Product Spotlight: Rapid & Daily Immune from Gaia Herbs

Product Spotlight: Rapid & Daily Immune from Gaia Herbs

Hello Everybody,

Today, we want to talk to you about your immune system. We have several immune system products available in our wellness store. Some are specific that you could take one every day; some are more important, maybe when you have an “episode.”

From our perspective, we don't want you to have an episode. We don't want you to have any flare up. We know when that happens, consuming sugar could be a part of your life, stress could be a part of your life. You might not be sleeping well; you have a lot going on. Your immune system is compromised.

We've seen that in the last couple of years with people who have a particular health issue. We also have noticed that many people under stress may be making some poor dietary choices, stress from maybe a job loss, a loss of a loved one; you're moving away. Stress can place a demand on your immune system.

So we have two products that we love from Gaia Herbs. Gaia Herbs is probably one of the best herbs that we have been able to find in our country. One happens to be Rapid Immune. You want to have a bottle of Rapid Immune at home in the unlikely possibility, because you're a Drugless Doctor-patient, that if you get sick or you don't feel 100%, you might want to take one, two, or three or four of these in a day. This is going to kickstart your immune system. It is loaded with echinacea. We take several drops of echinacea every day for long-term prevention, along with another product we use in practice called Agrisept. Agrisept's a little bit different than the immune products. 

Gaia Herbs wisely created a one-a-day immune system product called Daily Immune. Daily Immune is very similar to Rapid Immune, except it has several other ingredients. And one of my favorite ingredients in this product is larch gum. Larch gum comes from an American Indian root and helps improve lymphatic movement in your body. The lymph system, whose largest lymph node is the spleen, is a fundamental system for excellent immune system function. They also have some mushroom ingredients here; they also have echinacea here. This is a one-a-day product that you could take, and it'll help your immune system consistently over time. This happens to be a product that you will use when you have an immediate attack.

We also, as a side note, have I-A-G. I-A-G is also a powder, and it is an immune system builder, but it has larch gum. And we encourage this, especially for our children and our ladies who maybe have had breast thermography, and we just wanted to throw that tidbit out there because of larch gum. Come and visit us today to help get your immune system back on track!

Product Spotlight: Vitamin B Nutrition

Vitamin B

Dr. Bob DeMaria of The Drugless Doctors shares what vitamin B products we use from Biotics Research Corporation.

Which Vitamin B Products are Best for You?

We’re here today to talk to you about B vitamins.

What B vitamins should you be taking? We have two different B vitamins that we use in the office. But the number one question is, "Why do you need B vitamins?"

B vitamins are an integral co-factor, and a co-factor is an ingredient that helps metabolic processes in the body. Unbeknownst to most people, what you eat becomes you. So we consume so much processed food today. Processed food means dead food. You can say, Dr. Bob, "What did you say?" Process food means dead food. How can something alive have an expiration date for two years?

So something had to be taken out of that particular food. Often when they go and they process, process means they're bringing something alive out. Your body has to scramble to make it all happen. One of the more common vitamins that are deficient are the B vitamins,

Here are some standard body signals for a B vitamin deficiency:

- Do you have sore muscles after exercise?

- Let's say you go to bed at ten and wake up at 11. That's a common body signal for a B vitamin need.

- Do mosquitoes like you? "Say, what do you mean, Dr. Bob?" Do mosquitoes like me? I'm telling you if you were to go for a walk with me, mosquitoes don't land on me. They might land on you. So if I was walking along with you and you were flapping your arms saying, oh, those mosquitoes, they keep on irritating me. I know you probably have your hand in the cookie jar. You say, well, how do you know that? Because eating sugar takes B vitamins out of the body. So I just kind of, when we're going through our consultation, say, hey, do mosquitoes bother you? And they probably go home and say to their friends, Dr. Bob or Dr. Casen, Dr. Anthony asked, do mosquitoes bother me?

We are detectives here at The Drugless Doctors. At our practice, you can come in, and we take your blood pressure. Let's say your blood pressure is 110 over 80, and you stand up, and it drops to 95 over 65. That's a body signal to us that your body could use B vitamins, especially thiamin.

We know that many of you could have mental stress, anxiety, heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation because of a B vitamin need. Now on a blood test, we look at your uric acid, and if it's slow, it means you might need some vitamin B12.

On a blood test also, we look at your carbon dioxide. The range goes from 20 to 30. If you're at 21, that tells us you probably need B vitamins. I just mentioned if your blood pressure drops from a sit to a stand, you need B vitamins. We also look at another marker called ALT and AST. Those are liver enzymes, but if those are down or low, it could mean that you need vitamin B6. Do you take the birth control pill? It's a sign of vitamin B6. A lot is going on in your body that needs B vitamins. So we have two multiple B vitamins. We have the Bio B-100, a great product, more of a low-dosage, a long-term B vitamin. We also have Bio B Complex. A little bit more potent. You don't have to take as many per day, and you don't need to take it for an extended period. You can switch to Bio B 100s.

When you look at our store, we have a GGG-B product. You say, what does that mean? Well, that's a kind of a B vitamin that has more of what we call riboflavin and choline in it. And that's for some of you that might be hearing your heartbeat on your pillow, or maybe you have restless legs. We have another one called GGG-B, and that's the kind of person who maybe has blood pressure that drops from the sit to a stand. Perhaps you have anxiety. B vitamins are very significant; they're essential; they're co-factors for optimal wealth, well, optimal health, and wellness.

You might consider picking up one of these. You may even consider having some blood tests done to know exactly what you need to take. We don't want to guess about your health.

Come and visit us today!

Pediatric Chiropractic at The Drugless Doctors

Pediatric Chiropractic at The Drugless Doctors

Dr. Casen DeMaria of The Drugless Doctors is ICPA certified. Visit us today for Pediatric Chiropractic services!

