Helping Those with Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you for joining us this month for our H2H. It seems that everywhere you go these days, there’s an increase to food allergies in every age and socioeconomic demographic. We’re here to help guide you through the process. Please review our notes and watch the video below. Have a great month, and come visit us at any of our events in the community!  

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

What is a food allergy? 

- A body’s response to a food that creates an immune reaction. Most common foods- Fish, soy, peanuts, eggs (4 % of population- starts at infancy).

- What is a food sensitivity? A body’s response to foods that usually is delayed to hours or days.  Usually not as severe as an immediate food allergy but can be harmful long term. Most common foods- Soy, gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts/seeds (90 % population-develops at any age).

A.  Symptoms: Headaches, skin issues (acne and eczema), fatigue, joint pain, depression, brain fog, dark circles under eyes and redness.

- Why are we talking about this topic? Digestion?

Action Items

What can I do to figure out if I have a food sensitivity or allergy?  

Lab testing, FIT Test, Bio-Communication Food Stressor, ACG

What foods to avoid

A.  Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, GMO, Pesticides, food additives/dyes

Foods to eat

- Vegetables, fats, proteins, fermented foods, probiotics

- Vary foods and food preparations

- Ask for help – Testing, diet journals, nutritional microscopy, ACG

August Specials

1. The Drugless Doctors power drink is on special - Hydrate on purpose!

2. ACG – great way to evaluate heart and digestion - $50 (normally $75)

Labor Day Week Hours – Stay in schedule with your adjustments!  Closed Monday 9/2, Normal hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!

Faster Results Workshop- This is for all new and returning members.  Thurs. 8/15 @ 6PM

Join Us: Half Hour to Health in September- Wednesday 9/4 @ noon and Thurs. 9/5 @ 6PM

#TestimonialTuesday: "I was tired of not feeling good"

In this week's new video, one of our practice members shares with Dr. Casen how we have been able to help improve many areas of her well-being.

We would love to help you, too! Visit us in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida.

More Info:

Our Services

Breast Thermography

Do you have a testimony to share? Email today!

Watch Testimonial Here

Freedom From Stress

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you for joining us for our monthly Half-Hour to Health (H2H). We want you to enjoy freedom from stress, and as much as we are aware that life that throw us curve balls, there are steps that we can take to remove unnecessary stress from our life. Take the quiz below and watch our recap, too!

Take the quiz!

1. Do you feel like you are not yourself?

2. Do you feel overwhelmed?

3. Do you feel unable to cope with the workload that you used to be able to handle?

4. Do you often feel anxious, angry, irritable,  or tense?

5. Do you get headaches or stiffness/tension in your muscles, jaw, or back?

6. Do you feel unable to concentrate or remember things well?

7. Do you frequently experience an upset stomach, skin rashes, racing heartbeat, or sweaty palms?

8. Are you more tired or do you have a lower energy level than usual?

9. Do you lack interest in things that used to interest you?

10. Do you have trouble sleeping?

11. Are you using alcohol or drugs to escape problems?

If you answered yes to more than one of these questions you may be exhibiting signs of stress overload.  When you are overloaded with stress your bodies nervous system cannot express your fullest potential. Stress decreases the bodies ability to heal as it was intended! 

What causes stress to the body & why are we talking about it?


1. Environment-pollution, weather, toxins from the genetically modified foods, chemicals in foods/products.

2. Social- finances, jobs, demands for your time and attention, loss of loved ones…

3. Physiological- aging, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep…

4. Thoughts- your brain interprets changes in your environment/body and determines when to turn on the “EMERGENCY” response.  Your thoughts determine your reality! Change your thoughts change your world!

 Action Steps:

1. Use Celtic Sea Salt as a source of minerals- B,L,D  1/4tsp in 20 oz water.

2. Minimize and eliminate sugar that depletes body of minerals (journal)

3. Evaluate stressors in your life and develop a plan to manage them better

4. Chiropractic care reduces the stress response to the body! 50 % brain function

5.  Stress Relievers: exercise, prayer, yoga, healthy eating, planning, and more.

July in office specials-

ADB5 is 10% off. A great product to help with stress management, fatigue. Take two at 8am, and two at noon!

Nutritional Microscopy is $50 (normally $75). This helps the doctors evaluate: digestion, gut health, skin health. 

Breast Thermography is back – July 30th, Aug 2nd, Aug 6th – space is very limited.

Next H2H – Weds. Aug 7th at Noon and Thurs. Aug 8th at 6 PM on FOOD ALLERGIES! 

Have a great month! 

Friends in the Community: Live Fit Personal Training and Nutrition

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our first “Friends in the Community” blog. We’re excited to share with you our colleagues throughout the region, making Northeast Ohio a happier and healthy place. Our first guest: Live Fit Personal Training & Nutrition!

Live Fit Personal Training and Nutrition uses an individualized approach to help people engage in healthier habits. By focusing on the individual in one-on-one appointments, we are able to design workouts that prevent pain from previous injuries, cater to personal goals, and achieve optimal results. We accommodate a variety of client needs—anywhere from improving a child’s sports performance to eliminating the need for a walker in an older adult.

