Your 2023 Health Plan

Your 2023 Health Plan

Dr. Bob demaria shares about products and services at the drugless doctors

Happy New Year!

We hope this year brings you plenty of enjoyable moments, as well as living at your highest level of optimal health. 

Dr. Bob has a new video outlining some of the products and lab services that we have seen positive results with our practice members, and would serve as a blueprint to a healthy 2023 for you and even your family. 

Lab Tests Discussed: (Online ordering available if you are not local to Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida) 

Opti-Cardio Plus 

Bio-D Mulsion Forte: Vitamin D supplementation 

Super Phosphozyme Tablets: Optical assistance

Bio-Cardiozyme Forte: Heart assistance

Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein: Hair, skin, nails

Bio-Glycozyme Forte: Blood sugar and adrenal assistance 

Heart Sound Recorder (Service provided at Westlake practice) 

Come and visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or our Naples practice - you’ll be glad you did!

Being Healthy Through Every Season

Being Healthy Through Every Season

Do you want to be healthy in every season throughout the year?

We hope you answered, YES!

Dr. Bob DeMaria shares about the products and lab tests we recommend, which are available at our Westlake, Ohio practice and Dr. Bob's online store at

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or seasonally in Naples, Florida. More Info:

Optimal Immune Support

Optimal Immune Support

Dr. Anthony DeMaria shares about a healthy immune system.

Hello Everyone, 

Today we are talking to you about the immune system. 

During this time of the year, you want to make habits to boost your immune system and keep it where it's supposed to be. 

We would encourage you if you haven't been taking your vitamin D, to start taking your vitamin D. There's two ways that we do it in the office, the one is the liquid form where you put two drops of Bio-D-Mulsion Forte on your tongue every day from September to May, or we have it in a capsule form where you take one capsule a day of Zorex's D3-5000. 

Another great way to boost your immune system is to stay away from sugar. If you will be in a situation where there will be plenty of desert-based food, one of the things that we would recommend you say is just "I can't say yes to candy" and give it away, you don't need it, because what happens is when you're eating candy, your immune system's ability to fight the unfriendly stuff goes away. 

So one of the best ways to help support your immune system, stay away from sugar. Now, think of combating your immune system with soldiers to fight the war that's inside of you, and one of the good products to do that is a new one called IMMUNE PLUS. IMMUNE PLUS was created as Zorex's immune boosting product, so it can be used as a multiple vitamin, because it has a lot of things that you would see like A, C, D, E, some B vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, and then it's got a whole list of items that are used to boost the immune system, including quercetin, olive leaf, NAC, acetyl-L-carnitine, berberine, citrus bioflavonoids, and the list goes on. 

With this product, what you want to do is take something to help keep your immune system at its full potential. I would tell you, for maintenance, you could do three of these a day, if you're not feeling well you could do three with each meal. Whether you're using something like IMMUNE PLUS or any of our great immune boosting products, I would encourage you from now to the spring to be doing things proactively to help keep your immune system strong. 

A final thought, chiropractic adjustments are amazing for helping to keep your immune system strong. I regularly see people tell me when they started chiropractic care, they noticed that they didn't get sick like they used to. Keep up with your adjustments, stay away from sugar, take your immune support, we know you'll be glad you did.

Come and visit us in our Westlake, Ohio wellness store to purchase the products mentioned in this video. 

Chiropractic Care and Newborn Children

Chiropractic Care and Newborn Children

Dr. Casen and Dr. Anthony DeMaria are ICPA-certified in pediatric chiropractic.

Hello Everyone, 

One of our favorite things to see in our practice are healthy growing kids, and if you're here in our Westlake location, you might see families and babies, and even as you're reading this, you might see strollers coming in and you might be thinking to yourself, "Why would a newborn baby come to see the chiropractor?" 

That's a great question! 

What's really amazing about our body is when you first were born, the birth process, that is 90 pounds of pressure on the brain and the spinal cord. So out of curiosity, how many of you, raise of hands, have ever run into a glass door before? Maybe you don't want to admit it, or maybe a screen or something that was so clean you didn't even know that it was there. Well, what I want you to think about is that impact of that child running full force into the door, it impacted his spine for the rest of his life. 

What's really amazing about that is as chiropractors, we evaluate spinal function to see if there's any of those misalignments that could have happened when you were a child of different postures, and the benefit of specific adjustments, it changes everything: Better school, better focus, maybe you will be getting along with your family members better, even choosing better choices like eating more vegetables, sleep, posture, it's all connected with the nervous system. 

So if you know someone that's younger and you watch them and they're playing sports and they have backpacks on, consider sharing our office with them, I know you'll be glad you did.

Testimonial: Hair Regrowth with Collagen Protein Powder

Testimonial: Hair Regrowth with Collagen Protein Powder

Dr. Bob DeMaria interviews Judith about hair regrowth

Hello Everyone! 

Hair health is one of our most popular body signals / concerns when individuals come into the office. Oftentimes, your hair’s well-being is a reflection of what is happening on the inside of your body, and can be affected by stress, aging process, and other factors. 

Dr. Bob today interviews Judith, who shares what was happening in her life, and how the Collagen Protein from Biotics Research played a part in helping her hair grow back stronger than ever. 

