July H2H | Stress Prevention Tips

Hi Everyone!

When was the last time you had absolutely no stress in your life? Us too! The truth is, most of us have some sort of stress happening each and every day. The upside to this, is there are ways to help your body manage how stress does affect our health, which is what we discussed in this month's "Half-Hour to Health." Please watch the video below, and we have also added a tape recording of our talk that you can listen when you are in the car or anywhere on the go!

Audio Recording:

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Men's Health

Hi Everyone! Dr. Bob's #PreventSurgery Facebook live broadcast this month was on men's health (June is recognized as Men's Health Month). He discussed the top men's health concerns he sees each day in the practice and the drugless protocol he recommends. One of those happens to be stress, and next week, we invite you to join us at our "Half-Hour to Health" at our Westlake practice: Thursday 6p. See you there!



The Drugless Doctors | In Our Community (June 5-9)

Today is the beginning of our new weekly blog, "In Our Community." It's so new that the title may change, but we are going to keep it for now. One of our favorite things to do is to get out and meet the people of Northeast Ohio and to help share our knowledge of health and how you can live life well with drugless care. This week we were at Findley Davies as Dr. Anthony shared how you can decrease stress, and also how to avoid "Text Neck." Next, Dr. Casen took part in the UPS Wellness Fair and capped off the week with "Healthy Strides" in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic.

If your company would be interested in having us come and speak for a "Lunch & Learn," please don't hesitate to ask! Email dranthony@druglessdrs.com. You can also go here to learn more about our @Work program.

Findley Davies

Findley Davies

UPS Wellness Fair

Healthy Strides

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Pain

Hi Everyone! Our May Facebook live event with Dr. Bob was on how you can #PreventSurgery in regards to pain (tendons, joints, and hernias). You can watch the video below and to share with anyone who you know can benefit. This month (June) Dr. Bob will be focusing on preventing surgery in regards to men's health. Also, make sure to join The Drugless Doctors' team out in the community this month.

April H2H | Allergies

When the seasons and weather change, does your nose begin to "run"? How many of you turn to OTC medicine to help solve the problem, without it getting to the root cause? In our April "Half-Hour to Health," we focus on allergies, and how you can STOP them naturally. Below are our notes and video recap. Enjoy!

What frustrates you about allergies?

-Decreases quality of life, can't go outside, itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, lower immune system


There is even a place on the weather to look at allergies, colds, and flu whether you should go outside?

Drugless Solutions

1. Subluxation

A. Misalignment of the spine changes the messages that the brain sends to the body – getting adjusted clears sinuses

2. Medications-

A. Covers up the symptoms

B. Terrible side effects

3.  Digestion

A. Improper digestion and consumption of the wrong foods are one of the leading causes of allergies

4.  Immune system

A. Subpar immune function can also contribute to allergies

5. Adrenal fatigue

A. Are you tired? Even after sleeping a full night? Does bright light bother your eyes? Do you crave salt?

B. All of these are signs that your adrenals need some help in order to fight off allergies.

6.  Food stressors

A. Food sensitivities by the person that can be causing the challenge

B. Get a food stressor done to evaluate if there are foods that may be contributing to the problem.

Action Steps

1. Get adjusted

2. Get to the root of the issue: nervous system, clean up digestion, support adrenals, address foods

Supplements that help with allergies

1. Histoplex AB – A major help to those suffering with allergies – boosts the bodies inborn way of fighting allergies

2. Intenzyme Forte – Helps to clean up inflammation and digestion in the body

3. Bio Glycozyme Forte –multivitamin for blood sugar and adrenal stress

In Office Specials this Month - April 2017

1. Food Stressor Test – On special for $25, normally $50, Histoplex AB is on special %10 off.

2. APRIL 28th – Our next breast thermography date – make sure to get your appointment scheduled. Space is limited

3. Our next H2H is May 3rd at 12 PM and May 4th at 6PM



Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Gallbladder

Hi Everyone! Our March #PreventSurgery focus has been helping your gallbladder. Last night on Facebook, Dr. Bob shared his tips to help KEEP your gallbladder, and what you can do if you had your gallbladder removed. (Video below)

Please join us this coming Wednesday (noon)  and Thursday (6pm) for our April "Half-Hour to Health" as we discuss optimal mental health. Who can you bring?