Here at Live Fit, we know our clients by their first name and celebrate birthdays regularly. Everyone finds it easy to get to know the trainers and other clients due to our private gym environment—eliminating crowds and unnecessary intimidation.

 Looking to manage your weight? Our full-time Registered Dietitian can help you get on track. We offer one-hour appointments to help develop a nutrition plan that works for you. We make evidence-based recommendations to get you the best, research-backed results.

Our trainers come from a variety of backgrounds including ballet, strength training, kickboxing, and functional training. Through our diverse experience, we are able to design workouts that match your interests and make everyday something different. Check out our website for more information:

Our certified professionals offer 30-minute workouts and 60-minute nutrition consults that can be scheduled to fit your needs any time from 5:30AM- 8PM. Interested in a free personal training consult? Call 440-250-9988 or Email for more information. We look forward to helping you take steps towards a healthier lifestyle!

WATCH: Thermography Session with Dr. Casen

Hi Everyone!

We are happy to share with you what takes place during a thermography session. Dr. Casen is joined by our friends at Primal Life Organics.

If you have any additional questions about thermography, please visit our thermography page here.

Please note that this video contains mature content, with the intent to educate the public on the benefits of breast thermography.

How To: Stretch 101

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for joining us this month for our Half-Hour to Health with Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen. Below are our notes and video on Stretching 101. Have a great month, and come and join us for any of our activities throughout the community.

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Creating Healthy Skin at Every Age

Thank you for joining us this month as we look into keeping your skin happy and healthy. Below are our notes on skin facts, the video to this month’s H2H, and audio recording. Please join us in April for the next H2H which will be on preventing cancer.

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How to Stay Young, Naturally!

USA Today- Recent study was done on people 60+, when asked about things they would have done differently to prepare for their senior years- the top 2 items were taken better care of their health and spending more time with family.

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Practice Member Testimonials & Weight Loss Videos

We hope your new year is starting out as well as you would like. Here, we are working on giving our digital audience additional videos in the new year. Today, we have FOUR new videos for you including two testimonials - one on energy improvement, and the other on hip pain relief and weight loss. Please share with any of your friends who you know can benefit.

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Our Top Weight Loss and Detoxification Strategies in 2019

We hope that this year brings your healthiest year yet. Our practice focus this first month is helping you create the best and safest strategies for weight loss and detoxification. Here are our notes from our H2H, with the video recording and audio recording below.

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Healing Headaches Naturally

If you regularly have a headache, you know how much of a headache that can actually be. That said, we consistently help our practice members heal themselves from the inside out, with one of the benefits being no more headaches … at all! We want the same for you, and here are our notes from this month’s H2H, with the video replay below.

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Increase Your Energy & Happiness!

Everyone wants to be happy in all areas of their life, but what happens when you don’t have any energy to enjoy, or even carry out simple, daily tasks? Our goal this month is to give you tips that you can take and implement to help increase your energy and happiness - below are our notes and video. Please share with anyone who you know can benefit!

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Bulletproof Your Lower Back

By show of hands, how many of you have low back pain throughout the day? It’s actually one of the top health concerns we help at our practices, which is why we wanted to dedicate an entire H2H on helping educate you on how to get drugless relief. Please watch the video and share with any of your friends who you know may benefit. To schedule your first visit, please contact us at or call, (440) 471-4200.

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Improving Your Digestion Naturally

Our August H2H is on how to improve your digestion naturally and we know that after reading our notes, watching and listening the broadcast, that you will begin to see relief. We look forward to helping you reach your optimal health goals without medication. Enjoy!

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Breast Thermography Q & A with Dr. Bob & Dr. Casen

Our Facebook Live video this month was a discussion with Dr. Bob and Dr. Casen on breast thermography. Since we began offering breast thermography nearly four years ago, we have helped many of our practice members to create a strategy for optimal breast health.

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Optimal Brain Health with The Drugless Doctors

Did you know that chiropractic is a secret weapon for optimal brain health? We have seen our practice member’s memory, ADHD, and more improve with the help of adjustments. In this month’s H2H, we go over the best nutrition for your brain and what lifestyle modifications you can start today for your brain’s health.

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Our Favorite Summer Recipes

We love the summer (as long as the weather cooperates!). One of our most enjoyable things to do is to utilize the abundance of fresh vegetables and other produce. Here are some of our favorite recipes to make during this season. Below is our video and audio recording. Thanks for watching!

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Have the Best Night's Sleep of Your Life!

By raise of hands, who could use a better night’s sleep (and rest)? Well, for our monthly H2H, we uncover some of your most asked sleep questions. Below are our notes, video, and voice recording of the talk, perfect for your commute, or to listen right before bed. Enjoy, and have the best night's sleep of your life!

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Menopause & Andropause | Facebook Live

Our April #HealthyMarriage topic was on menopause and andropause. Before the Facebook Live, Dr. Bob gave us this diagram below, which can be found in the "Pressing Pause" chapter in "Dr. Bob's Guide to a Healthy Marriage."

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