Dr. Casen DeMaria and friend

We love being able to help kids of all ages, but especially newborns, toddlers, and young children. Both Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen DeMaria are certified with the ICPA, and are trained to help provide chiropractic care to you and your family.

In this three-part video series, Dr. Casen shares different types of body signals we help when it comes to pediatric chiropractic, how we help expecting mothers, and why every child should see a chiropractor.

After watching the videos, please email info @ druglessdrs dot com to schedule an appointment - you’ll be glad you did!

Video One: Dr. Casen shares how chiropractic can help you and your growing family

Video Two: Dr. Casen shares our adjusting approach to helping expecting mothers during pregnancy.

Video Three: Dr. Casen DeMaria shares the benefits of bringing in your kids to see us and body signals we've seen improve with pediatric chiropractic.

Visit Us today in Westlake, Ohio. Go here to schedule your appointment.

Overcome Stress: Nutrition Recommendations

Helping You Overcome Stress: Nutrition Recommendations

Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob DeMaria Share Their Tips on Stress Prevention

Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob DeMaria discuss stress prevention

Hello, Everyone; Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob are coming to you from Westlake, Ohio, and Naples, Florida, and we will be talking about one of your top goals. When we see members in our office, or if we're talking to them online and on videos, what's really interesting is that many people have similar goals, and it's DECREASING STRESS.

Stress creates an acid pH in your body. So, if you're underneath stress and your pH goes down, that's acid. When you're under pressure, your body will burn up minerals. So I now make sure that I have calcium in my body regularly. I'll never forget, I happened to be in Florida, and there were these people that had this like suntan lotion on their lips, and I knew what was going on. They thought if the sun didn't hit their lips, they wouldn't get cold sores, and I wanted so bad to go over and tap on them and say, "The sun is taking calcium out of your body." So if you have leg cramps at night, cramping, starting to notice some cold sores, some Celtic Sea Salt, maybe some Cal-Mag-Zyme that we use in our office, perhaps some Bio-CMP, you might think about adding an L-lysine, which helps the absorption of calcium. I don't have cold sores anymore because I take calcium.

We have this Selina Naturally, their Celtic Sea Salt, I was reading some research on this, and the quality of the minerals; it also has some zinc in it and other nutrients, but you can sprinkle it on your food like seasoning to taste, but also sprinkle a fourth of a teaspoon in your water bottle, your kids, all of these different electrolyte powders and drinks that you see out there, a lot of them don't have these electrolytes that they portray themselves have, but they might have dyes and sugars. It's easy to incorporate.

Also, when it comes to stress, you'll hear a lot about B vitamins. The product I have right now is Bio-B 100, which is a lower amount of dose in regards to when it comes to B's. Still, our body goes through minerals and B vitamins, which can impact heart health, overall muscle tissue, and brain health. I know so many people right now; their bodies feel tight, and they say, "You know what? I can't relax; I can't relax my shoulders." And it can impact their breathing, their immune system, and we all utilize B vitamins, but mainly if you have a greater demand going on in your body right now.

People who need B vitamins usually cry easily and have sore muscles after exercise. Let's say you go to bed at 10 o'clock, and if you wake up at 11 o'clock, it could be a possible B vitamin need; your blood pressure might drop from a sit to a standing position. I take B vitamins regularly to help prevent all the issues you may have, and it's essential, so I can hold that one for you if you want to use it.

It's perfect to have on hand for prevention. Also, when it comes to stress and as chiropractors, we work on spinal function, but one of the most significant areas of the spine that we work with that always has extra stress and pressure because of gravity is that upper cervical curve.

Whether it is from food choices because you have to think that nerve only has so much room, so it could be from cookies, grains, dairy, maybe things that you don't typically consume, it can cause inflammation on those nerve roots, and that can cause, whether it's numbness and tingling in the body. We've had a lot of people with dizziness and balance and coordination challenges, increased heart rate, I know with our other nutritional services, whether it's blood pressure or cholesterol, all of these things that could be coming from foods, but also what I want you to think about is your posture. Through the seasons and with stress, you might find yourself leaning forward more in this forward position, and we want to work on, number one, whether it's us that you see or someone in your area, you want to find a skilled chiropractor who does X-rays of the spine.

You can see what's going on, but you also want to be working on strength training and exercises to help bring everything back. What's interesting, Dr. Bob? I was working with a girl, and we saw her a year ago, and I said to her, "So, what's different this year?" And she said, "Well, I want to stop saying to myself, I'm just getting older, and it's just with age." And I said, "So has anything changed?" She said, "Nope, I still have neck, lower back, mid-back, aches, and pains, and she can't move." And I said, "Okay, it will take some work. Are you willing to make a change?" And she said, "Yes."

Another product that we have, it's called Bio-Ashwagandha. It's kind of like what we call an adaptogen; it just kind of slows the body down because we all have a lot of stress going on just regardless, if it's good stress or negative stress, so Bio-Ashwagandha would help you, you could even take one or two every day. So you may consider some Celtic Sea Salt, put it on your food, use it liberally, and a couple of B vitamins every day. If you have a lot of stress, think about Bio-Ashwagandha. Feeling all those cold sores will be crucial to increasing your calcium. So that was a lot of information.

It was. You should go back and check it out, stop it, share it with a loved one. I know that you'll be glad that you did, and we look forward to helping you.


Breast Health: Thermography, Prevention, & More!

Breast Health: Thermography, Prevention, & More!

Hello Everyone! Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob coming to you from Westlake, Ohio. 

Here is our transcript from the video, which you can watch below. Thank you for visiting our page as well. If you are looking for information on breast thermography, please go here to RSVP for upcoming sessions in both Westlake, Ohio and Naples, Florida. 

Video Transcript

And we are talking to you about one of the most popular things I think, every month, every year, Dr. Bob, and it is women's health. And I know you have been so blessed and we've been so blessed to be able to use your book as a resource for all of these ladies and all of the stories that we hear. And I know that you're emailing us, Facebooking us. 