March H2H | Breast Health Recap & Notes

During the month of March, our focus at our two practices is on breast health. Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen share their top breast health tips in the video and you can follow along with the notes below:

 Strategies for Breast Health

1.    Why are a group of Chiropractors talking about breast health?

2.   Why is it important that I care about having a breast health strategy?

A.   Reflection of the total health of your body

B.    An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure

C.   Overall better health of the body

3.    Liver function and healthy breasts/ a healthy body

A.   The liver has over 1000 important functions from detoxification, to hormone and protein production

B.    Body signals of a compromised liver – cherry hemangiomas, hormonal issues, skin challenges, bronzing on your cheeks and hands, cry easily, mosquitoes like you, bad breath, body odor

C.   How to clean up the liver – detox, stay away from sugar (carbs, fruit, and dairy), castor oil packs

4.    Lymphatic System

A.   What does it do?

B.    How does it impact breast health?

C.   Supplements to improve your lymphatic system:

1.    IAG – this is a powder that helps the lymphatic system drain properly, also great for immune issues with kids

2.    Lymphatic detox homeopathic

D.   Bouncing on a ball 10-15 mins/day

E.   Lymphatic brushing

5.    Importance of utilizing Iodine forbreast health

A.   1 of Tablet Iodine (Iodozyme – internal)

B.    Liquid Iodine external application to breast tissue- 1 drop on each breast

6.    Why should a woman consider getting a thermography?

7.    What is the difference between a mammogram and a thermogram?

8.    Common Q& A about thermography

9.    Next breast thermography date: Friday April 28th- seats limited, anyone can schedule, see our team today.

NEXT H2H workshop Weds. April 5th at Noon and Thurs. April 6 at 6PM – How to get rid of allergies!

March specials: Bio B complex, Iodine, IAG – all 10% off

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Heart

Hi Everyone! This month, our #PreventSurgery topic has been on your heart, and in this month's Facebook Live, Dr. Bob shares his drugless suggestions to keep your heart healthy and strong. For more information on your heart, and the additional ways to prevent surgery, check out his new book here.

February H2H | Heart Health Tips

This month at our practice, we are focusing on ways to keep your heart functioning at its highest level. In our "Half-Hour to Health" we shared new ways to do so. Here are our notes, and below is the video recap. Join us next month for our "Half-Hour to Health" on Breast Health Strategies.

Heart Health

 1. About 801,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 3 deaths.

2. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.

3. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing nearly 380,000 people annually.

Why Chiropractors are concerned about your heart!

-Nerves that go to your heart are located at the upper part of your back called the thoracic spine. This is a common area of subluxation. People who receive regular chiropractic care are less likely to have a heart attack.

-Chiropractic adjustments are heart-health savers.

-Proper nutrition makes a massive difference when it comes to our heart

Cholesterol - Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease – Researchers at the University of California did a study on 137,000 patients from 541 different hospitals all of which had an acute heart attack.  They all had a blood test within 24 hours after the heart attack.  What was found was that total Cholesterol was 174 and their LDL was all below normal. Did this study conclude that cholesterol was not related to heart disease?  No, the study found cholesterol should be lowered more with drugs. The study was paid for by the world largest drug companies.

What is cholesterol – It is the building block of all steroid hormones in our body, when cholesterol is increased it is a sign of inflammation in the body.  How then do we lower cholesterol and get to the source of inflammation?

Statin drugs destroy the magnesium needs in our body.  When our body is magnesium deficient, it ends up with high blood pressure.  Statin drugs will also impact a male’s ability to have an erection.

Oils that cause inflammation and heart disease -1) People who eat margarine have twice the rate of heart disease as butter consumers 2) Avoid vegetable oils and trans fats – These oils enter our metabolic processes and are defective for bodily use. Our cell membranes, hormone synthesis, immune system, ability to deal with inflammation, and other systems all become defective in the presence of trans fat.

Gallbladder – Two things the gallbladder does not like – no fats and bad fats, if you have been applying any of these fats or no fats, try introducing coconut oil which is easy on your liver and gallbladder.

Myths about Fats | Cholesterol | Heart-Health

-A low-fat, high-carb diet is the optimal human diet – This is false. It stems back to thinking saturated fat was the main cause of heart disease. Low-fat diets have been studied and it was concluded that they are more likely to cause heart disease and cancer then other groups.

-Cholesterol-rich foods are bad for you – This is false – Example: the egg which when consumed, actually raises HDL, and is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

-Saturated Fat causes heart disease – There are many studies that show that saturated fat does not cause heart disease, it is time for the government to get on the same page.

-Eating fat makes you fat and high-fat diets are dangerous. -  This is false. Fat has more calories than proteins and carbs, but studies show people who are on high fat diets are more likely to lose weight and have increased HDL, lower blood sugar, and have less abdominal fat.

