Your Guide to a Healthy Holiday Season!
/Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony DeMaria
How To: SURVIVE the Holidays!
What a year it has been!
We want you to wrap this year on a high note, and that means staying health throughout the holiday season. Here are our tips from Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen, which you can also watch in our Facebook Live video.
Why are we talking about this?
- Get Enough Sleep: Between 7-8 hours is recommended per night
- Fuel your body right: Eat a balanced diet that is high in vegetables and proteins. This will help your body be strong.
- Prepare your meals ahead of time
- Exercise at least thirty minutes a day.
- Take time to recharge: Change your patterns, build something fun, read something new, play a game, change your exercise routine.
How to get connected with us: FB: @druglessdrs, Twitter: @druglessdrs,
Upcoming Breast Thermography- Jan 26, 29, and Feb 2nd.
We hope that you have a blessed holiday season - we are grateful for each and every one of you!
Dr. Bob, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Casen, Dr. Aimee