Kids and Chiropractic Care: We Can Help!

Kids and Chiropractic Care: We Can Help!

Both Dr. Casen and Dr. Anthony are ICPA-ceritified in pedicatric chiropractic, and have been able to help many children with various ailments - naturally!

In this new video, Dr. Casen shares about how we were able to help one of our young practice members when life may give us a little bump on the head.

If you have a little one(s) or are expecting, we would love to help *both of you, too!

Product Spotlight: MetabolicBiome Fuel

Product Spotlight: MetabolicBiome Fuel

Hello, Everyone!

Our March product spotlight is on Biotics Research’s MetabolicBiome Fuel. We have seen great success, as Dr. Anthony shares, with this product, including those who may have leaky gut syndrome, or those who are limiting their carbohydrates.

It is on special for March 2025 in our Westlake Wellness Store (only). We invite you to come in today to get yours. You may also consider our FIT Test (Food allergy testing) if you are keen to learn which foods you may have a sensitivity to.

Testimonial: Motion Sickness Gone + Pain Relief!

Testimonial: Motion Sickness Gone + Pain Relief!

Dr. Casen is joined by one of our practice members who has been with us now for four years.

She begins by sharing one of the primary reasons for visiting us, which was for pain relief - but continues the conversation on how she would be challenged with motion sickness, often on car rides.

Under our care, she has experienced pain relief, and then she shares her AHA moment when she realized that the motion sickness was no longer - how exciting! if you are looking for a new approach to health, we would love to help you.

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida with Dr. Bob (@DruglessDoctor) - you'll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Pain and Natural Migraine Relief!

Testimonial: Pain and Natural Migraine Relief!

Have you ever been in so much pain that you couldn't even walk?

For active individuals, this would definitely alter your way of living - which was Deb's case prior to her visiting our practice.

In addition to helping her resolve the pain she was experiencing, we also were able to dramatically reduce her migraines naturally.

Listen as she tells her story as well as Dr. Casen explains our process of care to each practice member’s body signals to create a personalized plan just for you.

Come and visit us today in Westlake, OH or Naples, FL - you'll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Pain-Free, Help with Pregnancy, No More Headaches

Testimonial: Pain-Free, Help with Pregnancy, No More Headaches

Hello, Everyone!

Dr. Casen is joined by one of our practice members who shares about their health journey after finding out about our office from social media.

Some of the benefits have included no more headaches, back pain relief, her children's health is better, including bed-wetting relief, and so much more.

Come and visit us today at our Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida practice to assist you in chiropractic, personalized nutrition, breast thermography, and peripheral neuropathy.

Testimonial: Full Body Relief with Chiropractic

Testimonial: Full Body Relief with Chiropractic

Dr. Casen shares this Q & A with one of our practice members who came into our office for a variety of health-related circumstances, and we are happy to report that not only is she feeling better, but she has brought in her children who are also seeing the benefits of chiropractic care.

We would love to help you and your family, too! Come and visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida.

Testimonial: Knee Pain Relief & Skin Improvement

Knee Pain Relief & Skin Improvement

Dr. Casen & Anita

Hello, Everyone! 

Today, Dr. Casen welcomes Anita, who has a fantastic testimonial to share with us. 

Some of the questions that Dr. Casen asks and Anita gives her candid responses include: 

- What first brought her in over twenty-five years ago, and then again seven years ago until today … 

- What was life like pre-The Drugless Doctors? 

- How has your knee pain improved since visiting The Drugless Doctors? 

- How would you describe your skin’s sensitivity to the sun prior to coming to visit us and then after using the nutritional support we personally recommended? 

We love being able to see real life change in the lives of our practice members, and we would love to do the same for you! 

Consider coming to visit us in Westlake, Ohio today for chiropractic, peripheral neuropathy, breast thermography, or personalized nutrition coaching.

Testimonial: Complete Health Restoration!

Testimonial: Complete Health Restoration!

Testimonial: Complete Health Transformation (CPAP, Hashimoto's & More)

We have a very special guest who works in the medical profession share their complete health transformation when they came to visit The Drugless Doctors. She gladly shares the symptoms she had and the benefits she has seen at our office in just a short amount of time.