We have so many questions on your "Ask Dr. Bob", and a lot comes down to the basics, Dr. Bob, of how our body works. And maybe you could be having different body signals in your body right now, whether it's tenderness in your breasts, a heavy menstrual flow, overall, maybe difficulty losing weight, or you're tired, and you're-

- Depressed,

- Depressed.

- Anxiety, constipation, low energy.

- And I was just working with a woman with veins on her legs. And she's having all of these really, really painful procedures that she's having done. And it all goes to the root of how your body's working or not working. So, let's start, Dr. Bob, with the liver and tell us the big idea of how it all works together.

- Well, the liver is probably the most important key when it comes to everybody's health, but especially women's health. So, this is a model of the liver. This is what our normal liver would look like, and Dr. Casen, you want to hold that for me? This would be a fatty liver. You hear so much about fatty liver. And in our practice today, we take films standing up. So we'll see large livers. Your liver should stop around the bottom of your right rib on the right side, the lower rib. And if it extends past that, which we do see a lot of people's ribs go way down to their abdomen. That's not necessarily a good sign. This is a very severely damaged liver, usually oftentimes from alcohol. We're going to flip the liver over and I want you to see the gallbladder is there. Now, the gallbladder is a reservoir of bile. Your liver makes bile, so think of bile as your dish detergent in your body. So it emulsifies fat, but if you consume maybe too much alcohol, and you're taking a lot of medications, maybe even a lot of fruit, and you're placing a demand on your liver, you'll get thick pasty bile, and you're gonna have potential with some gallbladder issues. Now, Dr. Casen just mentioned about the lady with the vein issue. So this big blue area right here, this is called the vena cava. So we have a superior and an inferior vena cava. So blood flows from your veins, from your veins up through your liver on the way to your heart. So if this liver is compromised, from whatever reason, there'll be a backup, and that is a vein issue, hemorrhoids and spider veins, Dr. Casen.

- And then what's really interesting is, okay, I'm going to give this back to you here. When your liver's plugged up, we have this tool in our office called Breast Thermography. And what happens is, if your liver's not properly processing everything, it can actually back up into your lymphatic system. And then we see increased temperature in your breasts as inflammation, fibrocystic tissue. Overall, we also see increased estrogen in your body,

- Yeah.

- Whether it's in your breasts, or other areas, Dr. Bob, I know,

- Heavy flow.

- Flow. And I think tying this all together, when we talk about women's health, and I wrote "Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones." I'd encourage you to look at it and get it because you're going to learn how all these pieces interchange with each other. So this happens to be the uterus, and this is the vagina, and these are the ovaries right here. So, if your liver is compromised and you have excessive estrogen, you have a greater chance to have a fibroid or a tumor in your uterus. If also, Dr. Casen briefly talked about breast health, we also know that if you don't have enough iodine in your body, you can have cysts on your ovaries. And a lot of times you don't have enough iodine, you have a low thyroid. Body signals for a low thyroid include cold hands, cold feet, thinning hair, high cholesterol, constipation, morning headaches. So, we know that all of these organs are so important and they interchange with each other.

- And it starts at a young age, so you might be thinking, "Oh my goodness, I have a daughter or a granddaughter." And when we start working with our kids in our office, it's amazing when a female first gets her menstrual cycle, if she has a irregular cycle, or tender breasts, or a heavy flow, Dr. Bob, the traditional solution for a young girl like that is to be put on some type of birth control.

- And that just compounds the problem. And they'll never get off of that. So, we know that the liver is really important. If you live anywhere in the United States and you can't have, if someone's not willing to service you, you really should come and visit us either here in Westlake or in our Naples office. And we take our films standing up. This is so, so important. Now, a couple other thoughts when it comes to women's health, we see a lot of ladies today that may have issues, and it's not just women, but with depression and anxiety, especially postpartum depression, which means after you have your baby. Well, we'll do a blood test called the Omega Test. And one of the oils we look for is DHA, because your oils are depleted, especially after baby number two. And we have seen that you can have depression issues because of the wrong oil. And we also talked a little bit about the thyroid gland and iodine. So let me give you this, because I wrote also "Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Mental Health." The adrenal glands make adrenaline. Your body uses something called tyrosine, which is an amino acid, to make adrenaline. Tyrosine is a natural anti-depressant. Tyrosine and iodine make thyroid hormone. So you could have adrenal stress, low thyroid, and depression all wrapped up in one because of stress. And Dr. Casen, myself, and Dr. Anthony, you know, our combined time working together on the planet, we have over 65 years of experience. And all three of us will tell you, the last year has been the most amazing year in our practice because these people have all kinds of stuff because of anxiety and worry. And anxiety and worry, by the way, impacts the spleen. The kidneys, fear; lungs are sadness, you have a cough, then you have sadness. But you can have anxiety and worry, which impacts the spleen, which impacts the lymphatic system. It's a big puzzle, isn't it?

- It is, and the good news is, we're your puzzle

- Solvers!

- Solvers!

- So, I know all these body signals, you're watching us, you can rewatch us, but the great news is, even in the last year, Dr. Bob, it's so amazing to see kids and families improve without drugs.

- Without drugs.

- Through chiropractic and nutrition, and some love. A lot of you, maybe just need some more love in your life and someone to really go step-by-step with you.

- We do hug. So we've hugged a lot of people that really have needed it because they don't know where to go. So we're here to help you. I'm Dr. Bob DeMaria, this is Dr. Casen DeMaria. Look forward to seeing you in our office. Thank you so much.

- Bye!

Dr. Casen DeMaria Featured on The Dr. Axe Show

Dr. Casen DeMaria Featured on The Dr. Axe Show

Hello Friends!

We are so excited to announce that Dr. Casen was a guest on The Dr. Axe Show with co-host Naomi Whittel. In this episode, Dr. Casen shares about breast health, including the benefits of breast thermography - what age is best to begin, what foods you should be eating, and so much more!

