. Bob's website. Visit us today, you'll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Motion Sickness Gone + Pain Relief!

Testimonial: Motion Sickness Gone + Pain Relief!

Dr. Casen is joined by one of our practice members who has been with us now for four years.

She begins by sharing one of the primary reasons for visiting us, which was for pain relief - but continues the conversation on how she would be challenged with motion sickness, often on car rides.

Under our care, she has experienced pain relief, and then she shares her AHA moment when she realized that the motion sickness was no longer - how exciting! if you are looking for a new approach to health, we would love to help you.

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida with Dr. Bob (@DruglessDoctor) - you'll be glad you did!

Dr. Anthony's Personal Weight Loss Journey with Blueprint Nutrition

Dr. Anthony's Personal Weight Loss Journey with Blueprint Nutrition

Dr. Casen is joined by Dr. Anthony who shares his weight loss journey over the past year (it was time to make a video, since many of our patients have taken notice!).

Thirty pounds down, Dr. Anthony applauds Blueprint Nutrition's "Trust Your Gut" program as the catalyst to helping him begin this weight loss journey, and provides a brief example of the plan, as well as his FIT Test results.

Both Blueprint's "Trust Your Gut" and FIT Test are available at our Westlake practice - and we recommend talking with your healthcare provider before beginning any weight loss plan of action.

For more information, please visit us today at to learn more about our services, including Peripheral Neuropathy and Breast Thermography.

The Benefits of Healthy Oils

The Benefits of Healthy Oils

We are so fortunate that Dr. Bob has researched and implemented natural health principles to serve not only Northeast Ohio, but patients around the world. In this month’s extensive video, he focuses on oils, shares the lab tests he recommends, and more: 

Key Takeaways in Video: 

- Trans fat or partially hydrogenated oils can interrupt normal fat metabolism in the body, which is a leading cause of ADHD. 

- We have the ability to check for your oil levels via lab testing (DHA is for the brain, EPA is for the heart). 

- Healthy oil supplementation may include flaxseed oil, Biomega-1000 and Biomega-500, Optimal EFA, Beta Plus, and the Zinc Taste Test, available online or the Westlake wellness store. We do not promote sunflower or safflower oil. 

- Lab Tests include Opti-Cardio Plus, Omega Oils Serum Profile, Opti-Chem Profile

- Recommended reading includes Dr. Bob’s Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days, Dr. Bob’s Trans Fat Survival Guide, and Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida to schedule a nutritional assessment - you’ll be glad you did!

Peripheral Neuropathy Testimonial

Peripheral Neuropathy Testimonial

We recently began providing Peripheral Neuropathy services in Westlake and Naples, and have received many positive results, including Kathy, who is here to share her story: 

In the video, Kathy explains that she was experiencing numbness and tingling in her right hand. Upon deciding to do the therapy, she did the sensory program with Dr. Casen, and discovered she had more sensory loss than she was aware of in her feet (40%) and 10% in her hands. 

We invite you to watch the continued outcome that Kathy is positively experiencing with our program, and we encourage you to give us a call or email us,, if you are interested in starting Peripheral Neuropathy at The Drugless Doctors today!

Your New Year Detoxification Plan

Your New Year Detoxification Plan

Happy 2024, Everyone!

We are excited for what is ahead in the new year, and we are back with our annual Drugless Detox program. In the three videos that we have for you, we discuss what is involved with our protocol, common detoxification questions, and some encouragement, especially if this is your first detox.

Our goal is to help you every step of the way in this process, and if you have any questions, please email today!

We would also encourage you to read Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification, as this has been a resource for thousands of individuals around the world.

When you come to visit us at our Westlake office, we would love to hear your goals for the year as well - especially health-related ones, as we would love to be part of that journey with you.

Testimonial: Pain and Natural Migraine Relief!

Testimonial: Pain and Natural Migraine Relief!

Have you ever been in so much pain that you couldn't even walk?

For active individuals, this would definitely alter your way of living - which was Deb's case prior to her visiting our practice.

In addition to helping her resolve the pain she was experiencing, we also were able to dramatically reduce her migraines naturally.

Listen as she tells her story as well as Dr. Casen explains our process of care to each practice member’s body signals to create a personalized plan just for you.

Come and visit us today in Westlake, OH or Naples, FL - you'll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Pain-Free, Help with Pregnancy, No More Headaches

Testimonial: Pain-Free, Help with Pregnancy, No More Headaches

Hello, Everyone!

Dr. Casen is joined by one of our practice members who shares about their health journey after finding out about our office from social media.

Some of the benefits have included no more headaches, back pain relief, her children's health is better, including bed-wetting relief, and so much more.

Come and visit us today at our Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida practice to assist you in chiropractic, personalized nutrition, breast thermography, and peripheral neuropathy.

Testimonial: Full Body Relief with Chiropractic

Testimonial: Full Body Relief with Chiropractic

Dr. Casen shares this Q & A with one of our practice members who came into our office for a variety of health-related circumstances, and we are happy to report that not only is she feeling better, but she has brought in her children who are also seeing the benefits of chiropractic care.

We would love to help you and your family, too! Come and visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida.

Testimonial: Knee Pain Relief & Skin Improvement

Knee Pain Relief & Skin Improvement

Dr. Casen & Anita

Hello, Everyone! 

Today, Dr. Casen welcomes Anita, who has a fantastic testimonial to share with us. 

Some of the questions that Dr. Casen asks and Anita gives her candid responses include: 

- What first brought her in over twenty-five years ago, and then again seven years ago until today … 

- What was life like pre-The Drugless Doctors? 

- How has your knee pain improved since visiting The Drugless Doctors? 

- How would you describe your skin’s sensitivity to the sun prior to coming to visit us and then after using the nutritional support we personally recommended? 

We love being able to see real life change in the lives of our practice members, and we would love to do the same for you! 

Consider coming to visit us in Westlake, Ohio today for chiropractic, peripheral neuropathy, breast thermography, or personalized nutrition coaching.