Drs. Anthony & Casen Pediatric Chiropractic Certification

Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony DeMaria

Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony DeMaria

Do you have young children? If you do, or you will soon, Dr. Anthony & Dr. Casen are proud to announce that both of them have been granted Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s (ICPA) renowned Certification Program.

The ICPA offers Doctors of Chiropractic an opportunity to achieve certification in family wellness chiropractic through advanced academics and clinical studies. The 200-hour curriculum provides the doctor with techniques and protocols of care for children and pregnant women. The 16 module program covers advanced levels of training and expertise additional to what is offered in chiropractic colleges.

By being certified, Drs. Anthony and Casen DeMaria are recognized for their completion of ICPA’s 14 classroom modules taught by the today’s leading authorities in family chiropractic and two in-office Practice-Based Research Network projects, which substantiate both practical and evidence informed clinical competencies.

#NoMeds Story: Overall Health Improvement!

In this week's #NoMeds testimonial, we have Christine, who drives SIX HOURS round trip (You rock Christine!!):

The Drugless Doctors approach to healthcare is just what I had been searching for! I travel 6 hours round trip each month for my appointment and chiropractic adjustment and feel it's very worth my time! I love the positive and encouraging environment of the office and staff. The atmosphere they create is very restful and healing- no stressed out, scurrying around, overworked staff, but cheerful and helpful people who are respectful of my time and don't make me sit in the waiting room for an hour past my appointment. The technology the doctors use is very up to date and the knowledge they share of living a healthy lifestyle and using quality supplements is impressive! They use technology to personalize my treatment plan and to find the specific supplements and lifestyle my body needs. I look forward to my chiropractic adjustments as each one makes me feel awesome and helps my body function noticeably better! I love the Drugless Doctors Team and am grateful to be on this journey of living a healthy lifestyle!

Christine & Dr. Casen

Christine & Dr. Casen

We are based in Westlake, a community close to Cleveland, but care for people all over world. If you would like to consider chiropractic and drugless care, please contact us today!

Heart Health & Omega-3 Fats

Did you know there are oils and fats your body needs everyday? In this quick video, Dr. Anthony shares what oils he takes everyday and lists a few others for you as well. To view them on our sister site, please go here, here, and here. Also, Dr. Bob goes more into detail in his "Trans Fat Survival Guide", where he share what oils you DO NOT want to consume, EVER! If you have questions about heart health or what oils you should be taking everyday, please consider contacting us at our Westlake or Elyria wellness practices.

TDD: Breast Health

Yesterday we introduced a new service (breast thermography) at our practice. In yesterday's blog post, Dr. Casen shared briefly what this will look like and we will also be rolling out more information this week. In this "The Drugless Doctor" episode, we look further into breast health and how our new service is designed to help give you answers in order for you to make the best drugless decisions regarding your personal health. For more information, please contact us here, we'd love to talk to you!

New Service: Breast Thermography

We are happy to introduce a new service especially for women! We are beginning Breast Thermography sessions, in which Dr. Casen shares what that is and why it is an effective alternative for optimal women's health. If you would like more information, please visit us here and we will be happy to assist you.

#TBT: H2H Detoxification

We love to have fun at our practice, and we were able to find some old videos of Dr. Bob at our old practice in Elyria for his "Half-Hour to Health". This is a three-part video series on detoxification. His style may have been updated, but the information will still help you, enjoy!

To come visit us in our Westlake and Elyria chiropractic practices, please go here.

TDD: Parasites

Do you grind your teeth at night? Or what about chronic headaches? At our practice we are beginning to see an epidemic of individuals with parasites. In this "The Drugless Doctor", we look at what causes parasites, what they are, and how you can get rid of them naturally.

If you think some of these body signals pertaining to parasites are affecting your health, please come and visit us!

What Does Fat Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what fat looks like when it's outside of your body? Dr. Anthony gives us an example and then shares preliminary steps to help in your weight loss plan. If you are considering a plan to lose weight, visit this blog on The Drugless Diet, and watch this testimonial from one of our practice members.

For more information, please contact us to come visit our chiropractic and nutrition practice in either Westlake or Elyria.

Eat Your ABC's

We all need to eat everyday to live. But when you are first committing to living a healthy lifestyle, where can you begin? Dr. Anthony shares the three foods to help kickstart this process. Also, go here to our sister-site on The Drugless Doctor for more information on these foods.

For more information about cleansing and detox, please visit our chiropractic and wellness practice in Westlake or Elyria.

TDD: Detoxification

One of the top questions we receive daily at our practice is, "How do I detoxify my body?". Many of us also want to cleanse our body the right way when beginning a new year, and we recently taped a "The Drugless Doctor" episode on detoxification. You can also view and download Dr. Bob's "Cleanse & Purify" devotional, now on YouVersion. If you have any questions, or would like to visit our chiropractic practice in Westlake, please go here. We would love to help you!

The Drugless Diet: Water

One of the best starting points to begin a weight loss and cleansing protocol is to drink water from a pure source. In this quick video, Dr. Casen shares how much water you should drink per day. For more information on water, go here, and for more information on The Drugless Diet, go here.

The Drugless Diet

Each new year brings about intent to start fresh. That might mean doing your best to become healthier and to lose weight. Our office over the past few years has started each year with "The Drugless Diet" and we are now offering it on our website for the first time.

The diet provides you with the accountability of knowing one of our doctors will be reviewing your diet and fitness journals each week, helping you to make the appropriate changes to promote a healthier you. Currently, this program is only offered on-site at our Westlake and Elyria practice. Here is a run-down of what The Drugless Diet includes:

1. Initial Assessment: We develop an outline and strategy for you. This includes weight, pictures, tracking devices or halc pre and post test, BMI, waist measurement, and fat body analyzer.