To RSVP for the upcoming breast thermography sessions at our Westlake practice, please email - also, please share this blog with as many people as you know who can benefit.

Interested in having Dr. Casen speak on your podcast or event? Email her today at

Additionally, you can listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify.

Patient Testimonials: Joint Surgery Prevention, Fibromyalgia Relief, & More!

Spring 2021 Patient’s Testimonials: Joint Pain Surgery Prevention, Fibromyalgia Relief, & More!


Hi Everyone!

It looks like summer weather is with us, and we know that we are especially keen on seeing as many of your faces out and about at the events where we will be over the next few months.

This season’s group of patient testimonials cover a wide variety of previous health concerns, and each member describes what life was like prior to coming into our practice, and the positive results that stem from the personalized chiropractic and nutritional attention that we give to everyone.

Before we get into the videos, if you are looking for a new approach - or have tried EVERYTHING without the results you were looking for, make an appointment with us today, we can’t wait to help you!

In our first testimonial, Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who shares that he is the only one out of his seven siblings that has not needed joint surgery - and he credits this to coming to our practice and receiving chiropractic care as well as other lifestyle and health recommendations.

In our second testimonial video, Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who, prior to coming to our office, had two surgeries (rotator cuff and spinal stenosis) - and with our help and precise Chiropractic adjustments, she now "feels so much at ease with my body."

Dr. Aimee interviews one of our practice members who, as an active runner, experienced an injury that prevented him from normally running his average of 30 miles a week. At first, he explains he was skeptical about chiropractic care, but is now a believer, especially since he is now training for his next ultra-marathon.

Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who shares how their mobility has improved after they began working from home with long hours in front of the computer. Additionally, they share how our #DruglessDetox has been a success for them and their spouse.

Lastly, Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and how we have been able to help relieve pain through chiropractic and diet choices (no fruit, no dairy, no sugar, no gluten).

Thanks for watching - we’ll see you all soon!

Dr. Bob DeMaria on "Today with Marilyn & Sarah" - Mental Health Episodes

Dr. Bob DeMaria on “Today with Marilyn & Sarah” Mental Health Episodes

We were happy to return as a guest for two episodes on “Today with Marilyn & Sarah” to discuss the new “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” - as important as ever, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month.

Please make sure to watch both episodes, and then pass them on to anyone who you know can benefit.

Additional Mental Health Resources

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - PDF

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Kindle

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Audio

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Individual Chapters

Mental Health & You - Online Class

Thanks for watching - visit us in Westlake, OH and Naples, FL for chiropractic, personalized nutrition, drugless mental health help, and breast thermography.

Helping Depression, Anxiety, and Memory Loss Naturally - Mental Health Tips

Helping Depression, Anxiety, and Memory Loss Naturally - Mental Health Tips

Hi Everyone!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and below is the transcript of Dr. Anthony and Dr. Bob’s discussion on mental health, and more specifically, Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health, as a blueprint for this conversation:

It's been about a year since Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Mental Health has been out. And I know that there's been a lot of people that have really responded well to the information that's in the book.

So, Dr. Bob, let's talk a little bit about why is mental health and the mental health book now more important than ever?

- People are stressed, So the book itself is going to give individuals some basic ideas of what you can do to promote optimal health of living, because your brain is impacted by all these emotions and all of these stresses.

- Now, for those that are out there watching this, what are a couple of simple, easy tips that someone can do to help improve their mental health?

- Well, probably the number one that all of you could do is minimize stress. And this is kind of interesting. Let's say somebody asks you to do something you don't really want to do, like make 12 dozen cookies with pink frosting and sprinkles on top. That is just not a part of your passion. So you have to learn something. If somebody asks you to do something you don't want to do just say, "I can't say yes," with a smile. And they're going to say, what does that mean? It's NO, we have so many people, well intended to have family members help and support them. I'm not telling you not to, but it's stress. And let me give you the real reason what happens here. There are glands in your body called adrenal glands. Adrenal glands make adrenaline or adrenal hormones. Well, that's made in part by something called tyrosine. Tyrosine is a protein, it's an amino acid. Well, tyrosine is a natural anti-depressant. That's important for you to know that. But tyrosine and iodine make thyroid hormone. So a lot of people have depression, Dr. Anthony, and or anxiety, and not only are their adrenal glands tired, they have low thyroid with cold hands and cold feet. And then they have depression. We talk about that inside of the book and what you can do to help improve brain function.

- So Dr. Bob, what about a test and what tests might you recommend if someone's like, you know what? I really like to investigate more mental health, my own health, what could they do and why should they do it?

- Well, I'll tell you, one of the things that you could do is take your blood pressure sitting and then standing. And if your blood pressure drops from a sit to a stand, you may have adrenal gland involvement. So that's one test you could do. Have your thyroid checked, TSH, T3, and T4. If the numbers are low, it's possibly because you don't have enough tyrosine. But if you really drill down a little bit further, you can have a test done called the Omega Test. The Omega Test is an evaluation of the oil inside of your body that impacts your brain. For example, DHA. DHA is fat for the brain. You want to make sure you have enough of that. On the other hand, if you have an elevation of Omega-6 fats, your brain is going to be in a state of inflammation. We also know by looking at a blood test we use called the Opti-Chem, if your alkaline phosphatase, I know it's a big word, but alkaline phosphatase is low, it means you could have a zinc need. Well, you need zinc for your memory. That's a part of mental health. And finally, we look at a person's uric acid, it's another serum test. And if that level is low, it could be a B12 need. And you need B12 Dr. Anthony, for your memory. It's amazing how many possibilities that we have that we can help a person drill down to find out what's going on inside of them.

- Okay, so in your experience too, and I know that you talked about this in the book as well, what have you seen with people that have received chiropractic care and their mental health? Is there a correlation? What have you noticed?

