Menopause & Andropause | Facebook Live

Our April #HealthyMarriage topic was on menopause and andropause. Before the Facebook Live, Dr. Bob gave us this diagram below, which can be found in the "Pressing Pause" chapter in "Dr. Bob's Guide to a Healthy Marriage."

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Optimal Breast Health with The Drugless Doctors

Hi Everyone!

Every day, we are witnessing the need from our female practice members to achieve optimal breast health. This is why we had a special talk at our Westlake practice on how to create a strategy, including breast thermography. Below is the video recap of the event - please feel free to share it with anyone who you know can benefit.

Also, breast thermography will be returning in a few weeks (May 4th and May 8th) Please email to schedule your appointment, since time slots are limited.

Optimal Liver Health | Facebook Live Review

Hi Everyone!

One of the most common body organs will help on a daily basis is the liver, whether it be a fatty liver, or congested from years of eating poorly. In this month's Facebook Live, Dr. Bob shares how to help keep your liver performing optimally, including the best foods you can eat. Enjoy!

The Drugless Approach to Anxiety and Depression

Hi Everyone!

Our March "Half-Hour to Health" was on a subject in which we have helped many of our practice members overcome with chiropractic and nutrition: Anxiety & Depression.

Below are our notes and the video with Dr. Bob. Please pass this on to anyone who you know can benefit!

The Drugless Approach to Anxiety and Depression

Why are we as Chiropractors talking about mental health?  

Brain & Nervous System – Current research is showing that chiropractic care alone can increase brain function by 20-50%!

How does someone’s mental health impact their body and current state of health?  

Humans are the only animals who regularly experience a stress response without an actual stressor present.

- How many adults have depression? Estimated that over 3 million American adults have depression

- How many adults have anxiety? Over 40 million adults over 18 have anxiety.

- Research shows 1 out of 7 U.S. children aged 2 to 8 years had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder (MBDD), from CDC.


1. Studies have repeatedly shown antidepressants work no better than placebo for mild to moderate depression, yet carry a significant risk of side effects.

2. Depression is likely the result of multiple environmental and biological factors, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, nutrition, medications and medical problems, among others.


- What is it? Fear or nervousness of what might happen. Fear of the unknown?

- Body Signals: signs of apprehension, restlessness, upset stomach, shortness of breath, fatigue, insomnia, increase heart rate, sweating, and many others.

Best ways to combat anxiety and depression (NATURALLY):

A. Chiropractic

B. Omega 3 – (Optimal EFA, Bio-Omega 3, Flax Oil)

C. Magnesium

D. B Vitamins

E. Exercise

F. Clean Eating – vegetables, proteins, good fats

G. Gut Health

Upcoming Westlake Events:

April Half Hour to Health: How to improve your breathing and allergies naturally!

Weds. April 4th at NOON and Thurs. APRIL 5th at 6 PM – No registration required!

Monday April 16th @ 6PM- Create a breast health strategy!  Come learn more about a different approach to breast health and the innovative technology of Breast Thermography.

Help us reach our community!  Who do you know that would benefit from this information?  Do you have a business that would be interested in having us speak?  Contact us, to schedule us for your next event.

Optimal Adrenal Health - Facebook Live Recap

Hi Everyone!

We always love connecting with our global audience on Facebook. Our February focus was on adrenal health, specifically the information from "Dr. Bob's Guide to a Healthy Marriage." In the video recap, Dr. Casen and I share the importance of taking care of your adrenals, stress and the adrenal gland, and a lot more.

We're also excited for our March 2018 H2H, which is going to be March 7 at noon, and March 8 at 6p at our Westlake practice on the topics of anxiety and depression. Our hope with this class is to help anyone who is looking to reverse these conditions with safe and natural alternatives. We hope to see you there!

February "Half-Hour to Health" | Prevent Cancer

Hi Everyone!

