Our Tips for Healthy and Clear Skin

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob DeMaria

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob DeMaria

Your Drugless Guide to Healthy Skin!

Hi Everyone! 

We all want healthy skin - it just makes us feel better. But, every season brings your skin unique challenges (humidity, dry, cold, etc.) Let’s look at facts and then some tips from Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob DeMaria to keep your skin healthy no matter the time of year. 

Skin Facts

A. It is the largest organ in your body

B. It is 15% of your body weight

C. Your skin has three layers – Epidermis (dead and waterproof), dermis (hair and sweat glands), Subcutaneous (fat and blood vessels)

D. Scar tissue lacks hair and sweat glands

E. Over 50% of dust in a home is dead skin cells

F.  Skin renews itself every 28 days

G. Every minute, you shed between 30,000 and 50,000 dead skin cells

H. Sweat is odorless. It is bacteria that makes body odor.

I.  There are over 1000 different bacterial species on our skin.

J. Eighty percent of teenagers suffer from acne

Important Vitamins for Skin Health

Vitamin A – h\Helps to treat sun damage and cellulite (Bio Ae Mulsion – 2 drops on tongue daily)

Vitamin D – Reduces spots, improves immune function, (Bio D Mulsion Forte – 2 drops daily)

Vitamin C – Antioxidant and helps with skin protection

Vitamin E – Antioxidant and helps prevent against sun damage and aging

Liver Health

Most challenges with skin result from some sort of deficiency or toxicity in the liver.

1. Liver health depends on:

A. Getting rid of toxins in us and the environment B. Avoiding fruit C. Minimizing sugar D. Going organic

2. Vitamins A, D, E, K – fat soluble and made in your liver

3. Nutritional support for liver – castor oil pack, Drugless Detoxification program, Livotrit

4. Age spots is a result of liver function


Digestive distress can also show up as skin challenges

Body Signals

Acne – Can be liver, food sensitivity, or hormonal (Clean up liver, Complete Kare Spray)

Eczema – Can be liver or food sensitivity (Blackcurrant Seed Oil helps)

Psoriasis – Can be liver and food sensitivity

Cold Sores/Shingles – Brought on by stress, lack of calcium. L –Lysine helps with calcium absorption

Hives – is an allergy challenge – can be liver or foods

Nail Fungus – can be bacteria, a lot of the time it is improper gut function

Three Types of Sun Rays

UVA: A stands for Aging. UVA radiation penetrates deep into the skin and is responsible for premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. Tanning beds can emit 2 to 5 times more UVA radiation than the sun.

UVB: B stands for Burning. U VB radiation is stronger than UVA radiation. It mainly affects the outer layers of the skin, causing sunburns, premature aging of the skin, and skin cancer. These rays are strongest during the summer months – especially between 11 am and 4 pm. 

UVC: UVC radiation is the strongest, most dangerous form of UV light. However, they are stopped by the earth’s atmosphere and do not reach earth’s surface. 

 The Drugless Doctors Sun Skin protection

1. If you’re going to be in the sun, plan ahead

2. Complete Kare Spray – Vit A, D, Zinc, and Iodine – the zinc provides some protection from the sun

3. Take Calcium (CA/Mg Zyme 6 daily) and flax oil (3 capsules or 1 Tbsp. daily)

General Skin Health

Eat foods high in vitamin A, C, E – (Green leafy vegetables; carrots)

Supplement with Vitamin A and D (Bio Ae Mulsion and Bio D Mulsion - links to products are above)

Have good fats in your diet – Flax oil, Fish oil, Organic Butter

Avoid Toxins – Do a detox program once or twice a year

Castor oil pack – great way to detox.





Have a great month!

Helping Your Mental Health Naturally

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob

A Drugless Approach to Your Mental Health

Hi Friends, 

For our June H2H, we have Dr. Bob as our guest, as we discuss his new book, “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health.” Thanks for joining us! 

Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as a state of well-being, in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community.