In this video, referenced books include:

“Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”

“Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery” (click on each to purchase)

Visit both of our practices today in Westlake, Ohio and Naples, Florida - you’ll be glad you did!

Celebrating Ten Years in Westlake!

Celebrating Ten Years in Westlake!

Let’s Celebrate!

Hello Everyone!

This month we are celebrating ten years at our Westlake office, and it has flown by! We wanted to take this moment and say THANK YOU to everyone we have been able to help, as well as our practice members who continue to refer people in their world to visit us for chiropractic, breast thermography, and personalized nutrition.

As a continue THANK YOU, we are having a special 10% discount in our Wellness Store (Westlake practice only) from March 20-March 30. Come on in, grab some nutrition, and snap a photo with us - we know, you’ll be glad you did!

Product Updates & Book Recommendations

Product Updates & Book Recommendations

Hi Everyone!

We have three short videos for you this month about product rebrands, name changes, and book recommendations.

First, Dr. Anthony shares about a product rebrand, including updated packaging from Omega Nutrition.

He then continues to share about a name change with one of our popular products from Gaia Herbs.

Lastly, Dr. Casen is here with a book that she highly recommends for each of our practice members to read.

As always, we appreciate each and every one of you - have a great month, and come and visit us in Westlake or Naples, Florida with Dr. Bob!

World Mental Health Day: Tips from Dr. Bob DeMaria

World Mental Health Day: Tips from Dr. Bob DeMaria

October 10th is World Mental Health Day, and one of the best resources for a holistic approach is: "Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Mental Health." 

Since its release, this book has helped thousands of patients from all over the world, and in the video above, Dr. Bob shares some additional thoughts that are also paraphrased below, with links to additional resources. 

Excerpt from video: 

“I've been practicing since 1978 and I really have never seen as much anxiety and depression as what I am seeing right now. 

I was born in 1954, post-World War II. I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis. People actually came to my house to build a bomb shelter. Could you imagine right now people going around thinking about creating bomb shelters? And of course, I lived through the Vietnam War. I had a draft number. I could have got drafted and had to go to the Service. So I've had a lot of stress in my personal life. And I could go on with it, just as I'm sure many of you could tell me the stories that have gone on with you. 

But back in the 1970s and '80s, I started to learn about mental health. Hence, I wrote my first book, "Dr. Bob's Guide To Stop ADHD in 18 Days". I got a lot of flack from those 18 days, because everybody thought I was being really arrogant, that I could magically cure ADHD in 18 days. It wasn't about me, it was about physiology. 

That's what I've been so fortunate to learn this. I have a degree in human biology. I used to teach human dissection. So I've really put my hands literally, into the subject of human function. So in the late '70s and early '80s, I learned about oil. You need oil for your brain. It's called DHA. If you're depressed right now, it's possible you have a low amount of DHA. We actually have a blood test. See, I didn't have a blood test back in the 2000s to be able to do this. But today, you could literally go to a lab, we use Labcorp, and have your omega blood tests checked. 

If you have depression, I'm going to tell you right now, you don't have to throw the dice to figure out what you need. If your DHA is low, that's like having an engine that's pinging, because it does not have enough oil in it. If you're a female, postpartum depression is an oil issue. A lot of times people don't realize, but young boys and men need more oil than ladies do. It's DHA. So DHA, I talk about in the book the very first chapter. It is a long-chain fat for your brain.. That's number one. You have to have good oil for your brain. And, you know, a lot of you are going to fast food restaurants, and franchise restaurants and you're eating food that you know you really are not empowering your body to be healthy. So good oil, is number one. 