This month, our H2H was on the steps you can take to prevent cancer. Many of us have had someone who has been, or even ourselves, affected by some cancer, but did you know that there are preventable steps that you can take? Here is our outline from the talk - please listen to the audio recording below, and share with the people in your world who you know can benefit!

How to Prevent Cancer

- A hundred years ago, one in 80 Americans were diagnosed with cancer. Currently, WHO (World Health Organization) estimates 1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will get diagnosed with cancer.

- Journal of Nature January 2016- 90% of all cancer related to environment and lifestyle choices.

- The average cost of any cancer treatment in the traditional model is 50k per episode.

Top Prevention Strategies

Food – Minimize carbs, sugar, and dairy – these sugars can cause the body to be a breeding ground for cancer.

Eat Organic & Non-GMO – Herbicides and pesticides compromise how your body heals.

Stay Thin – Being overweight is a significant risk factor in leading towards developing cancer/estrogen.

Supplement with Vitamin D – Supports apoptosis – the study shows one year of supplementing with vitamin D can reduce all cancer by 77%. It works by also pulling Ca++ from the intestine/glues membranes together

Minimize Toxic Exposure – This can be from an occupation or through chemicals utilized in the home.

Healthy Liver Function – Detox, castor oil pack, Livotrit, milk thistle, minimize alcohol and sugar consumption. You want to have a daily bowel movement—not every other day or so.

Happy Immune System – Having a healthy immune system will help to fight cancer. No sugar.

A. Chiropractic  B. Agrisept C. Vitamin D

Good Lymphatic System – Helps the immune system and is like the sanitation workers of the body

A. Rebound on a ball  B. Lymph Detox C. IAG D. Lymph massage

Apply one to two drops of liquid Iodine to the breasts daily. Men take 12 mg of iodine daily.

A. The urine iodine loading test is an excellent tool as is a Thyroid Profile.

Drink water - Hydrated red blood cells have more surface area and carry more oxygen

Optimal Spinal function correlates to Optimal Nervous System function; be the healthiest on earth!

The best way to beat cancer is by being healthy and staying healthy!

A great way to have a cancer check is breast thermography.

Next Breast Thermography Session: May 1st or May 4th - info@druglessdrs to schedule.

Next H2H: March 7th at Noon and March 8th at 6p



January "Half-Hour to Health" | Weight Loss & Detoxification

Hi Everyone!

We are beginning 2018 with our annual #DruglessDetox, and that was the topic for our monthly "Half-Hour to Health." There are also plenty of opportunities to join us in the Cleveland community this month, go here to visit all of our events.

To view the notes of this talk, please scroll down and send any of your questions to which will be answered in an upcoming video.

Top Five Keys to Weight Loss

Food – makes all the difference. If you don’t put the right fuel in your body, you don’t get the correct outcome.

- The top foods to avoid: sugar (or things that turn to sugar in your body), dairy, and grains.  Inflammation.

Become Calorie Conscious - It is not necessary to count each calorie but to cut out additional “fru fru” calories.

Make Exercise Fun – Doing some exercise for 20-60 minutes every day is vital for weight loss.

Breakfast is the Essential Meal – Start your day with protein.

Discipline – Stay away from things that you know don’t promote health in your body.

Top Five Keys to Detoxification

Detox Starts with the Liver – The liver is the critical organ for detoxification. Signs of the liver being compromised: enlarged liver on x-ray, skin challenges, age spots, bronzing on the cheeks, dark circles under eyes, cry easy, bad body odor, fatigue, brain fog, prostate or hormonal challenges.

Environmental Toxins – Our environment is very toxic, air is polluted,  food sources have preservatives and are sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, household cleaning products, chlorine, and fluorine.  A recent study in The Journal Nature has 90% of cancers are caused by DIET and ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS.

Stay Away From Fruit/Fructose – It is the hardest sugar for the liver to get rid of.

Remove Excess Estrogen in the Body – Increased estrogen in men and women will lead to health challenges and cancer.

Water - Water helps our bodies eliminate toxins. (Half your body weight in ounces of water is the goal.)