If you have thinning hair, or other hair concerns, we invite you to learn more about the product, and even buy online IChocolate and Vanilla are available). 

Go here to read more hair information.

Celebrating 46 Years of Marriage!

Celebrating 46 Years of Marriage!

Hello Everybody! 

This is Dr. Bob and Debbie DeMaria, and guess what? We are celebrating 46 years of marriage. And we have a wonderful book we want to talk about. 

We wrote about our marriage life, in "Dr. Bob's Guide to a Healthy Marriage", and I picked it up the other day, and I opened it up and I said, "Wow, I need to take that tip and put that into practice even more." Dr. Bob, you have a tip for us?

I'm gonna give a tip to the men. Pursue your relationship with your mate just like you did the very first time that you met her. For example, Debbie and I, we went on a little staycation recently. I made lunch the other day, we had a wonderful time spending time together. So I've always wanted to pursue my wife with the same passion that I did 47, 48, 49 years ago. So men, that one's on you. What about your tip, Deb?

I feel communication. Not any person is right 100% of the time, so I think getting to know each other, bending, not always trying to be right, and then getting that common balance, the common ground that you can use to grow and build on. It's not worth being angry, and it's not worth just an explosion, you don't need explosion, what you need is love and patience, kindness, gentleness.

Part of our secret weapon is that we pray together. I like to see it every day, but it doesn't always work, because of my work schedule. I do everything I can to make Debbie's life easy, and I know that Debbie does everything that she can to help myself with my own routine. We exercise together, we go to church, we watch our church service together, we spend time with our friends and our family, and we just don't have a lot of clutter and peripherals in our life. We do everything we can to work on our mutual relationship. Do you have any other tip you wanna add, Deb?

I just wanna say, be in love. Your life is too short, just take advantage of the moments you have and make it the best.

You know what? One last thought, because we had someone who recently lost her husband. I work on hugging my wife every day. So here's the tip for today, hug your mate. This is Dr. Bob and Debbie DeMaria.

Get your copy of “Dr. Bob’s Guide to a Healthy Marriage” here.

Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Hello Everyone!

We want to talk to you about some unique physiology, especially what Dr. Bob learned back in the 1980s, that at certain times of the year, certain foods can cause pain.

For example, June is the strawberry month. You can have pain in your left neck because of strawberries; July is cherries, and August is peaches. And then, in September, some of you may have an issue with tomatoes or nightshades.

Let us back up a little bit. There's a gland in your body called the pancreas. The pancreas embryologically starts around your left neck and mid-back. Still, about 180 days in gestation, that means it moved to your abdomen when you were developing inside your mother's uterus. So your pancreas moves and gets its electrical information from up here.

That's important because I know a lot of you are reading this right now; most of our patients have left neck and mid-back pain when they come into the office.

Dr. Bob is holding in his hand a product called Intenzyme Forte. Now, Intenzyme Forte has two enzymes, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Those enzymes are secreted and created by the pancreas. If you eat sugar, your pancreas itself is going to be busy working with breaking everything down, including making insulin and not having enough resources to make trypsin and chymotrypsin. You're going to have pain then. The pancreas produces trypsin and chymotrypsin. The pancreas itself can get tired when you overeat sugar.

We learned over time with our patients that those of you who are eating certain kinds of foods also have pain. For example, grapes can cause your neck to hurt. Also, if you eat watermelon at any time during the year, or if you have pineapple, you can have left neck and mid back pain. We know so many of you like to eat fruit.

Want to learn something new? Grab your wrist. Can you touch a bone? When people do the squeeze the wrist test, there's fluid in their body. You have fluid because your body's in a state of inflammation, and your body's trying to minimize the inflammation. So with the Intenzyme Forte, you want to use it on an empty stomach for inflammation. When you wake up, you could take two or three Intenzyme Forte. You could take two or three at 10:30 and two or three at 3:30 in the afternoon.

If you injure your ankle or a part of your body, you could take five or six at a time. Now, the Intenzyme Forte can also be used as a digestive enzyme. You take that digestive enzyme when you're eating. You may also use it for activities when you're eating it with a meal. Why? Because if you injure yourself, those enzymes will help take care of the inflammation. Let's say you're playing sports, football, soccer, lacrosse, or any sport. You're a bicycle rider. You're a jogger. You're a runner. And if you have inflammation, pop two or three into your body after you're done with your experience. It'll accelerate the recovery time. But come back to the pancreas if you don't want to have pain, back off sugar. If you minimize your pain, eliminate fruit for a month. We promise you'll be glad you did.

Testimonial: Digestion Improvement and No More Headaches!

Testimonial: Digestion Improvement and No More Headaches!

Dr. Casen interviews Kailee, who shares that she had daily headaches for a year before coming to see us as well as indigestion. With regular chiropractic adjustments, as well as taking the FIT Test (food allergies), she no longer has headaches and her digestion has improved!

One thing Kailee shares that she never thought of coming to see a chiropractor as a "lifestyle" but she is now so glad that it's part of her life. We would love to be part of your life too if you find yourself with headaches, indigestion, or any other body signal that may be causing you to not live an optimal and healthy life.

Come and see us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida!

