#NoMeds: Weight Loss & Energy Improvement!

Dr. Bob, Sylvia, Dr. Casen

Dr. Bob, Sylvia, Dr. Casen

Do you want more energy and weight loss? One of our practice members, Sylvia, did and she decided to try chiropractic and drugless care. Since she has started, her energy has improved, lost weight and can now play with her eight grandchildren! If you would want to consider how chiropractic can help you, please visit our chiropractic and wellness practice in Westlake or Elyria. We can't wait to help you!

The Drugless Diet

Each new year brings about intent to start fresh. That might mean doing your best to become healthier and to lose weight. Our office over the past few years has started each year with "The Drugless Diet" and we are now offering it on our website for the first time.

The diet provides you with the accountability of knowing one of our doctors will be reviewing your diet and fitness journals each week, helping you to make the appropriate changes to promote a healthier you. Currently, this program is only offered on-site at our Westlake and Elyria practice. Here is a run-down of what The Drugless Diet includes:

1. Initial Assessment: We develop an outline and strategy for you. This includes weight, pictures, tracking devices or halc pre and post test, BMI, waist measurement, and fat body analyzer.

2. Weekly diet and fitness journal reviews: This allows us to track your progress.

3. Welcome Packet: Includes information on what to eat, when to exercise, and helpful troubleshooting points for your weight loss.

4. Ending Assessment & Consultation: Weight, picture, BMI, waist measurement, and fat-body analyzer.


We have seen multiple benefits to our practice members who have participated in this program besides the weight loss element. Some of these include increased energy, more self-esteen, regular bowel movements, increased libido, and more.

The retail value for The Drugless Diet is over $1500, but the importance of changing your life is also important to us, which is why we are offering the program at only $250 to our current practice members and $450 to non-practice members.

Please contact us for more information, so we can help you have your healthiest year yet!