-Label marketing such as heart healthy or low fat is good – This is false.  It is important to read all labels because many times these products have preservatives, sugar additives, and other harmful ingredients.

-Diets low in salt are good – This is false – National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey did a study and found out people on low salt diets are 40% more likely to have a heart attack.  People should use Celtic sea salt instead which is an unrefined mineral salt that helps lower blood pressure.

Eat organic or grass-fed butter - A good source of vitamin A and E, contains selenium, short and medium chain fatty acids used for quick energy and not stored energy, rich in antioxidants, CLA which helps with weight loss, and protects against cancer

Tips to help improve heart health

-Exercise 20 minutes a day

-Eat more healthy fats: butter, coconut oil, olive oil.

-Ditch sugar and unhealthy oils

-Work towards getting off medication

Nutrients to help with Heart-Health

1. Flax oil – Helps our body use calcium, reduces inflammation, improves heart health, and skin health.

2. Bio-Cardiozyme – This is a heart-healthy multi-vitamin loaded with nutrients for heart health.

3. Biomega 3 – A heart-healthy oil that has the same benefits as flax oil

4. Celtic Sea Salt – This is an unrefined salt that helps our body with stress, minerals, and lower blood pressure.

5. Bio-FCTS – Heart health relies on antioxidants and vitamin c – both of which are in high demand in this product.

6. Aqua Mag-Cl – This is a product that is designed to help lower blood pressure –take a teaspoon before bed.

Our Acoustic CardioGraph is on special in the month of February for $25 (normally $50) for all of our current members (in-office special) – This is a specialized stethoscope that will listen to your heart and clue us in on if there are any nutritional deficiencies affecting your heart.

Rapid Immune Response – 10% off for the month of February (in office special only) – This is a great way to boost the immune system very quickly – use 2 every hour until the bottle is gone once you have the first sign of not feeling well.


March’s Half Hour to Health @ Westlake Office

HOT TOPIC: Breast Health

March 1 at Noon

March 2 at 6pm



Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Thyroid Recap

Dr. Bob was "on location" for his #PreventSurgery Facebook live event, as he discussed ways to keep your thyroid gland functioning optimally. Please visit druglessdoctor.com here and here for more information on the thyroid. To purchase Dr. Bob's Guide to Prevent Surgery, please go here.

The Drugless Doctors & Your Community!

We love being apart of the Northeast Ohio community, including farmer’s markets, going to sporting activities, and also speaking throughout the region to schools, business, and other organizations about health. Currently, we are planning our outreach initiatives for the year and if you own or are a member of any type of organization who would be interested in having us present a complimentary workshop please email: DrCasen@druglessdrs.com or call (440)-471-4200. We are dedicated to sharing and creating real health transformation for all!

PS. If you represent the health and wellness plans for your organization, please go here.

Dr. Anthony, Dr. Casen, & Dr. Bob DeMaria

#DruglessTips | Thyroid

During the month of January, Dr. Bob is using his #PreventSurgery campaign to help us keep our thyroid functioning at 100 percent. In this video (on location!) he shares what foods can help our thyroid and what foods might cause a subpar thyroid. For more information on his "Guide to Prevent Surgery," please go here.

Facebook Live | Liver Health

We wrapped up our 2016 Facebook Live events with Dr. Bob and Debbie co-hosting together and sharing tips on how to keep your liver functioning optimally without medication. In the video, Dr. Bob talks about the castor oil pack, beets, a non-alcoholic fatty liver and more. To read Dr. Bob's new book, "Guide to Prevent Surgery," please go here.



Do Your Kids Need Chiropractic?

Are Your Kids in Need of Chiropractic?

Most people are surprised to find out that the first stress placed on a child’s neck and back is during the birthing process. An estimated 60-90 lbs. of force is used on an infant’s neck during “normal” delivery. Do you think this could cause damage to your child’s spine and nervous system? Fact: The nervous system controls every cell and organ (heart, lungs, brain, stomach) in your body. Equally surprising is the fact that 26% of children surveyed at school reported a history of back pain.

Have you watched your child play outside or with their friends? They run, jump, fall, roll, and tackle every day. Many adults that come to a chiropractor’s office show evidence of childhood injuries that can be the cause for their pain today. Do you think it is too early to teach your kids to take care of their teeth? When do you think it is a good time to have your child’s spine checked for serious signs of spinal imbalances or misalignments?

Fortunately, Chiropractic has had many positive results in children with common childhood problems. Problems like headache, scoliosis, asthma, colic, ear infections, asthma, and even some cases of behavioral problems respond well with chiropractic care. In fact, a recent study showed that children under chiropractic care suffered fewer ear infections than those whose parent took them to medical care alone.