Many of you also have anxiety. For whatever reason, anxiety patients for us are very hard to satisfy, because they always have something going on a million miles an hour in their brain. Most of the time you need B vitamins. Do you cry easily? Do mosquitoes like you? Do you have noise sensitivity? Does your blood pressure drop from a sit to a stand position? You need B vitamins. We use a product from Biotics called Bio-B 100s and then we have a B complex. We have two of them. The Bio-B Complex is a little bit more potent than the Bio-B 100s. Some of you, just a B vitamin alone will make a difference. So let's transition. (Contact us for nutrition)

When your body starts making this long-chain fat called DHA, it has to have co-factors. Co-factors are zinc, B6, magnesium. If you're eating sugar, and you have large pores on your face and white spots on your nails, you need zinc. You can get zinc from pumpkin seeds. But zinc is an important factor for optimal brain fat function. So a lot of you are having depression and anxiety, because you're not feeding your body right. You need to feed your body right. And if you don't, I told you all those stresses that I had in my life and I can go on with more. I have no depression and no anxiety. Well, Dr. Bob, you're lucky. It's not luck. I woke up at 4:25 this morning, and rode my bike for 15 miles. And I was born in 1954, so you do the math to figure out how old I am. So you need to create plans. So zinc was another. You already talked about B vitamins. Some of you could have some anxiety, and depression and mental challenges, because you don't have enough vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is deficient in those of you who have chosen to be plant eaters or vegetarians. 

If you want to be a plant eater, vegetarian. I, you know, that's good. I empower you for that. But, you're going to need to get some B12 in your body. 

Here are some easy, just things to do right now, because I could go on for hours talking about this: 

- You want to be in bed by 10 o'clock at night. Those hours before midnight are important for your adrenal glands. You want to carve out time to exercise every day. When I started this whole exercise, I used to get up at a quarter to seven in the morning. I was not exercising. So you have to carve time out. 

- You want to drink more water. I know it sounds simple, but I was just talking to Dr. Casen today, and people who don't drink enough water, don't have enough energy. 

- You may consider adding a B vitamin. 

- You may consider doing the Omega Test. 

In this book I talk about emotions, and health and mental health. So I want you to know this. Anger is a liver issue. Bitterness is a gallbladder issue. Sadness can impact your lungs. The spleen, which is very important for your immune system, is anxiety and worry. 

Did you hear what I just said? The spleen, which is very important for your immune system, is anxiety and worry. The kidneys are fear. So what I want you to know right now, you can make some changes. Of course, if you're on any medication, I'm not here to take you off the medication. You may consider having a consultation. I'm here to help make a difference in your life. Today, is a mental health day. And I want you to feel more empowered that you can control your future. I'm Dr. Bob DeMaria.” 

Links to “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” 

Soft Cover 


Individual Chapters

Chiropractic Care and Newborn Children

Chiropractic Care and Newborn Children

Dr. Casen and Dr. Anthony DeMaria are ICPA-certified in pediatric chiropractic.

Hello Everyone, 

One of our favorite things to see in our practice are healthy growing kids, and if you're here in our Westlake location, you might see families and babies, and even as you're reading this, you might see strollers coming in and you might be thinking to yourself, "Why would a newborn baby come to see the chiropractor?" 

That's a great question! 

What's really amazing about our body is when you first were born, the birth process, that is 90 pounds of pressure on the brain and the spinal cord. So out of curiosity, how many of you, raise of hands, have ever run into a glass door before? Maybe you don't want to admit it, or maybe a screen or something that was so clean you didn't even know that it was there. Well, what I want you to think about is that impact of that child running full force into the door, it impacted his spine for the rest of his life. 

What's really amazing about that is as chiropractors, we evaluate spinal function to see if there's any of those misalignments that could have happened when you were a child of different postures, and the benefit of specific adjustments, it changes everything: Better school, better focus, maybe you will be getting along with your family members better, even choosing better choices like eating more vegetables, sleep, posture, it's all connected with the nervous system. 

So if you know someone that's younger and you watch them and they're playing sports and they have backpacks on, consider sharing our office with them, I know you'll be glad you did.

Celebrating 46 Years of Marriage!

Celebrating 46 Years of Marriage!

Hello Everybody! 

This is Dr. Bob and Debbie DeMaria, and guess what? We are celebrating 46 years of marriage. And we have a wonderful book we want to talk about. 

We wrote about our marriage life, in "Dr. Bob's Guide to a Healthy Marriage", and I picked it up the other day, and I opened it up and I said, "Wow, I need to take that tip and put that into practice even more." Dr. Bob, you have a tip for us?

