The Health Benefits of Vitamin D
/Dr. Casen, The Sun, Dr. Anthony
The Health Benefits of Vitamin D
Hi Everyone!
For this month’s video, Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are sharing about the health benefits of vitamin D. Let’s begin!
Vitamin D Facts:
- Vitamin D deficiency affects 41% of people in the USA!
- It is a fat soluble vitamin – ADEK – other fat soluble vitamins absorb well together.
- Hard to obtain the correct amount of vitamin D from food.
- Necessary for correct bone health and a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
- Has anti-cancer properties by helping the body with a function called apoptosis
- Helps to boost the immune system – can be effective against the flu.
- One study reported 96% of people who had a heart attack had low levels of vitamin D.
- Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked with decreased life span.
Documented Health Benefits
Reduced risk of osteoporosis, better physical strength, reduced risk of cancer, decrease in clinical depression, longer-life span, decreased chance of type 1 diabetes, cognitive improvement, and osteoporosis.
Bio- D Mulsion Forte – source of D3
1. Micro-emulsified for easy absorption rate
2. One Drop is 2000 IU – the current RDA is 400 but studies show the daily requirement is closer to 4000 IU or two drops on tongue.
3. Cost effective – 2 drops daily is equivalent to about $1.50 a month.
Who should take it?
1. Kids – 400-2000 IU daily (1 drop on tongue)
2. Adults – 2000-4000 IU daily (2 drops on tongue)
3. Pregnant Moms – 4000 IU daily
4. Elderly – 2000-4000 IU daily
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