The word “mental-health” has also become increasingly popular within the last few years, and we believe that with chiropractic and drugless care, anyone can improve their state of mental health.

- Chiropractic is rooted in helping the brain and nervous system, and current research shows that chiropractic care alone can increase brain function by 20-50%!

How does someone’s mental health impact their body and current state of health?

Humans are the only animals who regularly experience a stress response without an actual stressor present:

- Common conditions include depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), drug addiction, worry, social anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks.

- Research has linked Alzheimer’s and dementia to high aluminum levels in the brain.

- Aluminum has been found in soil, water, air, processed foods, drugs, vaccines, deodorants, cosmetic products, and even different kinds of toothpaste. You may also find aluminum in plastic containers, foils, and cooking utensils.

-Conventional and traditional medical approaches include medications or therapy.

Drugless Mental-Health Protocol

- Adding a stable source of energy, in this case, protein. (Your brain uses roughly twenty percent of your energy, but is only about two percent of your body weight.)

- Add nutrients that are right for you. These include green, leafy vegetables.

- Add important antioxidants. This helps reduce oxidation and keep your brain “clean.”

- Add essential fatty acids (EFA’s): These protect the brain, decrease inflammation, and help transmit important messages to the rest of the body.

- Drink water: Each day, drink half of your body weight in ounces.

- Remove sugar, wheat, and soy products. These have been found to take essential minerals, including zinc, out from your body.

- Exercise! Find activities you like that require movement for thirty minutes a day.

- Complete an Omega Oils Serum Profile, which helps to determine which oils your body needs.


1.     Schedule an appointment to find out more

2.     Where they can purchase the book: The Drugless Doctors: Westlake Practice (Call prior so we can have it ready for you)

3.     druglessdoctor.com (soft cover, audio, individual chapter)

4.     Amazon: Soft cover and Kindle


Faster Results Workshop next week- Thurs. 6/11 @ 6pm on ZOOM

July H2H- July 1st @ Noon on FB Live- Clear Skin

Westlake Breast Thermography July 28th, July 31st and August 4th

Have a great month!

Increase Your Energy Naturally!

Let’s Dance with Dr. Casen & Dr. Anthony!

Increase Your ENERGY

Hi Everyone! 

Welcome to May! What a few months it has been. If you’re like us, you’re ready to enjoy spring in all of its bounty. This month, our H2H is on energy - and we know that this is always a popular topic, so if you’re feeling lethargic and you’re ready to learn what you can do to feel vibrant again - watch this video and then pass it on to a friend! Let’s dance! 

What areas in life do you want to increase your energy? 

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3:

- Stay connected! Research shows that being in community and connected to people improves physical health and mental health. Examples: writing letters, Facetime, video chat, a text/email.

- Fuel your body with the right ingredients!  What are you doing to create healthy meals with your family?

- Movement creates energy. Sitting is the most amount of pressure on your spine. Ergonomics are important but also proper motion in your spine. Get outside and exercise (minimum of 20 minutes/day).

Action Steps-

- Do 1 thing and share it with 2 people in your life

 - Schedule an appointment

 Upcoming Events 

- Catch up on our videos on Facebook @druglessdrs and  YouTube

 - Dr. Bob’s Mental Health Book was just released!  Check it out on his website & Amazon!

 - We DONATE our time to offer virtual workshops! Email drcasen@druglessdrs.com to schedule a fun talk with your group or business!

PDF of Notes

Have a great month!

Breast Thermography: Spring 2020

Hi Everyone! 

During this time, we are here to support you. Your Breast Thermography visit is very important to us, and I hope it is to you as well. 

The team at The Drugless Doctors are following all health and government guidelines; however, here are a few more pre-appointment tips that can make your session with me both quick and easy: 

  1. Any questions you may have will be answered at your consultation.

  2. If you would prefer not to wear a robe – wear something that you can easily take off (or drop-down) – so your body will be easily uncovered to your waist.  

  3. Bring your own hairpins, accessories, while remembering all hair has to be off the neck. We will have some for use, but I know you might feel more comfortable having your own apparel.