Testimonial: No More Waking Up at Night

Testimonial: No More Waking Up at Night

Dr. Casen interviews one of our young practice members who shares that they would wake up three times a night, but with chiropractic care, they can now sleep without any interruptions - how exciting!

If you have young children in your life and are looking for a new approach to optimal health, including chiropractic, both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are certified with the ICPA and are happy to assist. 

Contact us today at (440) 471-4200 to schedule your appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Testimonial: Tummy Ache Relief

Testimonial: Tummy Ache Relief

Hi Everyone!  

Today, Dr. Casen DeMaria has a special friend with her, who shares what it was like on their first visit and how we have been able to help their tummy aches naturally with chiropractic care and also changing their eating habits. 

If you have young children in your life and are looking for a new approach to optimal health, including chiropractic, both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are certified with the ICPA and are happy to assist. 

Contact us today at (440) 471-4200 to schedule your appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Healthy Skin and Hair: Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein


Do you want healthy skin and hair?

Today, we want to talk to you about something that happened to us a couple of years ago.

I was contacted via a brochure by our distributor that said they have something better than Botox.

And they said, "Dr. Bob, do you use Botox?" I've never used Botox, but it was about wrinkles and protein, so I thought, okay.

In one of the areas, I thought, you know what? It can't hurt, I'm closer to 70 than I am 60, and whatever I could put in my body, I'll try to buy something different. So Biotics created a product called Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein. They have vanilla, and they have chocolate. I prefer chocolate.

How do I use it, and what has it done for my body?

It's pretty simple. I have a Ninja bullet, and I put eight ounces of water in it, four ice cubes, and two scoops of the Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein. I blend it, put it in a thermos cup, and sip on it all day. So when I started using it, I didn't overthink it, but then I noticed my hair got thicker and more robust. I have a male pattern in the back of my head, but it has not accelerated, and I know that if you were to go to your search engine and look at some pictures of myself in the past, my hair would be thinner.

Since I started using this Hydrolyzed Collagen; my hair's thicker, my nails grow faster, and my skin is stronger. We've had individuals who have said that their eyebrows and eyelashes have grown back. You know, we all had to deal with CVD, and people weren't out; many people were not necessarily using makeup, and I had individuals who started putting mascara and makeup back on, and they noticed that their eyelashes were stronger.

The most significant to me is I have had individuals who've had joint pain go away, toe pain goes away, digestive distress go away. There's nothing magic about this. What they have done is this. Bovine is cow protein. It's not coming from egg or chicken embryos or chicken claws or plant-based, and if you want to use those kinds of products, you know, that is okay, but this is a bovine-based protein, and it's straightforward to use because I already mentioned it.

I don't like to drink it all at once because I don't want to have to bloat in my stomach. I take a sip at 10:30. I start, maybe a couple more drinks in the afternoon, but by the time I go to bed at night and tell you, it's made a massive difference in my muscle strength and integrity. What does your body do with protein? Protein is the building block for everything. It is like the mesh, so they put a mesh down first if you watched them lay concrete down. It is like the matrix of what your whole body uses. So we do blood chemistries here in the office, and when we look at the blood test, we look at something called globulin. Your globulin should be 2.7. Many times, we see people have a low or high globulin which means that they're not absorbing protein.

If you have some digestive distress, you could do the globulin test. Still, by using this protein, you're going to help the integrity of your immune system because your body uses globulin in these proteins to create warriors to help your body be strong.

Now I know a lot of you use a lot of different kinds of drinks, you make smoothies, you put all types of fruit and vegetables in them. This is pretty simple. It's water, and water and ice cubes. You blend it up, use it, and make a big difference. Take a before and after picture of your hair, and I know that your nails will be stronger and life's going to be good. So try it. I promise you. You'll be glad you did. - Blog written by Dr. Bob DeMaria

Contact us today to purchase Biotics Research’s Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein at (440) 471-4200

Stopping Spring Allergies Naturally

Stopping Spring Allergies Naturally

It's that time of year again. It's not the wintertime; it's not the fall. It's springtime.

We always have more issues when our practice members have allergy challenges in the spring than in the fall. I think the fall is because of the leaves and the mold in the air coming from the trees, dropping the leaves, and breaking down. But in the springtime, I know all of you when you ever look at your car; sometimes at the end of April or early May, there's like dust on it, that's pollen.

So we have a couple of products that we want to talk about, but I want you to know something, I breathe the same air you breathe, and I don't have airborne allergies. And part of the reason is that I'm very aware of what I put in my body. I do not eat sugar. Sugar compromises the immune system because it takes out cofactor minerals, and sugar places a demand on your white blood count and lymphatic system.

If you're having chronic health issues, you may consider doing the FIT Test. We've had people with chronic digestive, colon function, and breathing challenges because of food sensitivity.

We pride ourselves on teaching you what to avoid regarding our nutritional supplement approach, so maybe next season, you won't have allergies. Does that make sense? The first product is called the antihistamine factor, AHF. It's a proprietary blend of nutrients designed by Zorax Research Company. Histamine is processed in your intestine and is also involved with liver function. When histamine is released, like you know when you have a runny nose, probably the worst thing to take is an antihistamine. Because an antihistamine is tricking your body, that's an important point; it's tricking your body. The antihistamine factor helps your digestive system process histamine. The liver is an integral part of the whole histamine process.