What is the Drugless Detox?  

This is a program that was designed to help clean up liver and digestive tract function.  It is composed of three products.  Bio Detox packs – this is a group of 10 products designed to clean up liver function.  Nutriclear is a very useful way to help clean up the liver and promote healing in the digestive tract. Pea Protein or Pumpkin Protein allows the building blocks for new growth in the body.  This is a program that is designed to be done in 10 days (3 detox packs a day) or 30 days (1 pack a day).  We have had members continue this on for 1-3 months because of how terrific they felt!

Detox Program

Bio-Detoxification is designed to reduce your body’s load of toxic substances, which may be present from either external sources (drugs, chemicals, alcohol) or your own physiological activities (bacterial toxins, intestinal toxins, metabolic byproducts). By following this program, you will eliminate many foods and metabolic toxins for allergens, and achieve more “healthy” function and vitality.


Increase immune function, increase liver function which is essential for weight loss and hormonal function, improved mental cognition, improved energy, improved digestion, decreased joint and body pain.

What should I eat during the ten-day detoxification program?

Focus on proteins and vegetables and work on eliminating fruits, grains, gluten, and sugar.  Make sure to drink plenty of water during your detoxification process.

Q. Should I expect any side effects?

A. Individual response to cleansing programs is highly variable due to personal differences in biochemical makeup, stress levels, toxin build-up, and medical histories. Individuals sometimes experience headaches, joint pain, mood swings, constipation or other side effects. These side effects are commonly associated with cleansing programs and usually, dissipate within a week to 10 days. Notify your healthcare professional if you develop any adverse symptoms, or encounter discomfort while using this product.

Important Factors to Consider

1. Water – Drinking the proper amount of water helps our body get rid of the toxins that the body is working on excreting.  A good benchmark is to consume half of our body weight in ounces of water every day

2. Eat Right – It is essential to consume foods that allow our body to detoxify correctly which means focusing on vegetables and proteins and decreasing fruits, sugar, and gluten.

3. Rest – Especially when going through a period of detoxification it is vital for our bodies to get at the very minimum 8 hours of sleep at night so our body can process the toxins it is eliminating

4. Decrease exposure to environmental, industrial, and household chemicals.  These chemicals get stored in our body and have many harmful effects on the body and nervous system.

5. Exercise- movement is life.  Have a pattern of everyday exercise for yourself- this will promote elimination of toxins.

Our Next Breast Thermography date in office Tuesday, Jan 30th in the AM And Friday, February 2nd.

Space is very limited – get scheduled with our team today.

#PreventSurgery Facebook Live Recap | Men's Health

Hi Everyone!

In our final #PreventSurgery Facebook live of the year (we have a special one next month), Dr. Bob shared current trends he is observing in men's health in regards to cholesterol, heart health, and weight loss.

Lastly, in 2018 we will be updating and we would love your feedback on anything that you would want us to include. You can email with "New Website" in the subject line.

Have a Merry Christmas and we'll see you December 20th for our final live event of 2017!

November "Half-Hour to Health" | Simple Recipes

Hi Everyone!

Have you ever heard of a "fat bomb"? That's just one of our new simple recipes that Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen share in this month's "Half-Hour to Health." Others include colder weather meals and holiday sides that will please your family and friends!

Fat Bombs

A. Ingredients: 2 jars of almond butter, 1 bar of Kerrygold butter, 8 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp Celtic Sea Salt, optional: walnuts, cinnamon, almonds, pecans

B. Action Steps: put all of the ingredients in a pot on low to medium heat, continuously mix together until the mixture is all the same. Pour the contents of the pot into pan with a parchment sheet on the bottom of it.  Place in the freezer for 2 hours.  Take out of the freezer and cut into tiny squares of about ½ inch by ½ inch.

Place the squares in containers in the freezer.  Enjoy as a snack.