- You know, it's really, that's a tremendous question. We have people that will come in with major anxiety. It just happened to me last week. We had an individual come in, we take posture pictures. The person's posture was like this. You can literally see the frown on her head, even with the mask on. Gave her her very first spinal correction, to her upper cervical spine. And when she came in this week, on Tuesday, her whole life was changed. We had a gentleman that was so kind to write a testimony in our book, and after his first or second adjustment, his anxiety was gone. That's a big deal.

- Okay, so for anybody that's out there, what would you tell them about if they're interested in the mental health book, why should they consider getting it?

- Well, it's going to give you a roadmap from the beginning to the end. We talk about antidepressants and we're not telling anybody to get off their antidepressants. We talk about how fat does impact your brain and how to measure it. A variety of nutrients. We even have all the different types of tests that you can do. But one area that I failed to mention that's really, really important is that mental health itself impacts organs. For example, your liver is the organ of anger. The gallbladder is bitterness. The lungs are sadness, kidney is fear. And here's the last one, that's so significant. The spleen, which is a part of your immune system, is anxiety and worry. So people who have a lot of anxiety and worry Dr. Anthony, their immune system is weak. So if you want to learn more about what I just said, by getting the book we're going to give you the building blocks that you need to create optimal, happy mental health.

- So I'm Dr. Anthony DeMaria. This is Dr. Bob DeMaria. I hope you enjoyed this information on mental health and we hope that you have an excellent day.

Patient Testimonials: Pain Relief, Better Health Choices, & More

Patient Testimonials: Pain Relief, Better Health Choices, & More

Hi Everyone!

We love to share the health progress and improvement of our practice members - because that’s why people come to see us, right?! Here are five new testimonial videos, which include topics on pain trauma, overall health relief, and more! Interested to learn more? Call us today at (440) 471-4200, we look forward to helping you and your family!

Dr. Casen is interviewing Alyssa, who came to us for sinus headaches and tension in neck and shoulders. With chiropractic and drugless care, she is "making better choices to keep my body healthy." Way to go, Alyssa!

Dr. Aimee interviews Shauna, who found herself working from home during the past year. When she decided to come to our practice, she was very impressed with our efficiency and timeliness, and most importantly, how we were able to help "eliminate" her neck pain.

Dr. Aimee interviews one of our practice members who is a pediatric dental hygienist and how she now feels "connected" with chiropractic care, including not "shifting" and pain relief.

Dr. Aimee is joined by Lisa, who is a personal trainer, and shares with us how The Drugless Doctors have been able to help her neck and hip pain, and that she "feels so much better, not only physically, but mentally as well."

In this testimonial from one of our practice members, you'll find out how we were able to help restore mobility from severe trauma, including back pain, and how they no longer need to take muscle relaxers.


Contact Us Today!

Take a Tour of Our Westlake Practice


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our Westlake, Ohio practice. We know that people from all over the world visit our website, and one of the ways to invite them in, is to show them what they can expect when the come to visit us in Westlake, Ohio. Here are some of the key highlights from the video, which you can watch below:

- Our wellness store. We have a variety of nutrients as well as health products that are going to help improve function in your body.

- We have different adjusting suites. These tables are designed for us to make simple, light gentle corrections with everybody that we're working with. When someone's in the office as well, we have all of their information that we've gathered from them on the screen in front of us so that we can give them the very best care in our office.

- When you first come into our office, we're going to sit down with you and talk about your health goals, what's going on and what you've done up until now. One of the most important evaluations that we do is to evaluate your spine and your nervous system. And how we do that is we have our posture zone here.

- We utilize digital films. Digital films have minimal exposure. And we like to do what we call postural films. The individual is standing up because gravity is continually pushing down on top of you. Gives us more of an exact dynamic of what's happening to you over time.

- Finally, we would sit down with someone and go over their findings and create a plan of action for them based on all the information that we collected. So we always like to create something based on someone's goals and our findings so that they can be at the top of their performance when it comes to their health. So we're inviting you to join us at The Drugless Doctors in Westlake - we know, you’ll be glad you did.

Call us today at (440) 471-4200 to schedule an appointment!

Natural Tips for Optimal Sleep!

Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony DeMaria

Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony DeMaria


Natural Tips for Optimal Sleep! 💤

Happy November, Everyone! This month, our Facebook Live video is on optimal sleep for you and possibly the person that sleeps next to you! Let’s review our notes, and then make sure to watch our video and begin applying these suggestions for peaceful rest. 

What is sleep and why do we need it? – One of the least understood areas of the human body

Sleep is a state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. Sleep allows our bodies to shut down our conscious (thought) and voluntary muscles (used for movement). This allows our body to focus energy to cell growth and repair along with returning balance to our mental and physical state.

Our Top Natural Sleep Tips

- Make sleep a priority by keeping a consistent bedtime and wake schedule, including weekends.

- Develop a bedtime routine that is relaxing. We recommend reading a book because it allows your brain to relax. Other options include listening to soothing music, or soaking in a hot bath.

- Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best possible sleep.

- Evaluate your mattress and pillow to ensure proper comfort and support. If your mattress is five to seven years old, it may be time for a new one. In general, pillows should be replaced every year.

- Keep work materials, computers and televisions out of the bedroom.

- Exercise regularly, but complete workouts at least two hours before bedtime.

- If you sleep with a partner, your mattress should allow each of you enough space to move easily. A queen mattress is ideal for two people sharing a mattress.

- Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, partaking in nicotine, and caffeine close to bedtime. These can lead to poor sleep, keep you awake, or disrupt sleep later in the night.

- Stop electronics at night. 

Read more sleep tips on Dr. Bob’s website. 

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Dr. Casen, The Sun, Dr. Anthony

Dr. Casen, The Sun, Dr. Anthony

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Hi Everyone! 

For this month’s video, Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are sharing about the health benefits of vitamin D. Let’s begin!

Vitamin D Facts:

- Vitamin D deficiency affects 41% of people in the USA!