Another suggestion with the Zorex manual is if somebody has a congested or compromised liver and or if you've had your gallbladder out, you may consider taking GB Complete, a sister product of this.

You say, "Dr. Bob, why do I have to take the product?" Because your liver has to do its job - processing the histamine. You see, you have a runny nose in sniffles because your body is creating fluid to dilute the toxin in your body. So taking an antihistamine from an over-the-counter is not getting to the root cause; it's complicating it because your liver has to process the antihistamine. So AHF is changing the physiological response in your body. It's much easier not to eat sugar, dairy, cookies, wheat, or peanut butter.

The HistoPlex-AB or airborne is another proprietary blend. It's a nutrient, and we've had great success with both. This is digestion; this is probably a more symptomatic way to approach it. So think of this as a natural over-the-counter antihistamine. And it works very, very well. And I'm not going to tell you not to use it, but over time, you say, "Dr. Bob, which one of these would you use if you were me?" When you did your report, if we told you had a large liver, you may want to do this. If you have digestive distress, you might want to use this. Why? Because it's digestion. If you have a sniffle here or there and don't have any digestive distress, try the HistoPlex-AB. You could try either one of these, and you could do both simultaneously.

If whomever you are watching me with right now has your gallbladder out, you might want to do AHF and GB Complete. So this is a big puzzle. And we have been fortunate in this office that we think. There's a blood test called the Opti-Cardio Plus or the Opti-Chem. If you are bilirubin, don't you wonder when they come up with these names, your bilirubin. If your bilirubin is elevated, what does that mean? Let's say its range goes from zero to 1.2. You have a gallbladder or liver issue if you're hanging in or about 0.9 or 0.8 or 1.0. The liver is the key, and I don't want to be redundant, but allergies are also digestive issues. Call us today at 440-471-4200 to order the products listed. - Blog is written by Dr. Bob DeMaria

Breast Thermography: Everything You Need to Know

Breast Thermography: Everything You Need to Know

Dr. Casen DeMaria shares about Breast Thermography at our Westlake, Ohio practice

Dr. Casen DeMaria Welcomes You to Breast Thermography

Hi Everyone!

In this special blog series, we have five new videos that will give you a tour, answer your common questions, provide testimonials, and what equipment we use to provide you with a natural breast health strategy during our breast thermography service at our practice in Westlake, Ohio. Let’s begin!

In this video above, Dr. Casen DeMaria is your guide as she shares what happens when you visit us for a breast thermography session. This non-invasive approach to optimal breast health has been part of our practice for many years and has helped women from all over the world.

Dr. Casen shares what happens when you first sit down to your breast thermography session at our practice.

Dr. Casen shares with us the camera she uses during the breast thermography session

Dr. Casen shares the top three questions we are asked when it comes to receiving breast thermography, including if you can have a thermography session done while pregnant.

Women travel from all over the world to visit us for breast thermography, and Dr. Casen shares with us the most common body signal that improves when incorporating and starting our personalized breast health plan for you.

Ready to book your appointment? Call us today at 440-471-4200 to schedule!

Product Spotlight: Rapid & Daily Immune from Gaia Herbs

Product Spotlight: Rapid & Daily Immune from Gaia Herbs

Hello Everybody,

Today, we want to talk to you about your immune system. We have several immune system products available in our wellness store. Some are specific that you could take one every day; some are more important, maybe when you have an “episode.”

From our perspective, we don't want you to have an episode. We don't want you to have any flare up. We know when that happens, consuming sugar could be a part of your life, stress could be a part of your life. You might not be sleeping well; you have a lot going on. Your immune system is compromised.

We've seen that in the last couple of years with people who have a particular health issue. We also have noticed that many people under stress may be making some poor dietary choices, stress from maybe a job loss, a loss of a loved one; you're moving away. Stress can place a demand on your immune system.

So we have two products that we love from Gaia Herbs. Gaia Herbs is probably one of the best herbs that we have been able to find in our country. One happens to be Rapid Immune. You want to have a bottle of Rapid Immune at home in the unlikely possibility, because you're a Drugless Doctor-patient, that if you get sick or you don't feel 100%, you might want to take one, two, or three or four of these in a day. This is going to kickstart your immune system. It is loaded with echinacea. We take several drops of echinacea every day for long-term prevention, along with another product we use in practice called Agrisept. Agrisept's a little bit different than the immune products. 

Gaia Herbs wisely created a one-a-day immune system product called Daily Immune. Daily Immune is very similar to Rapid Immune, except it has several other ingredients. And one of my favorite ingredients in this product is larch gum. Larch gum comes from an American Indian root and helps improve lymphatic movement in your body. The lymph system, whose largest lymph node is the spleen, is a fundamental system for excellent immune system function. They also have some mushroom ingredients here; they also have echinacea here. This is a one-a-day product that you could take, and it'll help your immune system consistently over time. This happens to be a product that you will use when you have an immediate attack.

We also, as a side note, have I-A-G. I-A-G is also a powder, and it is an immune system builder, but it has larch gum. And we encourage this, especially for our children and our ladies who maybe have had breast thermography, and we just wanted to throw that tidbit out there because of larch gum. Come and visit us today to help get your immune system back on track!