A. Ingredients: 2 cans organic chickpeas, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp water, 1 tsp organic tahini, ½ tsp Celtic Sea Salt optional: garlic, beet juice, shallots, roasted red peppers, black beans

B. Action steps: put all of the ingredients into a food processor, depending on how you like your hummus for thicker hummus don’t keep the machine on as long, for very creamy hummus make sure to use on higher for a longer period of time.

Turkey (Or Chicken) Curry

A. Ingredients: 2 pounds ground chicken or turkey, 2 can organic coconut milk, 3 diced large carrots, 2 chopped onions, 1 can chickpeas, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 tbsp organic curry powder, 1 tbsp Celtic Sea Salt

B. Action Steps: Add all ingredients into a crock pot, place on low heat for 8 hours. Possible that a small amount of buckwheat or gluten-free flour would be needed for thickening.

Vegetable Pot Roast

A. Ingredients: 1 roast (3-4 pounds), 2 chopped onions, 1 container chopped organic mushrooms, 1 cup chopped celery, 1 cup chopped carrots, ½ tbsp Celtic Sea Salt, ½ tbsp ground pepper, 2 cups chicken broth

B. Action steps: add all ingredients into a crock pot, place on low heat for 8 hours, add more Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Simple Butternut Squash Soup                 

A. Ingredients: 2 tbsp organic butter, 1 stalk chopped celery, 2 chopped medium carrots, 1 small chopped onion, 1 butternut squash that’s been peeled, cored, and cubed, 1 container organic chicken stock, ½ tbsp Celtic Sea Salt, ½ tbsp ground black pepper, optional – ½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans, and ¼ cup chopped chives.

B. Action steps: Saute lightly the celery, onions carrots, and squash until lightly browned, add the container of chicken stock and salt and pepper with sautéed veggies into a blender or a food processor.  Once everything is uniform, add to pot and cook on low heat for 20 minutes.  Garnish with chopped nuts or chives.

Best Scrambled Eggs Ever

A. Ingredients: 5 eggs, 2 tbsp organic butter

B. Action steps:  Place 5 cracked eggs in a sauté pan with 2 individual tbsp of butter. Place the heat on high and start mixing the eggs and the butter together. After 30 seconds take off of the heat for 15 seconds but continue to mix the eggs with a spatula. Continue this 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off of the heat with continual mixing until the eggs start to solidify.  Do not overcook the eggs. Garnish with Celtic Sea Salt and chopped chives if desired.

Avocado Ice Cream Pudding

A. Ingredients: 4 avocados, 1 can organic coconut milk, 1/3 cup brown rice syrup or ½ tsp stevia, optional: walnuts or pistachios

B. Action steps: peel and pit the avocados, add the avocado and the coconut milk in a food processor with your sweetener. Place in the freezer to chill for an hour. Garnish with crushed nuts.

Simple Crock Pot Chili

A. Ingredients: 2 pounds organic meat of choice (turkey, chicken, beef, or lamb), 2 cans organic tomato paste, 2 cans organic fire roasted tomatoes, 1 can kidney beans, 1 can of corn or fresh corn, 1 chopped onion, 6 tablespoons chilli powder, 1 ½ tbsp. Celtic Sea Salt – optional: chopped mushrooms, chopped broccoli

B. Action steps: put all ingredients in a crock pot and let it cook to yummy goodness for at least 8 hours.

“To Die For” Kale Salad

A. Ingredients:1 bushel of kale, 1 cup grated Romano cheese, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp avocado oil mayonnaise, 2 tbsp stadium mustard, optional horseradish.

B. Action Steps: Pull the leaves of kale off of the stalks, chop into smaller pieces of kale typically the size of a quarter, mix wet together and add on top of the kale with the grated cheese. Combine together with your hands.

The Best Holiday Green Bean Side Dish!

A. Ingredients: 1 package green beans, 1 chopped onion, 10 chopped mushrooms, 2 tbsp olive oil, ½ tbsp. Celtic Sea Salt, ½ tbsp. ground pepper, ½ tsp paprika, ½ tsp cumin.