Are chiropractic adjustments safe for children? Absolutely! Because a child’s skeletal system is still developing, only light pressure is needed to adjust a child’s spine. The few minutes you invest in your child’s spinal checkup may save them needless suffering now and in the future.

How can I tell if my child has spinal imbalances?

Just as it is important that you have your children’s teeth checked by a dentist, it is also important to have their spine checked regularly for proper development. Use the following list to check for spinal imbalances:

-Have your child bend over with arms dangling forward. When you run your hand over his or her spine, does it curve from side to side?

-Look at your child from the rear, does one shoulder blade stick out or appear to be higher than the other?

-When looking at your child from the rear, is one ear higher than the other?

-Does your child’s back appear to be humped or rounded?

-Do your child’s clothes fit properly; are hems and waistbands of skirts or pants even?

These “home evaluations” are just a few indicators why your child may need chiropractic care.

How about my infant?

You can also observe your baby to check for spinal imbalances:

-When your baby is lying on his back, does his head seem to tilt to one side?

-Does your baby prefer breastfeeding on one side?

-Does your baby arch her back when crying?

-Is your baby slow to develop adequate neck strength to hold his head up?

-An estimated 60-90 lbs. of force is used on an infant’s neck during “normal” delivery. Do you think this could cause damage to your child's spine and nervous system?

Excerpts taken from "Pathways to Wellness"

How To: Stress-Less!

This month, our "Half-Hour to Health" was on "Freedom From Stress" and we have the following tips to help you cope with stress naturally:

What causes stress to the body & why are we talking about it?

1) Environment- Pollution, weather, toxins from the genetically modified foods, chemicals in foods/products

2) Social- Finances, jobs, demands for your time and attention, loss of loved ones

3) Physiological- Aging, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep

4) Thoughts- Your brain interprets changes in your environment/body and determines when to turn on the “EMERGENCY” response. Your thoughts determine your reality! Change your thoughts change your world!

The great news is Chiropractic helps to switch off the stress response and allows relaxation to occur! As soon as the interference is gone the brain stops sending those emergency messages to your nervous system.  3 minutes after you shut off these signals the fight or flight response burns out.  All of these functions will return to normal levels.

We came up with THE BEST TECHNIQUE of managing stress!

BBreathing – Deep breathing kicks in the healing part of the Nervous System (parasympathetic)

The 5 second breathing technique – breathe in through the nose for five sec, hold for five sec, out through the mouth for five sec, hold the breath out for five and repeat process 2-3x.

E- Exercise – One of the simplest most effective stress reducers is exercise.  Studies show that exercise alone helps reduce stress – Goal: walk 20 minutes a day three to five days a week.

S-Sleep – Most Americans do not get enough sleep, compounding stress in the body – this means going to bed before 10 pm and stopping the use of all electronics before bedtime. One of the most common themes that we have seen with our practice members today is not getting good restful peaceful sleep.  Example – “The nothing box.”  Tips for improving sleep include: Dark rooms, as quiet as possible and eight or more hours when possible. 

T – Talk – Self talk is huge when it comes to stress.  Most people talk worse to themselves then they would ever let anyone talk to them.  Having the right kind of self-talk is important – we create our world by our words.  In every situation look for the positive that can come out of it and don’t jump to the conclusion that it is bad or negative. For example Car mechanic – Someone comes in after they had their brakes repaired and says that they still don’t work – The mechanic can jump to conclusions like they don’t like me or I am a bad mechanic and neither of those may be true. 

T- Time – All processes take time – small changes today result in large changes over time , Your problem is not your problem it is your attitude about your problem that’s the problem.  If there are stressors in your life identify them and do not sweep them under the rug because over time they can get worse if they are not addressed.  Once you have identified the stressor come up with several ways in order to deal with the issue.  Not having a plan is a plan to fail.

Action Steps: 1) Get Adjusted 2) Practice the BEST technique 3) Share this with as many people as possible so that everyone can have the freedom!

Here is our video recap, enjoy!

Dr. Bob's "ABC" Salad

Three of the foods Dr. Bob recommends that you eat each day include a half-red apple, one-third cup of beet fiber, and one medium carrot. In this recipe, Dr. Bob combines all three for an "ABC" salad that is perfect for a summer potluck. For more recipes from Dr. Bob, please go here, you'll be glad you did!