Product Spotlight: Vitamin B Nutrition

Vitamin B

Dr. Bob DeMaria of The Drugless Doctors shares what vitamin B products we use from Biotics Research Corporation.

Which Vitamin B Products are Best for You?

We’re here today to talk to you about B vitamins.

What B vitamins should you be taking? We have two different B vitamins that we use in the office. But the number one question is, "Why do you need B vitamins?"

B vitamins are an integral co-factor, and a co-factor is an ingredient that helps metabolic processes in the body. Unbeknownst to most people, what you eat becomes you. So we consume so much processed food today. Processed food means dead food. You can say, Dr. Bob, "What did you say?" Process food means dead food. How can something alive have an expiration date for two years?

So something had to be taken out of that particular food. Often when they go and they process, process means they're bringing something alive out. Your body has to scramble to make it all happen. One of the more common vitamins that are deficient are the B vitamins,

Here are some standard body signals for a B vitamin deficiency:

- Do you have sore muscles after exercise?

- Let's say you go to bed at ten and wake up at 11. That's a common body signal for a B vitamin need.

- Do mosquitoes like you? "Say, what do you mean, Dr. Bob?" Do mosquitoes like me? I'm telling you if you were to go for a walk with me, mosquitoes don't land on me. They might land on you. So if I was walking along with you and you were flapping your arms saying, oh, those mosquitoes, they keep on irritating me. I know you probably have your hand in the cookie jar. You say, well, how do you know that? Because eating sugar takes B vitamins out of the body. So I just kind of, when we're going through our consultation, say, hey, do mosquitoes bother you? And they probably go home and say to their friends, Dr. Bob or Dr. Casen, Dr. Anthony asked, do mosquitoes bother me?

We are detectives here at The Drugless Doctors. At our practice, you can come in, and we take your blood pressure. Let's say your blood pressure is 110 over 80, and you stand up, and it drops to 95 over 65. That's a body signal to us that your body could use B vitamins, especially thiamin.

We know that many of you could have mental stress, anxiety, heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation because of a B vitamin need. Now on a blood test, we look at your uric acid, and if it's slow, it means you might need some vitamin B12.

On a blood test also, we look at your carbon dioxide. The range goes from 20 to 30. If you're at 21, that tells us you probably need B vitamins. I just mentioned if your blood pressure drops from a sit to a stand, you need B vitamins. We also look at another marker called ALT and AST. Those are liver enzymes, but if those are down or low, it could mean that you need vitamin B6. Do you take the birth control pill? It's a sign of vitamin B6. A lot is going on in your body that needs B vitamins. So we have two multiple B vitamins. We have the Bio B-100, a great product, more of a low-dosage, a long-term B vitamin. We also have Bio B Complex. A little bit more potent. You don't have to take as many per day, and you don't need to take it for an extended period. You can switch to Bio B 100s.

When you look at our store, we have a GGG-B product. You say, what does that mean? Well, that's a kind of a B vitamin that has more of what we call riboflavin and choline in it. And that's for some of you that might be hearing your heartbeat on your pillow, or maybe you have restless legs. We have another one called GGG-B, and that's the kind of person who maybe has blood pressure that drops from the sit to a stand. Perhaps you have anxiety. B vitamins are very significant; they're essential; they're co-factors for optimal wealth, well, optimal health, and wellness.

You might consider picking up one of these. You may even consider having some blood tests done to know exactly what you need to take. We don't want to guess about your health.

Come and visit us today!

Pediatric Chiropractic at The Drugless Doctors

Pediatric Chiropractic at The Drugless Doctors

Dr. Casen DeMaria of The Drugless Doctors is ICPA certified. Visit us today for Pediatric Chiropractic services!

Dr. Casen DeMaria and friend

We love being able to help kids of all ages, but especially newborns, toddlers, and young children. Both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen DeMaria are certified with the ICPA, and are trained to help provide chiropractic care to you and your family.

In this three-part video series, Dr. Casen shares different types of body signals we help when it comes to pediatric chiropractic, how we help expecting mothers, and why every child should see a chiropractor.

After watching the videos, please email info @ druglessdrs dot com to schedule an appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Video One: Dr. Casen shares how chiropractic can help you and your growing family

Video Two: Dr. Casen shares our adjusting approach to helping expecting mothers during pregnancy.

Video Three: Dr. Casen DeMaria shares the benefits of bringing in your kids to see us and body signals we've seen improve with pediatric chiropractic.

Visit Us today in Westlake, Ohio. Go here to schedule your appointment.

What Oils Are Best for You?

What Oils Are Best for You?

Dr. Bob DeMaria Discusses the Importance of Oils

Dr. Bob DeMaria Discusses the Importance of Oils

Hello, Everyone! 

Did you know that oils are essential? 

Many people don't like to put oils in their bodies because they think it's going to make them fat, they're going to have a heart attack, or some other adverse health response will happen. 

But you know what? 

Oil's vital for your brain. Your brain's made up of fat. Your body sends messages along a nerve called the myelin sheath. So that's how your body sends information. Now there are many different types of oils, and we want to give you a brief understanding of the different ones we use in our practice. The main oils we're going to talk about today are omega-6 and omega-3 fats. 