I'm gonna give a tip to the men. Pursue your relationship with your mate just like you did the very first time that you met her. For example, Debbie and I, we went on a little staycation recently. I made lunch the other day, we had a wonderful time spending time together. So I've always wanted to pursue my wife with the same passion that I did 47, 48, 49 years ago. So men, that one's on you. What about your tip, Deb?

I feel communication. Not any person is right 100% of the time, so I think getting to know each other, bending, not always trying to be right, and then getting that common balance, the common ground that you can use to grow and build on. It's not worth being angry, and it's not worth just an explosion, you don't need explosion, what you need is love and patience, kindness, gentleness.

Part of our secret weapon is that we pray together. I like to see it every day, but it doesn't always work, because of my work schedule. I do everything I can to make Debbie's life easy, and I know that Debbie does everything that she can to help myself with my own routine. We exercise together, we go to church, we watch our church service together, we spend time with our friends and our family, and we just don't have a lot of clutter and peripherals in our life. We do everything we can to work on our mutual relationship. Do you have any other tip you wanna add, Deb?

I just wanna say, be in love. Your life is too short, just take advantage of the moments you have and make it the best.

You know what? One last thought, because we had someone who recently lost her husband. I work on hugging my wife every day. So here's the tip for today, hug your mate. This is Dr. Bob and Debbie DeMaria.

Get your copy of “Dr. Bob’s Guide to a Healthy Marriage” here.

Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Hello Everyone!

We want to talk to you about some unique physiology, especially what Dr. Bob learned back in the 1980s, that at certain times of the year, certain foods can cause pain.

For example, June is the strawberry month. You can have pain in your left neck because of strawberries; July is cherries, and August is peaches. And then, in September, some of you may have an issue with tomatoes or nightshades.

Let us back up a little bit. There's a gland in your body called the pancreas. The pancreas embryologically starts around your left neck and mid-back. Still, about 180 days in gestation, that means it moved to your abdomen when you were developing inside your mother's uterus. So your pancreas moves and gets its electrical information from up here.

That's important because I know a lot of you are reading this right now; most of our patients have left neck and mid-back pain when they come into the office.

Dr. Bob is holding in his hand a product called Intenzyme Forte. Now, Intenzyme Forte has two enzymes, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Those enzymes are secreted and created by the pancreas. If you eat sugar, your pancreas itself is going to be busy working with breaking everything down, including making insulin and not having enough resources to make trypsin and chymotrypsin. You're going to have pain then. The pancreas produces trypsin and chymotrypsin. The pancreas itself can get tired when you overeat sugar.

We learned over time with our patients that those of you who are eating certain kinds of foods also have pain. For example, grapes can cause your neck to hurt. Also, if you eat watermelon at any time during the year, or if you have pineapple, you can have left neck and mid back pain. We know so many of you like to eat fruit.

Want to learn something new? Grab your wrist. Can you touch a bone? When people do the squeeze the wrist test, there's fluid in their body. You have fluid because your body's in a state of inflammation, and your body's trying to minimize the inflammation. So with the Intenzyme Forte, you want to use it on an empty stomach for inflammation. When you wake up, you could take two or three Intenzyme Forte. You could take two or three at 10:30 and two or three at 3:30 in the afternoon.

If you injure your ankle or a part of your body, you could take five or six at a time. Now, the Intenzyme Forte can also be used as a digestive enzyme. You take that digestive enzyme when you're eating. You may also use it for activities when you're eating it with a meal. Why? Because if you injure yourself, those enzymes will help take care of the inflammation. Let's say you're playing sports, football, soccer, lacrosse, or any sport. You're a bicycle rider. You're a jogger. You're a runner. And if you have inflammation, pop two or three into your body after you're done with your experience. It'll accelerate the recovery time. But come back to the pancreas if you don't want to have pain, back off sugar. If you minimize your pain, eliminate fruit for a month. We promise you'll be glad you did.

Testimonial: Digestion Improvement and No More Headaches!

Testimonial: Digestion Improvement and No More Headaches!