- It is a fat soluble vitamin – ADEK – other fat soluble vitamins absorb well together.

- Hard to obtain the correct amount of vitamin D from food.

- Necessary for correct bone health and a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

- Has anti-cancer properties by helping the body with a function called apoptosis

- Helps to boost the immune system – can be effective against the flu.

- One study reported 96% of people who had a heart attack had low levels of vitamin D.

- Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked with decreased life span.

Documented Health Benefits

Reduced risk of osteoporosis, better physical strength, reduced risk of cancer, decrease in clinical depression, longer-life span, decreased chance of type 1 diabetes, cognitive improvement, and osteoporosis. 

Bio- D Mulsion Forte – source of D3

1. Micro-emulsified for easy absorption rate

2. One Drop is 2000 IU – the current RDA is 400 but studies show the daily requirement is closer to 4000 IU or two drops on tongue.

3. Cost effective – 2 drops daily is equivalent to about $1.50 a month.

Who should take it?

1. Kids – 400-2000 IU daily (1 drop on tongue)

2. Adults – 2000-4000 IU daily (2 drops on tongue)

3. Pregnant Moms – 4000 IU daily

4. Elderly – 2000-4000 IU daily

Stream all our videos on Facebook: @druglessdrs

Dr. Bob's Top Health "Secrets"

Dr. Bob has a few health “secrets” for you!

Dr. Bob has a few health “secrets” for you!

Hello Everybody! 

This is Dr. Bob DeMaria. I am going to give you some Dr. Bob "Health Secrets." 

Are you ready? 

The first secret I want to give you is iodine. I learned this so many years ago. I know that people like to go swimming in swimming pools, they like to hang out in hot tubs, they like to take showers and brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Well, you may also be consuming tap water from your municipal sink source of water. And those are not necessarily all bad, but the real challenge is that the water today has been treated with chlorine, bromine, and fluorine, and guess what it does? It competes with iodine. And I have found from my experience that the modern day scurvy is lack of iodine.

What's scurvy, Dr. Bob? 

Lack of vitamin C, and a lot of English and other sailors died of it. So if you or your loved ones are spending time in the pool or using municipal water, you could have an iodine deficiency resulting in a low thyroid, which will cause thinning hair, cold hands, cold feet, constipation, high cholesterol. If you are using a pool or any of those sources, you may consider getting a bottle of Iodizyme from us. All adults could take at least one tablet a day. And if you have children that are 100 lbs or less, I would do at least a half a tablet every day.

Now if you get any kind of reaction with the iodine, “What kind of reaction Dr. Bob?"

Skin rash, flu-like symptoms. It's not the iodine per se, the iodine is pushing the bromine, fluorine and chlorine out of your body. And over time it should go away. 

We're going to switch gears now to another little secret. The Bio-B Complex or Bio B-100's

Do you cry easy? Do you have sore muscles after exercise? And here's the big question, do mosquitoes like you? 

You say, “Well what do you mean do mosquitoes like you?” 

If I was to go out for a walk with myself, I never get bothered by mosquitoes because I have enough B vitamins in my body, especially B1 or thiamin. I know a lot of you watching me right now will say, “Dr. Bob, mosquitoes just love me.” 

Well, first, if mosquitoes love you, obviously you'll want to start taking some Bio-B Complex at least three a day. And you're also going to get yourself a bottle of the Kare Spray for the itch. But to help prevent that, I would encourage you to make sure you have enough B vitamins, especially if you're going to be outdoors for any length of time. 

Some of you could have what we commonly, what you have commonly told us, the summer cold. Well, the summer cold oftentimes is not a cold at all. It's an allergy. So we don't promote peanut butter, dairy, wheat products, probably pizza being the worst combination of all of them or a donut. They're not bad foods, but what those foods do is they create distress to your system like it's a foreign invader. So we encourage you to use some Histoplex-AB. It's kind of like a natural antihistamine. You could take two or three or four every day. But your ultimate goal, besides backing off those foods, dairy, peanut butter, sugar, and wheat, you're going to want to make sure that you're in the office to have your neck checked, your cervical spine, especially the upper cervical spine, because if that's out of alignment, you're going to have some nasal congestion. 

Probably the biggest thrill that I had in my life was many many years ago, almost 25 years ago, a young lady got off of our chiropractic adjusting table, she looked me straight in the eye and guess what she said? "That was faster than Benadryl!" That's amazing, isn't it? 

Here's another very interesting product and I had a conversation with someone today, it's called Li-Zyme Forte. Li-Zyme Forte is tremendous when you're under stress. Any of you out there, right now have a little bit of stress in your life, what Li-Zyme Forte does, when it hits your intestine, it becomes acetylcholine for your brain. If you're under severe mental stress, do you know you could literally take one of these an hour for about a two-week time period. It's a plant-based trace mineral. We see tremendous results with this. It's not addictive, but it's going to help calm you down. You don't need to take it forever. You can take two or three every day, but if your stress increases, you're going to want to add some Li-Zyme Forte. I'm going to close with this product. How many of you out there love sugar? 

Dr. Bob, of course I love sugar!

Cake, strawberry shortcake, cookies. You crave sugar and craving sugar is not necessarily the best because it compromises your immune system. Well Cr-Zyme, it's a trace mineral called chromium, and I've had people that have to take up to nine a day to stop the craving for sugar. But if you're having sugar cravings, Cr-Zyme, start with three or four every day. That will help stop the cravings. But to be logical, you don't want anybody bringing in that sweet pastries home because it's going to be an enticement to you. So we have a variety of summer tools that I know will help make a difference so you'll be able to enjoy your summertime. 

So get out and play with your friends and family.

Testimonial: A Family's Health Improves with Chiropractic!

Dr. Casen DeMaria & Friends

Dr. Casen DeMaria & Friends

We love being able to help families improve their health. And this testimonial video series highlights the unique approach we were able to use for each individual, while improving all of their health. We encourage you to watch all of the videos, and then share with your friends and anyone who you know can benefit.