We're going to start by using and discussing omega-3 oils. Now, there're two ways to make omega-3 oil for the body. 

Number One: you eat food, like green beans, walnuts, and flax seeds. Those foods need to go through steps, becoming something called long-chain fat. One of the long-chain fats is called EPA for the heart; the other is DHA for your brain. So let's go over this again. You can get food or get items to make omega-3 oils by going through steps, plant-based. These also need cofactors like B6, magnesium, and zinc. So many people reading this blog right now might have health issues because you're eating well and you're proud of yourself. However, if you eat walnuts and green beans, which is fantastic, but you're still eating sugar, that sugar will sabotage your body's ability to make the launching fat EPA is heart, DHA is the brain. 

Now, these fats go on to become something called prostaglandin. Prostaglandins take away the pain. So when you hear Dr. Bob, Dr. Casen, or Dr. Anthony talk about what you're eating, we know that most of you reading this right now are in the office; if you deviate from your diet, you can have chronic pain that will not go away. Now, another way to make these, or have these, omega-3 fats in your body is from a direct marine source. We use Biomega-1000, Biomega-500. These are sourced from anchovies and sardines. 

You could say, "Why do they use that?"

Because they're smaller fish, they're not impacted by toxicity like some larger fish. We're not telling you what fish to use, but you want to use fish from a pure source. The Omega-1000 is 1000 milligrams of oil, and the Omega-500 is 500. Most of you should be taking at least one of these every day, but maybe you have digestive distress when you take one. Should you start with possibly taking a 500? I think it's a good idea to take them before you go to bed at night. So in case you do have digestive distress, it might not bother you.

Also good to know that we can test you for your omega oils. We use the Omega Test, and it's a straightforward test. It's probably an excellent thing to do if you have a history of anxiety, depression, or a family member with Alzheimer's or dementia

Dr. Bob wrote a book on ADHD over 20 years ago; The rules don't change. So we could tell you if you're concerned that you might have Alzheimer's or dementia, you're going to want to do the Omega Test. And if your DHA level is low, let's just cut to the chase. If your DHA level is down, you're going to have some health challenges. 

On the other hand, the EPA is essential for heart health. So we could have somebody that has a high risk for heart health because they have low EPA. It's called eicosapentaenoic acid. EPA's for heart, DHA for the brain. When these oils are done in your body, they make a prostaglandin. Takes away the pain. Like when you use flax oil and go through steps, it also helps take away the pain. 

So in the office, one of the flaxes that we use is from Omega Nutrition, a great quality product. It has to go through steps. It needs B6; it needs magnesium. It's perfect. Some people don't want to use marine oils, and I understand this. So flax oil is good. It might not be as effective, but it's still as good if you're doing everything that you're supposed to do. We also have this in a liquid form. The liquid form needs to be refrigerated. I would take two or three of these every day. So flax is a precursor to making the long-chain fat EPA or DHA. 

Now we're going to switch gears a little bit. There's something called an essential fatty acid. So essential fatty acids are the omega-3s, but they're also an oil called linolenic and linoleic acid. They're plant-based, and commonly these are omega-6 fats. Omega-6 fats are not bad fats, but we eat too many of them. Most people, if they have snack foods, you start looking at labels, and if you're seeing safflower oil and sunflower oil, and you have inflammation in your body, it's because you could have too many omega-6s in your body. We can check that also with the Omega Test. 

If you have too much omega-6 in your body, here's what happens. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fats take away inflammation. But if you consume too many omega-6 fats, safflower oil, and sunflower oil, it can thin your blood too much. That's one of the reasons that people who eat a lot of snack food, what happens is the metabolic pathway in the body flips over to another pathway to make something called arachidonic acid. 

What is that all about? 

Arachidonic acid causes inflammation. But your body's trying to protect you. You say, "Why?" Because you don't want to bleed to death. That's one of the reasons people eat so many omega-6 fats, so many snack foods, but they started having thick blood. That's why people start taking aspirin. We talk about this in "Dr. Bob's Trans Fat Survival Guide." 

Now, omega-6 oils, just like the omega-3 oils, become prostaglandin. These oils become prostaglandin number one. They also take away pain and inflammation. But remember, if you consume too many omega-6 fats, like safflower oil and sunflower oil, you can have inflammation in your body. And we're not trying to confuse you, and we're trying to make a point. Omega-3 fats, fish oil, flax oil precursors remove pain and inflammation. They help your heart, and they help your brain. While omega-6, on the other hand, aren't necessarily designed to help your heart or your brain. Two different areas that we just wanted to make an essential point on. 

Now, we know some people are reading this that are only plant-eaters. You don't want anything to do with anything that comes from marine oil. Flax oil is good, and blackcurrant seed oil is good. I take blackcurrant seed once in a while because it's a great source of fats that does not come from an animal source. This is also good for kids with eczema and is suitable for almost any type of skin issue; It's also good for hormones for people. 

To recap, oils are essential. You might have pain and inflammation in your body. Your memory might be slipping. Maybe you're having hormonal issues. All could be reasons that you need to look at oil. People on a no-fat, low-fat diet have some major health problems. A lady wrote the forward to Dr. Bob's very first book. Her name was Ann Louise Gittleman, and he learned something from Ann Louise. She said that people on a low-fat diet tend to have some significant health problems down the road. We see it in our practice. Because you use oil for so many functions, it's substantial. Thank you for paying attention. You may consider doing the Omega Test to find out the exact oil levels in your body.

