Freedom From Stress

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you for joining us for our monthly Half-Hour to Health (H2H). We want you to enjoy freedom from stress, and as much as we are aware that life that throw us curve balls, there are steps that we can take to remove unnecessary stress from our life. Take the quiz below and watch our recap, too!

Take the quiz!

1. Do you feel like you are not yourself?

2. Do you feel overwhelmed?

3. Do you feel unable to cope with the workload that you used to be able to handle?

4. Do you often feel anxious, angry, irritable,  or tense?

5. Do you get headaches or stiffness/tension in your muscles, jaw, or back?

6. Do you feel unable to concentrate or remember things well?

7. Do you frequently experience an upset stomach, skin rashes, racing heartbeat, or sweaty palms?

8. Are you more tired or do you have a lower energy level than usual?

9. Do you lack interest in things that used to interest you?

10. Do you have trouble sleeping?

11. Are you using alcohol or drugs to escape problems?

If you answered yes to more than one of these questions you may be exhibiting signs of stress overload.  When you are overloaded with stress your bodies nervous system cannot express your fullest potential. Stress decreases the bodies ability to heal as it was intended! 

What causes stress to the body & why are we talking about it?


1. Environment-pollution, weather, toxins from the genetically modified foods, chemicals in foods/products.

2. Social- finances, jobs, demands for your time and attention, loss of loved ones…

3. Physiological- aging, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep…

4. Thoughts- your brain interprets changes in your environment/body and determines when to turn on the “EMERGENCY” response.  Your thoughts determine your reality! Change your thoughts change your world!

 Action Steps:

1. Use Celtic Sea Salt as a source of minerals- B,L,D  1/4tsp in 20 oz water.

2. Minimize and eliminate sugar that depletes body of minerals (journal)

3. Evaluate stressors in your life and develop a plan to manage them better

4. Chiropractic care reduces the stress response to the body! 50 % brain function

5.  Stress Relievers: exercise, prayer, yoga, healthy eating, planning, and more.

July in office specials-

ADB5 is 10% off. A great product to help with stress management, fatigue. Take two at 8am, and two at noon!

Nutritional Microscopy is $50 (normally $75). This helps the doctors evaluate: digestion, gut health, skin health. 

Breast Thermography is back – July 30th, Aug 2nd, Aug 6th – space is very limited.

Next H2H – Weds. Aug 7th at Noon and Thurs. Aug 8th at 6 PM on FOOD ALLERGIES! 

Have a great month!