Additionally, if you are a business owner, or part of an organization that regularly holds discussions on a variety of topics, we would love to partner with you. Go here to learn more about our virtual and in-person talks.

First Testimonial:

We begin with Carrie, who shares how her headaches are a thing of the past.

In this testimonial, Dr. Casen talks to Daniel, who shares how chiropractic and new eating habits have been able to help improve his health.

Lastly, Dr. Anthony interviews Todd, who shares his positive experience with chiropractic and drugless health.

Come and visit us today in Westlake, OH or Naples, Florida. We look forward to helping you and your family!

Increase Your Energy Naturally!

Let’s Dance with Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony!

Increase Your ENERGY

Hi Everyone! 

Welcome to May! What a few months it has been. If you’re like us, you’re ready to enjoy spring in all of its bounty. This month, our H2H is on energy - and we know that this is always a popular topic, so if you’re feeling lethargic and you’re ready to learn what you can do to feel vibrant again - watch this video and then pass it on to a friend! Let’s dance! 

What areas in life do you want to increase your energy? 

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3:

- Stay connected! Research shows that being in community and connected to people improves physical health and mental health. Examples: writing letters, Facetime, video chat, a text/email.

- Fuel your body with the right ingredients!  What are you doing to create healthy meals with your family?

- Movement creates energy. Sitting is the most amount of pressure on your spine. Ergonomics are important but also proper motion in your spine. Get outside and exercise (minimum of 20 minutes/day).

Action Steps-

- Do 1 thing and share it with 2 people in your life

 - Schedule an appointment

 Upcoming Events 

- Catch up on our videos on Facebook @druglessdrs and  YouTube

 - Dr. Bob’s Mental Health Book was just released!  Check it out on his website & Amazon!

 - We DONATE our time to offer virtual workshops! Email to schedule a fun talk with your group or business!

PDF of Notes

Have a great month!

The Drugless Doctors Updates - April 2020

Dr. Bob, Dr. Casen, Dr. Anthony - The Drugless Doctors

Hello Friends!

During times like these, we are continually reminded of how thankful we are for our practice members, and those of you who rely on our services for your health.  

We are open for adjustments and appointments. That said, we would like to update you on some of the changes we have made:

  1. We have changed our adjusting hours to accommodate three adjustments every 15 minutes throughout our regular hours. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-6 and Tuesdays 1-6.

  2. There are no longer any chairs in our common areas.  

  3. Front desk glass protectors are installed for the protection of our team and practice members.

  4. Purchases made from our Wellness Store are encouraged to be done ahead of time over the phone to limit your time in the office. They can either be picked up or shipped.

  5. We usually keep highly clean spaces but have been wiping down our tables and instruments after each adjustment. (As well as periodic cleaning of our common-area surfaces throughout the day such as counters and doorknobs.)

Pictures of Updated Office Operations 

Front desk glass protectors

Social distancing appropriate adjustment area

There are two ways you can schedule an adjustment/appointment

  1. Call our team at 440-471-4200. They will help find a time that works for you, as well as pre-screen you with several brief questions to get you scheduled.

  2. Use SKED: You can add an appointment or reschedule on SKED to any of our open times, which are operating on the three adjustments per 15-minute capacity. Please don’t add or move anything past May 1, as we don’t know how long we will maintain this schedule. If you add or reschedule adjustments on SKED, you have to respond to our pre-screening questions on your 24-hour reminder. If you add an adjustment within 24 hours of your appointment, please contact our office via phone to go through our pre-screening protocol.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience with us throughout the last month and into the next month. 

If there is anything we can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to let us know, as we will all get through this together.

The Drugless Doctors

Re-Opening of Westlake Practice: Updated Operations & Conditions

The Drugless Doctors COVID-19 Response: Re-Opening With Updated Operations & Conditions 

Email: Phone: (440) 471-4200

Our office is committed to the health and well-being of our practice members, team, and doctors. We are closely monitoring the situation and following directives from Governor DeWine, the Ohio Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

After listening to Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton speak Sunday (3/22/2020) and listening to the advice given by our State Board and our State Association’s status, we have decided to continue to remain open and available to you with limited hours.  

Chiropractic care has been deemed essential. 

Please note that there can be frequent updates, and we encourage you to check back here on our website.  

We know that by keeping you healthy, we are doing our part in keeping the number of people needing to visit urgent care/hospitals down! 

Our goal is to reduce the burden placed on our colleagues in the medical community, as they work tirelessly to care for those affected by this pandemic.  

As we adapt, the day-to-day operations at our office we may experience some unique obstacles in the short term, but we are committed to pivoting as needed and be here for you as much as we can.  

All appointments until further notice will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

All wellness store purchases need to be done ahead of time over the phone.

See the email address at the top of the page, or the SKED app for more information. 

Supply Issues - As you can imagine, there are some issues with supplements being on back-order right now. If you need refills, emailing us (see address at the top of page) is the best way to get an order into us ASAP, and you will then be placed on a first-come/first-serve list.

We strongly suggest staying on your nutrition protocol the best you can in times that are stressful - especially adrenal and immune support! 

Before any appointment, these questions need to be answered:

1. Have you traveled outside the state or country within the last 14 days?

2. Have you had contact with anyone confirmed COVID-19 during the previous 14 days?

3. Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 14 days?

A. Fever greater than 100

B. Difficulty breathing

C. Coughing

If you are currently experiencing fever over 100, difficulty breathing, or coughing, please call your primary care provider and schedule an appointment with them for appropriate testing.

If the responses to the questions were negative, proceed with your scheduled appointment with us.               

We apologize for closing last week as our office was not suited for the spacing and screening requirements to comfortably and confidently handle practice member visits.

Here’s what we are currently doing to comply with new protocols:

- Our office is remaining open and limiting the office to the doctors and practice members on-site during our in-person treatments to minimize the number of people present. All office questions will need to be done over the phone with our team, instead of in the office to reduce the number of people in the office at all times.