Our Detoxification Protocol at The Drugless Doctors

Our Detoxification Protocol at The Drugless Doctors

Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses healthy detoxification tips.

Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses healthy detoxification tips

Hello Everyone! 

People always are asking us, "What can I do to get rid of pain?” "What can I do to have more energy?" Then it's, "What can I do to clean my body out?" 

So where do you even start? It can be quite confusing, actually daunting. 

In our practice, we use a protocol from Biotics Research Corporations. You can choose to do it in a variety of ways. They have a bottle or a container of detox packs, which include 30 of them. And in those packs, which is very interesting, they have a digestive enzyme Bromelain with CLA. They have a liver support, they have an optimal EFA, and a product that's gonna help improve the dysfunction of your gut when it comes to abnormal flora.

Their whole approach with the packs is to support the liver, and add oil. And you say, "Why oil, Dr. Bob?" Because so many of you have inflamed gut walls, and oil puts the fire out. They've developed some other proprietary blends. We happen to use either NutriClear Free, or use a fiber product and various proteins. 

Here's what you have to understand, your liver does need protein, it needs protein to get rid of all of the different toxins. What we encourage people to do, we could do this one of two ways: 

- You can take a pack a day for 30 days, or 

- You could take three packs a day for 10 days. 

With the NutriClear or the fiber product, you could put a scoop of the detoxification product with a scoop of the protein of your choice, put it in your blender, blend it up, and drink it in the morning. And you can repeat the process in the afternoon. It really is simple, but it's gonna take discipline.

Now, you can say, "Why do I want to detox Dr. Bob?"

You may have smelly farts, you may have skin tags. You may be sweating profusely. If you have digestive distress an hour or two after you eat, you probably have gallbladder dysfunction. If you burp with cucumbers and radishes, you probably have liver/gallbladder dysfunction. Do you have a metal taste in your mouth? You probably have liver/gallbladder dysfunction. Are your stools loose? Do you have mucus in the toilet that's floating on top? That's an issue. Are you having digestive distress with certain foods? So, you can go through this process and, let's say over time, you're not feeling necessarily 100%. We've been doing food sensitivity testing. It is amazing how many of you are sensitive to foods. And I'm beginning to see it's because of all the chemicals they're putting in this food. And we're also adding another test, which is a urine test called MycoTOX because so many of you are loaded with mold that can be quite toxic from wet homes, even to the grains of cereals that have these molds on them.

We're here in Westlake, Ohio and Naples, Florida to create this wellness, this optimal guide to optimal health. I think that if you're not feeling good and you want to go to the next step, what do you have to lose?

Visit us today! 

Overcome Stress: Nutrition Recommendations

Helping You Overcome Stress: Nutrition Recommendations

Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob DeMaria Share Their Tips on Stress Prevention

Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob DeMaria discuss stress prevention

Hello, Everyone; Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob are coming to you from Westlake, Ohio, and Naples, Florida, and we will be talking about one of your top goals. When we see members in our office, or if we're talking to them online and on videos, what's really interesting is that many people have similar goals, and it's DECREASING STRESS.

Stress creates an acid pH in your body. So, if you're underneath stress and your pH goes down, that's acid. When you're under pressure, your body will burn up minerals. So I now make sure that I have calcium in my body regularly. I'll never forget, I happened to be in Florida, and there were these people that had this like suntan lotion on their lips, and I knew what was going on. They thought if the sun didn't hit their lips, they wouldn't get cold sores, and I wanted so bad to go over and tap on them and say, "The sun is taking calcium out of your body." So if you have leg cramps at night, cramping, starting to notice some cold sores, some Celtic Sea Salt, maybe some Cal-Mag-Zyme that we use in our office, perhaps some Bio-CMP, you might think about adding an L-lysine, which helps the absorption of calcium. I don't have cold sores anymore because I take calcium.

We have this Selina Naturally, their Celtic Sea Salt, I was reading some research on this, and the quality of the minerals; it also has some zinc in it and other nutrients, but you can sprinkle it on your food like seasoning to taste, but also sprinkle a fourth of a teaspoon in your water bottle, your kids, all of these different electrolyte powders and drinks that you see out there, a lot of them don't have these electrolytes that they portray themselves have, but they might have dyes and sugars. It's easy to incorporate.

Also, when it comes to stress, you'll hear a lot about B vitamins. The product I have right now is Bio-B 100, which is a lower amount of dose in regards to when it comes to B's. Still, our body goes through minerals and B vitamins, which can impact heart health, overall muscle tissue, and brain health. I know so many people right now; their bodies feel tight, and they say, "You know what? I can't relax; I can't relax my shoulders." And it can impact their breathing, their immune system, and we all utilize B vitamins, but mainly if you have a greater demand going on in your body right now.

People who need B vitamins usually cry easily and have sore muscles after exercise. Let's say you go to bed at 10 o'clock, and if you wake up at 11 o'clock, it could be a possible B vitamin need; your blood pressure might drop from a sit to a standing position. I take B vitamins regularly to help prevent all the issues you may have, and it's essential, so I can hold that one for you if you want to use it.

