Helping Those with Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you for joining us this month for our H2H. It seems that everywhere you go these days, there’s an increase to food allergies in every age and socioeconomic demographic. We’re here to help guide you through the process. Please review our notes and watch the video below. Have a great month, and come visit us at any of our events in the community!  

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

What is a food allergy? 

- A body’s response to a food that creates an immune reaction. Most common foods- Fish, soy, peanuts, eggs (4 % of population- starts at infancy).

- What is a food sensitivity? A body’s response to foods that usually is delayed to hours or days.  Usually not as severe as an immediate food allergy but can be harmful long term. Most common foods- Soy, gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts/seeds (90 % population-develops at any age).

A.  Symptoms: Headaches, skin issues (acne and eczema), fatigue, joint pain, depression, brain fog, dark circles under eyes and redness.

- Why are we talking about this topic? Digestion?

Action Items

What can I do to figure out if I have a food sensitivity or allergy?  

Lab testing, FIT Test, Bio-Communication Food Stressor, ACG

What foods to avoid

A.  Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, GMO, Pesticides, food additives/dyes

Foods to eat

- Vegetables, fats, proteins, fermented foods, probiotics

- Vary foods and food preparations

- Ask for help – Testing, diet journals, nutritional microscopy, ACG

August Specials

1. The Drugless Doctors power drink is on special - Hydrate on purpose!

2. ACG – great way to evaluate heart and digestion - $50 (normally $75)

Labor Day Week Hours – Stay in schedule with your adjustments!  Closed Monday 9/2, Normal hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!

Faster Results Workshop- This is for all new and returning members.  Thurs. 8/15 @ 6PM

Join Us: Half Hour to Health in September- Wednesday 9/4 @ noon and Thurs. 9/5 @ 6PM

TDD: Allergies

Does bright light bother your eyes, or do domestic pets cause you to start sneezing and eyes watering? We look at allergies and how chiropractic and natural care can help stop them in their tracks. If you have allergies and take OTC medications to stop them, consider coming to see us, we would love to help you!