- We are providing special adjusting times for at-risk practice members. Please call us (see above for phone number) for exact timing.

- We are moving to virtual appointments where possible: lab consultations and general questions.

- For supplements refills, we are offering door pickups or mail orders. You can call or email your order and handle payment, and we will figure out the best way to get them to you.

- Reducing the number of practice members scheduled to minimize group exposure and scheduling, phone consults when possible. 

- We are providing disinfectant and sanitizer options throughout the office.

- We are sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces, tables, doorknobs, clipboards, and pens with medical-grade disinfectant before and after each patient.

- We request practice members and team to stay home if exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms and call or email us to reschedule.

- Rewashing our hands, and again, and again!

Here’s what we ask of you:

- Do your part in practicing social distancing to protect yourself and others.

- Please observe a 6ft. distance from other practice members while in the office.

- Please reschedule your appointment or go virtual if you or someone you have been in contact with a definite case of COVID-19 or have traveled outside of the U.S. in the last 14 days or are exhibiting symptoms.

- Wash your hands, again and again, and again :)

We are here to answer questions and help in any way we can as it relates to scheduling, practice member care, general questions, or payments. 

Please call or email us if you need any guidance. We are working on virtual workshops for our upcoming “Half-Hour to Health.” Please stay tuned to your email inbox and social media.  

Thank you for your patience and trust in us. We will get through this together.

To serve the needs of our community and to avoid an interruption of being open if you have a surplus of supplies such as Clorox or Lysol wipes, alcohol swabs, isopropyl alcohol, thermometers, we would greatly appreciate your generosity in sharing.

We appreciate your faith and confidence in our ability to serve the needs of your friends and family members. We will get through this. 

Please practice patience with us through this process, 

With Gratitude, 

The Drugless Doctors

Our Response to COVID-19

Response to COVID-19

Here at The Drugless Doctors, we have been monitoring the unfolding events related to COVID-19. 

We wanted to assure those we see in the office that we are following all of the CDC recommendations and guidelines. We would also like to mention we are working on going above and beyond to work on wiping down surfaces that come in to contact with hands. Below are some recommendations for good practices for stopping the spread of the virus and things we can do proactively to help keep our immune system strong. If you have any questions or concerns about anything related to the COVID-19, scheduled appointments, or anything related to your care in the office, please contact us at 440-471-4200 or email Dr. Anthony DeMaria directly at   


  1. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

  2. Maintain at least 1-meter distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

  3. Avoid touching your eye, nose, and mouth.

  4. Follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.

  5. Clean surfaces with disinfectant.

  6. If you feel unwell, stay at home.

  7. If you develop a fever or have difficulty breathing, seek medical advice promptly.

  8. If you have had recent travel or contact with travelers from areas with an outbreak, take extra precautions.

Ways to help boost the immune system.

  1. Chiropractic Care – Click on the link for a short video of how chiropractic played a role in helping the flu pandemic of 1918 -

  2. Stay away from sugar – Sugar depletes the body of minerals and can compromise immune system function.

  3. Get plenty of rest – if you are tired, fatigued, and stressed it creates a perfect storm for a virus to take hold of your system

  4. Consider Proper Supplementation

    Vitamin D – taking 5,000 IU of Vit D daily can help to improve immune system function.

    General Immune Health – Agrisept – a great way to help improve immune system function by using this citrus seed extract.

    General Immune Health – Bio–Immunozyme-Forte – This is Biotics Research Corporation's premier multi-vitamin for immune health. Three daily for prevention and up to 9 daily if not feeling well.                                                                                                                                                               

    For a Virus:

    -IAG is a product we use to help improve the bodies' response to a virus. Great for kids as well.

    Bio FCTS – the ingredients in this product help to prevent virus replication.

    Ultravirx – an excellent herbal product that helps the body combat viruses.

    General Immune – Rapid/Daily immune Response – when not feeling well, these herbal products have potent ingredients to stimulate the immune response.

Our office hours will remain unchanged unless otherwise noted.

The Drugless Doctors’ Team

How To Be Healthy 🥦 🥒🎾

Dr. Casen & Friend

How To Be Healthy!

 Hi Everyone! 

When we were coming up with H2H topics this year, we thought that this month’s topic may seem too “simple,” but in reality, this is the question almost everyone has: How can I be healthy? 

Below is our starting point to build your health foundation. We encourage you to watch the video and then send it on to a friend. We know, they’ll be glad you did! 


- The brain & nervous system

- Thoughts, traumas, toxins

- From before birth until now …

- Your body is self-healing & self-adapting


- Essential for healing in your body.

- Create growth hormone for healing

- Goal: 8 hrs. per night

- Have a consistent bedtime

- Minimize screen time before bed


- Create movement as a part of your life

- Helps with detoxification, blood flow, oxygen, mental health…etc.

- Goal: 20 mins/day

- Do what you love and enjoy


- Foods that cause inflammation: gluten/dairy/sugar

- Focusing on anti-inflammatory foods: proteins & vegetables

- Reading labels

- Focus on organic (due to pesticides) & fresh foods


- 85 % of your body is water

- Water goals: measurement is key

- The type of water you should be drinking

- Creating new habits- it takes 21 days

 YOUR Action Steps


Upcoming Events!  Check out our FB page @druglessdrs for all of our free classes.

Breast Thermography

A different approach to help you create a strategy of prevention and to stay healthy at any age.   Our next dates are April 28th, May 1st, and May 5th. Spaces are limited, call to schedule today with our team- 440-471-4200

Help us to reach our community!  Do you have a group, school, or business that is looking for a speaker at their next event?  Please email  We do lunch & learns, workshops, health fairs, and can tailor the talk to your needs

Next H2H-

April 1st @ noon and April 2nd @ 6pm- How To PREVENT cancer!