  4. Think about putting your jewelry in an envelope before coming in so you may put back on once you are back in your car.  

These first three tips are essential to note and I desire to make your experience smooth and straightforward for you to have the best experience there is. 

Here are some additional recommendations before your session:   

-No matter if this is your first or 15th breast thermography session, you need to review the “What You Need to Know” sheet. There are always new tips added – and following these guidelines will bring clarity and the right thumbprint to your pictures. 

-Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Often I am ready for you, I am very conscious of being on time for both you and the next person after you. I will do my best to have you in and out and on your way. 

-MOST IMPORTANT: come with your paperwork all filled out and ready.

If, for some reason, you do not have them that day with you, we will have documents for you to fill out at the front desk, but you must inform the front desk associate; this will add to your appointment time – so please be there 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. This gives you time to think about your answers and fill out with the most clarity. 

Short Cuts for Forms 

  • First Breast Thermography, OR Yearly Scan: Fill out all paperwork, remembering to sign and date.  

  • If it is your Second Scan (establishing your baseline – 3 month after first), or scan that was recommended by your report doctor, only fill out the paperwork if there are any changes. List only the changes since your previous scan. 

  • If you have previously been diagnosed with breast cancer, please fill out the form that states that clearly. If you have never had breast cancer, ignore this form. 

I look forward to our time together – and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at info@druglessdrs.com before the day of thermography.   

Our office number is 440-471-4200 if you have any questions!


We look forward to helping you, 

Dr. Casen DeMaria and The Drugless Doctors Team

The Drugless Doctors Updates - April 2020

Dr. Bob, Dr. Casen, Dr. Anthony - The Drugless Doctors

Hello Friends!

During times like these, we are continually reminded of how thankful we are for our practice members, and those of you who rely on our services for your health.  

We are open for adjustments and appointments. That said, we would like to update you on some of the changes we have made:

  1. We have changed our adjusting hours to accommodate three adjustments every 15 minutes throughout our regular hours. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-6 and Tuesdays 1-6.

  2. There are no longer any chairs in our common areas.  

  3. Front desk glass protectors are installed for the protection of our team and practice members.

  4. Purchases made from our Wellness Store are encouraged to be done ahead of time over the phone to limit your time in the office. They can either be picked up or shipped.

  5. We usually keep highly clean spaces but have been wiping down our tables and instruments after each adjustment. (As well as periodic cleaning of our common-area surfaces throughout the day such as counters and doorknobs.)

Pictures of Updated Office Operations 

Front desk glass protectors

Social distancing appropriate adjustment area

There are two ways you can schedule an adjustment/appointment

  1. Call our team at 440-471-4200. They will help find a time that works for you, as well as pre-screen you with several brief questions to get you scheduled.

  2. Use SKED: You can add an appointment or reschedule on SKED to any of our open times, which are operating on the three adjustments per 15-minute capacity. Please don’t add or move anything past May 1, as we don’t know how long we will maintain this schedule. If you add or reschedule adjustments on SKED, you have to respond to our pre-screening questions on your 24-hour reminder. If you add an adjustment within 24 hours of your appointment, please contact our office via phone to go through our pre-screening protocol.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience with us throughout the last month and into the next month. 

If there is anything we can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to let us know, as we will all get through this together.

The Drugless Doctors

Your Blood Type & Your Health

Dr. Bob DeMaria (@DruglessDoctor)

Hello Everybody, this is Dr. Bob DeMaria. 

I’d like to have some conversation with you today. 

There are so many different individuals that are coming up with ways to help improve your immune system. I want to talk to you a little bit about what I have learned in my experience. 

And this is going back to when I was a kid when it comes to a strong immune system, helping your body battle off viruses, bacteria, or whatever else might be creating distress. 

Recently, conversation has been discussed in reference to the blood type. A blood type of an individual who may in fact may have a greater issue with a virus. Well, I want you to know something. I happen to be blood type A, and the different blood types have been discussed. 