B. Action Steps: Combine the green beans with the onions and mushrooms, add the olive oil and mix together with your hands until the veggies are coated with olive oil, add dry spices and mix together by hand, place in a pan in the oven and bake at 350 F for 30 mins.  –  optional a small amount of grated romano cheese on top

Our Next H2H: Staying Healthy Through the Holidays: Dec 6th at noon and Dec 7th at 6pm

AGRISEPT is on special all month - 15% off

Breast Thermography is next Friday Nov 10th – Space is very limited – see our team for more details.

#PreventSurgery Facebook Live Recap | Women's Health

Hi Everyone!

For this month's #PreventSurgery Facebook Live, Dr. Bob shared about one of his great passions: natural women's health. In this recap, he shares about key chapters from his "Guide to Prevent Surgery," including fibroids and ovary removal and ways to keep both in top form. We recommend watching all the way to the end - trust us, you'll be glad you did!

To join Dr. Bob in reading his new YouVersion devotional, which is a starting point for the upcoming "Dr. Bob's Guide To A Healthy Marriage," go here. Enjoy!

The Drugless Doctors | In Our Community - October 23, 2017

Hi Everyone!

It's important to have fun, it makes life more enjoyable, and this past week, we had plenty of fun opportunities to connect with new friends, including at AmTrust Financial and The Cleveland Clinic, and reconnecting with colleagues on behalf of our alma-mater, Life University at the OSCA Convention.

If you would like to have us speak on behalf of your organization, either for a "Lunch & Learn" or exhibit at a health fair, please email We can't wait to help!

AmTrust Financial Health Fair

Dr. A, Dr. C, & Jenny from The Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Bob at Kunjani Coffee Gallery with Omni Balanced

Dr. A & Dr. C at the OSCA Convention for Life University

The Drugless Doctors | In Our Community - October 9-15

Hi Everyone!

This past week allowed us the opportunity to connect and share about health with some great people across a wide range of sectors including manufacturing, education, yoga, financial planning, and even having fun with some superheroes. There's still time to register for our November 10th Breast Thermography Day, and if you or someone you know is in the Naples, Florida region, have them head over to Kunjani Coffee this Saturday at 11:30a for a Women's Health Celebration with Dr. Bob. Go here for more.

Westlake Fall Festival

Dr. Casen with Mayor Dennis Clough

Equity Trust Health Fair

Fairview Park & Friends

If you would like us to come and speak on behalf of your organization (Lunch & Learn, Health Fair, etc.), please email We look forward to helping your team become as healthy as they can be!

The Drugless Doctors | In Our Community - Week of October 2nd

Hi Everyone!

We are having a great time this month connecting with old and new friends. This past week we held a talk on the importance of going GMO-free for your health. You can watch more in this video from Dr. Bob. We also stopped by school and talked with teachers at the Olmsted Falls Health Fair - we love teachers and believe that a healthy teacher makes for healthy students! Lastly, Dr. Casen struck a pose with 3 Sisters Yoga talking about breast health. .

Lastly, we are always looking to spread the word about healthy living, and if you are a business owner, or someone who wants us to speak at your organization’s “Lunch & Learns,” please email Dr. Casen at

Olmsted Falls - Teacher Health Fair

Dr. A, Kayla, Dr. C at TownHall - Discussing GMO's

Dr. A Sharing About The Importance of Eating Non-GMO Food

Dr. C at 3 Sisters Yoga

#PreventSurgery Facebook Live Recap | Sleep Apnea

Hi Everyone!

Dr. Bob's September #PreventSurgery focus has been on sleep apnea and the steps you can take to help sleep soundly through the night. Below is the video recap, and if you're in the Northeast Ohio region, please join us October 4th at noon and October 5th at 6p at our Westlake location for our "Half-Hour to Health on Women's Health.

What Is Breast Thermography?

