🌞 Vitamin D & You! 🌞
/Dr. Anthony & Dr. Casen DeMaria
The Benefits of Vitamin D
Hi Everyone!
Thank you to those who came to join us at our office for our monthly H2H. As the sun sadly begins to shorten its stay with us, it’s important to know that one of its benefits, vitamin D, is actually important for optimal health.
Vitamin D Facts
1. Vitamin D deficiency affects 41% of people in the USA!
2. It is a fat soluble vitamin – ADEK – other fat soluble vitamins absorb well together.
3. Hard to obtain the correct amount of vitamin D from food – fatty fish and eggs.
4. Necessary for correct bone health and a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
5. Has anti-cancer properties by helping the body with a function called apoptosis
6. Helps to boost your immune system – effective against the flu.
7. One study reported 96% of people who had a heart attack had low vitamin D.
8. Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked with decreased life span.
Documented Health Benefits
Reduced risk of osteoporosis, better physical strength, reduced risk of cancer, decrease in clinical depression, longer life span, decreased chance of type 1 diabetes, cognitive improvement, and osteoporosis.
Bio- D Mulsion Forte – source of D3
1. Micro-emulsified for easy absorption rate
2. One Drop is 2000 IU – the current RDA is 400 but studies show the daily requirement is closer to 4000 IU or place two drops on your tongue.
3. One study showed one drop daily with kids increases deficient kid’s Vitamin D levels 202% in 6 weeks.
4. Cost effective – 2 drops daily is equivalent to about $1.50 a month.
Who should take it?
1. Kids – 400-2000 IU daily (1 drop on tongue)
2. Adults – 2000-4000 IU daily (2 drops on tongue)
3. Pregnant Moms – 4000 IU daily
4. Elderly – 2000-4000 IU daily
Upcoming Events
1. Breast Thermography - Oct 29, Nov 1, and Nov 5 – space is very limited.
2. Faster Results Workshop – Oct 10th at 6 pm
1. Bio D Mulsion Forte - 15% off (In-Office Only)
2. Test your levels of Vitamin D – Normally $65, All October $55 ($10 savings)
Next H2H
Flu Prevention- Wed Nov. 6th @ noon and Thurs. Nov. 7th @ 6PM
Stream all H2H videos and other videos online FB: @druglessdrs.