Now what's interesting about my own experience, I have suffered with cold sores or herpes simplex, which is a virus, most of my life. And many, many years ago I discovered the fact that I was blood type A, and individuals in my practice including myself who have stress or distress in their body have a greater chance to get these fever blisters which is a sign of your immune system being weak. 

So this is what I've learned. People with blood type A may have a little bit more digestive distress or not able to absorb all of their nutrients. But I've learned from my own experience is this: these are greens. Greens are an excellent source of calcium. I eat greens every day. I also supplement myself with calcium. 

This is what I really have learned. When you have stress of any kind, your body cannibalizes minerals. A common mineral to be cannibalized is calcium. Calcium helps glue cell membranes together so those unfriendly organisms can't do their dirty work. 

So what I have done personally, I've done this for many, many years, I supplement myself every day with L-Lysine HCL. "What is that Dr. Bob?" L-lysine is an amino acid that helps your body absorb calcium. I also take a product called Bio-CMP which is a calcium, magnesium, potassium proprietary blend. You can basically use almost any type of acid calcium. Acid calcium, calcium lactate, calcium citrate is easily absorbed. I would avoid calcium carbonates or any kind of calcium that has to do with digestion. 

Here's what I want you to do. If you happen to be blood type A and you have a history of getting cold sores or fever blisters you want to make sure that you're eating enough calcium. You want to minimize your stress and of course you want to minimize sugar. I want you to get into bed as early as you possibly can because that helps minimize the stress and that'll help your body overall.

I don't want you to not do all the logical rules right now. Keep your distance from people. If you're going to sneeze or cough you do it inside of your elbow. Wash your hands frequently. Use the steps that you already know. You might need to put a mask on, wear your gloves, I want you to do all that, but I also want you to be aware that you might need, I'd encourage you, L-Lysine HCL and some type of calcium. 

We are here to support you. Please pass this information on. 

We want to make a difference. I am in Naples, Florida and we also have our practice in Westlake, Ohio. - Dr. Bob

Re-Opening of Westlake Practice: Updated Operations & Conditions

The Drugless Doctors COVID-19 Response: Re-Opening With Updated Operations & Conditions 

Email: info@druglessdrs.com Phone: (440) 471-4200

Our office is committed to the health and well-being of our practice members, team, and doctors. We are closely monitoring the situation and following directives from Governor DeWine, the Ohio Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

After listening to Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton speak Sunday (3/22/2020) and listening to the advice given by our State Board and our State Association’s status, we have decided to continue to remain open and available to you with limited hours.  

Chiropractic care has been deemed essential. 

Please note that there can be frequent updates, and we encourage you to check back here on our website.  

We know that by keeping you healthy, we are doing our part in keeping the number of people needing to visit urgent care/hospitals down! 

Our goal is to reduce the burden placed on our colleagues in the medical community, as they work tirelessly to care for those affected by this pandemic.  

As we adapt, the day-to-day operations at our office we may experience some unique obstacles in the short term, but we are committed to pivoting as needed and be here for you as much as we can.  

All appointments until further notice will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

All wellness store purchases need to be done ahead of time over the phone.

See the email address at the top of the page, or the SKED app for more information. 

Supply Issues - As you can imagine, there are some issues with supplements being on back-order right now. If you need refills, emailing us (see address at the top of page) is the best way to get an order into us ASAP, and you will then be placed on a first-come/first-serve list.

We strongly suggest staying on your nutrition protocol the best you can in times that are stressful - especially adrenal and immune support! 

Before any appointment, these questions need to be answered:

1. Have you traveled outside the state or country within the last 14 days?

2. Have you had contact with anyone confirmed COVID-19 during the previous 14 days?

3. Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 14 days?

A. Fever greater than 100

B. Difficulty breathing

C. Coughing

If you are currently experiencing fever over 100, difficulty breathing, or coughing, please call your primary care provider and schedule an appointment with them for appropriate testing.

If the responses to the questions were negative, proceed with your scheduled appointment with us.               