2. Weekly diet and fitness journal reviews: This allows us to track your progress.

3. Welcome Packet: Includes information on what to eat, when to exercise, and helpful troubleshooting points for your weight loss.

4. Ending Assessment & Consultation: Weight, picture, BMI, waist measurement, and fat-body analyzer.


We have seen multiple benefits to our practice members who have participated in this program besides the weight loss element. Some of these include increased energy, more self-esteen, regular bowel movements, increased libido, and more.

The retail value for The Drugless Diet is over $1500, but the importance of changing your life is also important to us, which is why we are offering the program at only $250 to our current practice members and $450 to non-practice members.

Please contact us for more information, so we can help you have your healthiest year yet!

TDD: Thyroid

Happy 2016 Everyone! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and New Year's with your friends and family. Now that we are in the first week of 2016, we want to make sure this year is your healthiest yet, and we have many exciting events planned for this year. January is recognized as Thyroid Awareness Month and we taped one of our "The Drugless Doctor" segments on how to help your thyroid with drugless principles. We offer multiple thyroid tests at our practice and always develop a personalized thyroid plan based on your numbers. On our sister site, druglessdoctor.com, we have a Thyroid Quiz which you can take and join us for a live event at the end of January.

To visit our chiropractic and nutrition-based practice about your thyroid, please go here.

In The News: Life University

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen, are graduates of Life University in Atlanta and they were recently highlighted in Life's "Faces of Life" editorial, which you can read in its entirety here. If you are considering chiropractic colleges, please read about Dr. Anthony and Casen's experience at Life and contact them with any questions you may have.

How To: Stress Less During the Holidays

How to do approach the Christmas season? Is your calendar booked with something each night of the week? Spending time with friends and family is one of the focal points during this season, but we have found that stress levels can also be at an unreasonably high level during this time as well. Dr. Bob shared his tips to help us stress-less on our sister site, druglessdoctor.com & we have them here for you today:

I have read that stress creates over 80% of all sickness and disease today. Due to all of the instant gratification, stimulation and communication in society today it seems that the days tend to fly by! I know from my own perspective the week skips from Monday to Friday in a blink. Our schedules are filled with day to day chores, family and personal responsibilities and opportunities to help our friends, relatives and co-workers.

For the purpose of this entry, we will focus on two general responses to stress. There can be a positive stress, celebrating a victory or a negative one – living with the consequences of a mis-step or reset. People living today, and this is a general statement, receive happiness from the positive response and appear to be taught from the negative ones. Unfortunately, the consequences of a negative stress often times can create distress for years and even generations.

Stress has a variety of impact possibilities to the physiology of the body; it literally cause a pit in your stomach, hives on your skin, loose stools, hair loss, sleepless nights, dry mouth, back pain, headaches, “tics” and about five hundred other responses. So, what does stress really do; it literally pushes buttons that speed up the adrenal gland causing more cortisol which races the heart, increases blood pressure, burns muscle and starts your metabolism running.  How you handle the stress impacts your immune system response. Stress impacts several areas in the body and has a negative impact on your health especially when it is constant and sustained as some of you may endure during the Christmas season.

Stress tends to cause an acid pH which burns up your minerals. It is wise to add additional minerals from the beginning of November until the spring time. We use Multi Mins™, three to six a day on an empty stomach. Body signals for mineral need would include cold sores, leg cramps at night, itchy skin, legs twitching in bed, craving salt and/or sugar.

Stress exhausts the adrenal glands which is a very important natural pain reliever, hormone maker and blood sugar controller. Adrenal fatigue is common with the additional hours, schedules and commitments during the holiday season. I encourage our patients to take two ADB5™ upon waking and two at noon. Body signal for exhausted adrenal function include dizzy from a sit to a stand position, craving sugar or salt, back going out easy, a need to wear sunglasses, pain and inflammation.

Stress during the Christmas season tends to rapidly burn through B vitamins; you may notice sore muscles, difficulty in staying asleep, crying easy, noise sensitivity.  B vitamins are also exhausted additionally with sugar consumption. I encourage our patients to take three Bio-B Complex a day for three months. If you notice pain after snow shoveling you would be wise to substitute the Bio-B Complex to Bio-B 100’s™, four to six a day. The Bio-B Complex is very potent and should only be taken for three months at the maximum.

About: The Drugless Doctors is a chiropractic and nutrition-based wellness practice located in Westlake and Elyria, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.

#NoMeds: Back Pain Gone!

Do you have chronic back pain? One of our practice members did and decided to come and visit us. She shares her pre and post chiropractic story and how she has also lost forty pounds in the process. For more information, come visit us at our chiropractic practice in Westlake, you'll be glad you did!

About: The Drugless Doctors is a chiropractic and nutrition-based wellness practice located in Westlake and Elyria, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.

Our Services: Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile

Did you know our nervous system needs certain types of food, and one of its favorites would be essential fatty acids (EFA) which includes fish and flax seed oil. One of our services we provide is a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile that tells us what oils your body needs and how much for how long. Watch as Dr. Anthony explains more, and come visit us so we can help you achieve optimal health!

Our Services: Digital Videofluoroscopy

We pride ourselves at offering our practice members, both new and "seasoned" the best technological services, so they can enjoy their life pain-free without medication. One of these services is digital videofluoroscopy. If you have pain, headaches, or other conditions that prevent optimal movement, this tool helps to give us, the doctors the answers in order to provide you with the best plan to achieve total health restoration. In the video below, Dr. Anthony gives a more detailed description.