Dr. Casen interviews Kailee, who shares that she had daily headaches for a year before coming to see us as well as indigestion. With regular chiropractic adjustments, as well as taking the FIT Test (food allergies), she no longer has headaches and her digestion has improved!

One thing Kailee shares that she never thought of coming to see a chiropractor as a "lifestyle" but she is now so glad that it's part of her life. We would love to be part of your life too if you find yourself with headaches, indigestion, or any other body signal that may be causing you to not live an optimal and healthy life.

Come and see us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida!

Testimonial: No More Waking Up at Night

Testimonial: No More Waking Up at Night

Dr. Casen interviews one of our young practice members who shares that they would wake up three times a night, but with chiropractic care, they can now sleep without any interruptions - how exciting!

If you have young children in your life and are looking for a new approach to optimal health, including chiropractic, both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are certified with the ICPA and are happy to assist. 

Contact us today at (440) 471-4200 to schedule your appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Tummy Ache Relief

Testimonial: Tummy Ache Relief

Hi Everyone!  

Today, Dr. Casen DeMaria has a special friend with her, who shares what it was like on their first visit and how we have been able to help their tummy aches naturally with chiropractic care and also changing their eating habits. 

If you have young children in your life and are looking for a new approach to optimal health, including chiropractic, both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are certified with the ICPA and are happy to assist. 

Contact us today at (440) 471-4200 to schedule your appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Vertigo Relief with Chiropractic

Testimonial: Vertigo Relief with Chiropractic

Dr. Bob DeMaria and Friend

Hi Everyone!

As you know, we love sharing the testimonials of those who have seen positive changes in their health, and today, Dr. Bob interviews someone who had vertigo for many years. She shares her experience prior to coming to visit us and how chiropractic from our practice has been a “Godsend.”

If this resonates with you or someone you know, please come and visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida. We’re here to make a difference in your life!

Healthy Skin and Hair: Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein


Do you want healthy skin and hair?

Today, we want to talk to you about something that happened to us a couple of years ago.

I was contacted via a brochure by our distributor that said they have something better than Botox.

And they said, "Dr. Bob, do you use Botox?" I've never used Botox, but it was about wrinkles and protein, so I thought, okay.

In one of the areas, I thought, you know what? It can't hurt, I'm closer to 70 than I am 60, and whatever I could put in my body, I'll try to buy something different. So Biotics created a product called Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein. They have vanilla, and they have chocolate. I prefer chocolate.

How do I use it, and what has it done for my body?

It's pretty simple. I have a Ninja bullet, and I put eight ounces of water in it, four ice cubes, and two scoops of the Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein. I blend it, put it in a thermos cup, and sip on it all day. So when I started using it, I didn't overthink it, but then I noticed my hair got thicker and more robust. I have a male pattern in the back of my head, but it has not accelerated, and I know that if you were to go to your search engine and look at some pictures of myself in the past, my hair would be thinner.

Since I started using this Hydrolyzed Collagen; my hair's thicker, my nails grow faster, and my skin is stronger. We've had individuals who have said that their eyebrows and eyelashes have grown back. You know, we all had to deal with CVD, and people weren't out; many people were not necessarily using makeup, and I had individuals who started putting mascara and makeup back on, and they noticed that their eyelashes were stronger.

The most significant to me is I have had individuals who've had joint pain go away, toe pain goes away, digestive distress go away. There's nothing magic about this. What they have done is this. Bovine is cow protein. It's not coming from egg or chicken embryos or chicken claws or plant-based, and if you want to use those kinds of products, you know, that is okay, but this is a bovine-based protein, and it's straightforward to use because I already mentioned it.

I don't like to drink it all at once because I don't want to have to bloat in my stomach. I take a sip at 10:30. I start, maybe a couple more drinks in the afternoon, but by the time I go to bed at night and tell you, it's made a massive difference in my muscle strength and integrity. What does your body do with protein? Protein is the building block for everything. It is like the mesh, so they put a mesh down first if you watched them lay concrete down. It is like the matrix of what your whole body uses. So we do blood chemistries here in the office, and when we look at the blood test, we look at something called globulin. Your globulin should be 2.7. Many times, we see people have a low or high globulin which means that they're not absorbing protein.