We are so happy to offer breast thermography to our female practice members. In a recent blog, we shared our most recent episode on breast health and today we are going to look at strategies for healthy breasts, including thermography, and if it is something for you to consider having.

The Drugless Doctor’s Strategy for Healthy Breasts!

Why does this matter to you?

American Cancer Society 2017 stats- 1/8 women will develop breast cancer in their life time, 85% of them with no risk factors, a woman’s risk DOUBLES if they have a first degree relative (sister, mother, grandmother).

1/3 women treated will be treated unnecessarily with mammograms- false positives, unnecessary procedures.

Why? 3rd leading cause of death in America today is MEDICAL ERROR (John Hopkins study 2016).

healthybreasts .jpg

How our body works together- Liver & Lymphatic System

Cancer is caused by changes in a cell's DNA – its genetic "blueprint." Some of these changes may be inherited from our parents, while others may be caused by outside exposures, which are often referred to as environmental factors. Environmental factors can include a wide range of exposures, such as:

1. Lifestyle factors (nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity, etc.)

2. Naturally occurring exposures (ultraviolet light, radon gas, infectious agents, etc.)

3. Medical treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, immune system-suppressing drugs, etc.)

4. Workplace exposures (chemicals, solvents, sprays, cleansers, vapors, air quality)

5. Household exposures (herbicides, pesticides, paint vapors, gasoline other chemicals)

6. Pollution (xenohormones or estrogens in water, herbicides, pesticides; also toxic air)                                          

Action Steps

Focus on green vegetables (decrease estrogen in your body).

Breast Thermography & Self-breast examination

Avoid soy, soda, liver stressing meds and canned food; eat organic foods.

Get another set of eyes on what is going on in your body

Share this outline with a woman you LOVE!

Breast Thermography

Thermography v. Mammography Comparison

The cost is $250 for the session and space is limited. To reserve your spot and for more information, please contact us at (440) 471-4200. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal breast health!

Office Location:

The Drugless Doctors

2001 Crocker Rd.

Ste. 100

Westlake, OH 44145

Do you have a group, school, or business that is looking for a speaker for their event? Please call our office at 440-471-4200 to schedule or email me at We do “Lunch & Learns,” workshops, health fairs, and can also tailor the talk to your meet your organization’s needs.

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery - Lymph & Spinal Surgery

Hi Everyone!

During the month of August, Dr. Bob's #PreventSurgery focuses have been on tonsil health, including proper lymph maintenance, alongside how you can prevent spinal surgery. Below is his Facebook live event that you can share with your friends who you know will benefit.

If you are in Florida, Dr. Bob will be returning throughout the fall - so make sure to visit our Florida calendar to schedule your appointments.

"What's Cooking?" With Dr. Bob | Roasted Vegetables

Hi Everyone!

Each week, Dr. Bob and Debbie prepare their meals on Sunday. In this video, Dr. Bob shows us one way they do this. Others include baking beets, and salad prep. Do you prepare your meals for the week ahead? Let us know!

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery with Dr. Casen

This month, Dr. Bob was joined by Dr. Casen for his monthly Facebook Live. In this recap, they discuss C-sections, which Dr. Casen shares her knowledge in regards to pediatric chiropractic. Part two includes a look at how to keep your skin happy and healthy. Join Dr. Casen and Dr. Anthony next Wednesday/Thursday at their Westlake practice for their H2H on sugar!

"What's Cooking?" With Dr. Bob

Hi Everyone!

Summer is a great time to highlight the produce that is fresh from the farm (or supermarket), and Dr. Bob is in his kitchen making a meal with his findings. What are your favorite vegetables to cook during the summer? Let us know!

Join Dr. Bob For A Healthy Lunch!

Do you ever wonder what we (The Drugless Doctors' team) eat for lunch? Last week, Dr. Bob opened up his kitchen to show what makes up his second meal of the day. If you are looking for his beets recipe, you can find it here. We look forward to sharing more of these food-based videos with you, Email for your video ideas and what else you would like to see. Thanks for watching!