It's perfect to have on hand for prevention. Also, when it comes to stress and as chiropractors, we work on spinal function, but one of the most significant areas of the spine that we work with that always has extra stress and pressure because of gravity is that upper cervical curve.

Whether it is from food choices because you have to think that nerve only has so much room, so it could be from cookies, grains, dairy, maybe things that you don't typically consume, it can cause inflammation on those nerve roots, and that can cause, whether it's numbness and tingling in the body. We've had a lot of people with dizziness and balance and coordination challenges, increased heart rate, I know with our other nutritional services, whether it's blood pressure or cholesterol, all of these things that could be coming from foods, but also what I want you to think about is your posture. Through the seasons and with stress, you might find yourself leaning forward more in this forward position, and we want to work on, number one, whether it's us that you see or someone in your area, you want to find a skilled chiropractor who does X-rays of the spine.

You can see what's going on, but you also want to be working on strength training and exercises to help bring everything back. What's interesting, Dr. Bob? I was working with a girl, and we saw her a year ago, and I said to her, "So, what's different this year?" And she said, "Well, I want to stop saying to myself, I'm just getting older, and it's just with age." And I said, "So has anything changed?" She said, "Nope, I still have neck, lower back, mid-back, aches, and pains, and she can't move." And I said, "Okay, it will take some work. Are you willing to make a change?" And she said, "Yes."

Another product that we have, it's called Bio-Ashwagandha. It's kind of like what we call an adaptogen; it just kind of slows the body down because we all have a lot of stress going on just regardless, if it's good stress or negative stress, so Bio-Ashwagandha would help you, you could even take one or two every day. So you may consider some Celtic Sea Salt, put it on your food, use it liberally, and a couple of B vitamins every day. If you have a lot of stress, think about Bio-Ashwagandha. Feeling all those cold sores will be crucial to increasing your calcium. So that was a lot of information.

It was. You should go back and check it out, stop it, share it with a loved one. I know that you'll be glad that you did, and we look forward to helping you.


Product Spotlight: Agrisept-L

Product Spotlight: Agrisept-L

Dr. Bob DeMaria shares the benefits of Agrisept-L

Dr. Bob DeMaria shares the benefits of Agrisept-L

Hello Everybody, this is Dr. Bob DeMaria. 

I want to talk about a product that I have been using since 1996. It's called Agrisept-L. It is a citrus seed extract. It comes from lemon, grapefruit and tangerine seed. They squeeze them and it's in this bottle. It's a very, very powerful bioflavonoid. 

Okay, so what do you do with this, Dr. Bob? 

So this is what I would suggest for those of you who've never used it before. 

You put five drops in about four to six ounces of water and you do that for about two weeks. Then after two weeks, you could go to 10 drops every day. I've been taking 10 drops every day for that long of a time period. 

So what does Agrisept do? 

Well, it helps manage unfriendly organisms in your body, could be bacteria, virus, influenza, parasites. So this is just gonna help manage all of that flora and all of that gut stuff that's going on inside of your body. 

What else could you do with Agrisept? 

Literally, if you wanted to, you could put several drops as a spritzer and you could spritz it on your face, on your fingernails. Anything that you believe that you might have an issue with an infection, which takes me to people who have fungus challenges, fungus on your toes. You could put five or six drops in water and just soak your feet. And you're going to do that for as long as it takes, it could be a month or so, but I've seen fungus challenges go away. Let's say you have a sore throat. I had a patient recently that had not only a sore throat, but issues with his teeth. So what I had him do three times a day, now, listen, I'm gonna say this to you. The very first time he put his 10 drops in the water, he swished the water around in his mouth and he swallowed it. And then two other times during the day, I had him do the same, 10 drops or so in four to six ounces of water, he had to swish it around his mouth, but I had him spit it out because he had an infection in his teeth. And if he would have kept then putting all that in his body, it could have literally have him have an overdose and you can get loose stools. So this is powerful. 

What else you can do with this is you can take that same 10 drops, pour four to six ounces of water, put it in your mouth and you can gargle with it. We've helped people have sore throats with that. I've actually had individuals take this Agrisept and put it on warts because warts really are a virus. If you happen to eat wild game, maybe deer, put several drops of this in the water and let the deer meat soak in this. This is gonna help manage unfriendly organisms.

I know when I go out to eat dinner with my wife and we have municipal water with ice cubes, she always looks at me. She pulls the Agrisept out of her pocket and we put a drop or two. You can never be so safe with Agrisept.

So this is the last story, and this was a huge story. This happened back in the 1990s. Debbie and I were at a wedding. There were about 400 people there at the wedding. I would say about 60 or 70 of the people attended the church that I was going to at that time. And many of them were taking Agrisept. Well, the whole hundreds of people definitely got sick, but the patients who were taking the Agrisept did not have any health challenges at all. Actually some of the individuals were having loose stools. They traced the challenge back to the salad. Somebody was making salad and didn't have clean hands. I had two salads that night at the wedding, and I want you to know I had no issues with my digestive system. So when in doubt, Agrisept. 

You could use it for anything. It's a great product. I'm Dr. Bob DeMaria.