If you have some digestive distress, you could do the globulin test. Still, by using this protein, you're going to help the integrity of your immune system because your body uses globulin in these proteins to create warriors to help your body be strong.

Now I know a lot of you use a lot of different kinds of drinks, you make smoothies, you put all types of fruit and vegetables in them. This is pretty simple. It's water, and water and ice cubes. You blend it up, use it, and make a big difference. Take a before and after picture of your hair, and I know that your nails will be stronger and life's going to be good. So try it. I promise you. You'll be glad you did. - Blog written by Dr. Bob DeMaria

Contact us today to purchase Biotics Research’s Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein at (440) 471-4200

Stopping Spring Allergies Naturally

Stopping Spring Allergies Naturally

It's that time of year again. It's not the wintertime; it's not the fall. It's springtime.

We always have more issues when our practice members have allergy challenges in the spring than in the fall. I think the fall is because of the leaves and the mold in the air coming from the trees, dropping the leaves, and breaking down. But in the springtime, I know all of you when you ever look at your car; sometimes at the end of April or early May, there's like dust on it, that's pollen.

So we have a couple of products that we want to talk about, but I want you to know something, I breathe the same air you breathe, and I don't have airborne allergies. And part of the reason is that I'm very aware of what I put in my body. I do not eat sugar. Sugar compromises the immune system because it takes out cofactor minerals, and sugar places a demand on your white blood count and lymphatic system.

If you're having chronic health issues, you may consider doing the FIT Test. We've had people with chronic digestive, colon function, and breathing challenges because of food sensitivity.

We pride ourselves on teaching you what to avoid regarding our nutritional supplement approach, so maybe next season, you won't have allergies. Does that make sense? The first product is called the antihistamine factor, AHF. It's a proprietary blend of nutrients designed by Zorax Research Company. Histamine is processed in your intestine and is also involved with liver function. When histamine is released, like you know when you have a runny nose, probably the worst thing to take is an antihistamine. Because an antihistamine is tricking your body, that's an important point; it's tricking your body. The antihistamine factor helps your digestive system process histamine. The liver is an integral part of the whole histamine process.

Another suggestion with the Zorex manual is if somebody has a congested or compromised liver and or if you've had your gallbladder out, you may consider taking GB Complete, a sister product of this.

You say, "Dr. Bob, why do I have to take the product?" Because your liver has to do its job - processing the histamine. You see, you have a runny nose in sniffles because your body is creating fluid to dilute the toxin in your body. So taking an antihistamine from an over-the-counter is not getting to the root cause; it's complicating it because your liver has to process the antihistamine. So AHF is changing the physiological response in your body. It's much easier not to eat sugar, dairy, cookies, wheat, or peanut butter.

The HistoPlex-AB or airborne is another proprietary blend. It's a nutrient, and we've had great success with both. This is digestion; this is probably a more symptomatic way to approach it. So think of this as a natural over-the-counter antihistamine. And it works very, very well. And I'm not going to tell you not to use it, but over time, you say, "Dr. Bob, which one of these would you use if you were me?" When you did your report, if we told you had a large liver, you may want to do this. If you have digestive distress, you might want to use this. Why? Because it's digestion. If you have a sniffle here or there and don't have any digestive distress, try the HistoPlex-AB. You could try either one of these, and you could do both simultaneously.

If whomever you are watching me with right now has your gallbladder out, you might want to do AHF and GB Complete. So this is a big puzzle. And we have been fortunate in this office that we think. There's a blood test called the Opti-Cardio Plus or the Opti-Chem. If you are bilirubin, don't you wonder when they come up with these names, your bilirubin. If your bilirubin is elevated, what does that mean? Let's say its range goes from zero to 1.2. You have a gallbladder or liver issue if you're hanging in or about 0.9 or 0.8 or 1.0. The liver is the key, and I don't want to be redundant, but allergies are also digestive issues. Call us today at 440-471-4200 to order the products listed. - Blog is written by Dr. Bob DeMaria