Farmer's Market Visits

Summer in Northeast Ohio is one of the best for local produce. Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in farmer's markets and Dr. Bob is with one of his favorite vendors, Al, who we have had a guest on our television program. Find out what's in season below and go here for farmer's markets available in the Cleveland region. 

Vitamin B: Facebook Live Recap

Last night was our monthly live event on Facebook, which vitamin B was our focus. If you have any further questions after watching the video, please email us at info@druglessdrs.com, so we can help you towards achieving optimal health.

TDD: Hormones

In this episode of The Drugless Doctor, we are discussing something important for each and every one of us: Hormones. Yes, in this program we are touching on both male and female hormones. If you have general health questions after watching this video, please email askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will have Dr. Bob answer it in a future #AskDrBob. 

If you would like to come and visit us after watching this video, please email info@druglessdrs.com and we will be able to assist you. Thanks for watching and make sure to pass this along to anyone you know can benefit.

Summer Recipes

We are excited to share with you some brand new recipes that Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen have personally prepared when they are at home. Please watch our "Half-Hour to Health" episode below that includes a special guest!

Dr. Anthony’s Sautéed Quinoa with Vegetables:

Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa, ½ cup chopped carrots, ½ cup chopped celery, 1 diced onion, 1 package chopped button mushrooms, ¼ tablespoon organic butter, ½ tablespoon olive oil, Celtic sea salt (you can add what you want to taste).

Recipe: In a pot bring 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups of water to a boil, once boiling let quinoa simmer for 15 minutes.  Put a frying pan on medium heat.  Add the butter and olive oil to the pan, add all the chopped veggies and let them sauté for 10-15 minutes.  Add the quinoa to the batch of vegetables and serve warm or place in the refrigerator to serve cold.

Apple and Onion Chicken Meatballs:

Ingredients: Two pounds of ground chicken, 1 diced apple, 1 diced onion, 1/3 cup buckwheat flour, 1 egg, Celtic Sea Salt (add what you would like to your taste).

Recipe:  Mix the ground chicken in a bowl with the apples, onions, buckwheat flour, egg, and salt. Once the meat has been thoroughly mixed make small circles in your hand with the meat.  Place on a baking sheet in the oven @350 degrees for 30 minutes.   Serve warm or double/triple the batch in order to freeze.

How to cook wild caught fish on the grill:

Ingredients: Wild caught organic fish of your choice, parchment paper, dill, and Celtic sea salt.

Recipe:  Heat up the grill to medium heat, somewhere between 300-400 degrees, place the parchment paper on the grill and place the fish on the paper skin side down. Apply dill and Celtic Sea Salt to the fish and close the grill. Keep an eye on the fish until the color changes all the way through, be careful not to over-cook the fish as it can become rubbery.

 Zucchini SURPRISE Salad with Turkey Bacon and Farm Fresh Kale:

Ingredients: 3 medium to large zucchini, 1 package of green kale, 1 package of turkey bacon, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, Celtic Sea Salt, cumin, and dill.

Recipe: Bring a frying pan to medium heat and add 1 package of turkey bacon.  Cook for 5 -10 minutes until done.  Chop the turkey bacon into smaller pieces.  Prep the kale by pulling the leaves off of the stalk and chopping the leaves up. Cut the zucchini up into smaller cubes. Mix the turkey bacon, kale, and zucchini into the original frying pan and sautéed together for 5- 10 minutes with olive oil.  Add cumin, dill, and a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt. Serve warm or place in refrigerator to serve cold.

Drugless Doctors Apple, Beet, and Carrot Salad:

Ingredients: 3 red apples, 1 beet, 6 medium carrots, Celtic Sea Salt, ½ cup walnuts or pecans, and ¼ cup rice wine vinegar.

Recipe: Shred 3 apples on the grater at the greatest setting, chop up 1 large beet into smaller cubes, cut carrots up into tiny circles or quarter circles.  Add all the cut up items to a bowl and lightly toss with the rice wine vinegar, add the salt and nuts in order to achieve a nice crunch.

Kickin’ Kohlrabi and Sautéed Onions:                 

Ingredients: 3 Kohlrabi, 2 onions,  ¼ cup organic butter, Celtic sea salt, and rosemary salt.

Recipe: Peel the outer covering of the kohlrabi, cut the kohlrabi up into small even pieces, dice the 2 onions.  Bring a frying pan up to medium heat and add the butter.  Place the kohlrabi and the onion in the pan to mix around.  Saute these two items together with Celtic Sea Salt and Rosemary salt. The kohlrabi is done when it is soft versus being tough.  Carmelization of the onions will help this dish to add a burst of flavor!