Optimal Immune Support
/Optimal Immune Support
Dr. Anthony DeMaria shares about a healthy immune system.
Hello Everyone,
Today we are talking to you about the immune system.
During this time of the year, you want to make habits to boost your immune system and keep it where it's supposed to be.
We would encourage you if you haven't been taking your vitamin D, to start taking your vitamin D. There's two ways that we do it in the office, the one is the liquid form where you put two drops of Bio-D-Mulsion Forte on your tongue every day from September to May, or we have it in a capsule form where you take one capsule a day of Zorex's D3-5000.
Another great way to boost your immune system is to stay away from sugar. If you will be in a situation where there will be plenty of desert-based food, one of the things that we would recommend you say is just "I can't say yes to candy" and give it away, you don't need it, because what happens is when you're eating candy, your immune system's ability to fight the unfriendly stuff goes away.
So one of the best ways to help support your immune system, stay away from sugar. Now, think of combating your immune system with soldiers to fight the war that's inside of you, and one of the good products to do that is a new one called IMMUNE PLUS. IMMUNE PLUS was created as Zorex's immune boosting product, so it can be used as a multiple vitamin, because it has a lot of things that you would see like A, C, D, E, some B vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, and then it's got a whole list of items that are used to boost the immune system, including quercetin, olive leaf, NAC, acetyl-L-carnitine, berberine, citrus bioflavonoids, and the list goes on.
With this product, what you want to do is take something to help keep your immune system at its full potential. I would tell you, for maintenance, you could do three of these a day, if you're not feeling well you could do three with each meal. Whether you're using something like IMMUNE PLUS or any of our great immune boosting products, I would encourage you from now to the spring to be doing things proactively to help keep your immune system strong.
A final thought, chiropractic adjustments are amazing for helping to keep your immune system strong. I regularly see people tell me when they started chiropractic care, they noticed that they didn't get sick like they used to. Keep up with your adjustments, stay away from sugar, take your immune support, we know you'll be glad you did.
Come and visit us in our Westlake, Ohio wellness store to purchase the products mentioned in this video.