We apologize for closing last week as our office was not suited for the spacing and screening requirements to comfortably and confidently handle practice member visits.

Here’s what we are currently doing to comply with new protocols:

- Our office is remaining open and limiting the office to the doctors and practice members on-site during our in-person treatments to minimize the number of people present. All office questions will need to be done over the phone with our team, instead of in the office to reduce the number of people in the office at all times.

- We are providing special adjusting times for at-risk practice members. Please call us (see above for phone number) for exact timing.

- We are moving to virtual appointments where possible: lab consultations and general questions.

- For supplements refills, we are offering door pickups or mail orders. You can call or email your order and handle payment, and we will figure out the best way to get them to you.

- Reducing the number of practice members scheduled to minimize group exposure and scheduling, phone consults when possible. 

- We are providing disinfectant and sanitizer options throughout the office.

- We are sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces, tables, doorknobs, clipboards, and pens with medical-grade disinfectant before and after each patient.

- We request practice members and team to stay home if exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms and call or email us to reschedule.

- Rewashing our hands, and again, and again!

Here’s what we ask of you:

- Do your part in practicing social distancing to protect yourself and others.

- Please observe a 6ft. distance from other practice members while in the office.

- Please reschedule your appointment or go virtual if you or someone you have been in contact with a definite case of COVID-19 or have traveled outside of the U.S. in the last 14 days or are exhibiting symptoms.

- Wash your hands, again and again, and again :)

We are here to answer questions and help in any way we can as it relates to scheduling, practice member care, general questions, or payments. 

Please call or email us if you need any guidance. We are working on virtual workshops for our upcoming “Half-Hour to Health.” Please stay tuned to your email inbox and social media.  

Thank you for your patience and trust in us. We will get through this together.

To serve the needs of our community and to avoid an interruption of being open if you have a surplus of supplies such as Clorox or Lysol wipes, alcohol swabs, isopropyl alcohol, thermometers, we would greatly appreciate your generosity in sharing.

We appreciate your faith and confidence in our ability to serve the needs of your friends and family members. We will get through this. 

Please practice patience with us through this process, 

With Gratitude, 

The Drugless Doctors

Our Response to COVID-19

Response to COVID-19

Here at The Drugless Doctors, we have been monitoring the unfolding events related to COVID-19. 

We wanted to assure those we see in the office that we are following all of the CDC recommendations and guidelines. We would also like to mention we are working on going above and beyond to work on wiping down surfaces that come in to contact with hands. Below are some recommendations for good practices for stopping the spread of the virus and things we can do proactively to help keep our immune system strong. If you have any questions or concerns about anything related to the COVID-19, scheduled appointments, or anything related to your care in the office, please contact us at 440-471-4200 or email Dr. Anthony DeMaria directly at dranthony@druglessdrs.com.   


  1. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

  2. Maintain at least 1-meter distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

  3. Avoid touching your eye, nose, and mouth.

  4. Follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.

  5. Clean surfaces with disinfectant.

  6. If you feel unwell, stay at home.

  7. If you develop a fever or have difficulty breathing, seek medical advice promptly.

  8. If you have had recent travel or contact with travelers from areas with an outbreak, take extra precautions.

Ways to help boost the immune system.

  1. Chiropractic Care – Click on the link for a short video of how chiropractic played a role in helping the flu pandemic of 1918 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atshtoL6KbY

  2. Stay away from sugar – Sugar depletes the body of minerals and can compromise immune system function.

  3. Get plenty of rest – if you are tired, fatigued, and stressed it creates a perfect storm for a virus to take hold of your system

  4. Consider Proper Supplementation

    Vitamin D – taking 5,000 IU of Vit D daily can help to improve immune system function.

    General Immune Health – Agrisept – a great way to help improve immune system function by using this citrus seed extract.

    General Immune Health – Bio–Immunozyme-Forte – This is Biotics Research Corporation's premier multi-vitamin for immune health. Three daily for prevention and up to 9 daily if not feeling well.                                                                                                                                                               

    For a Virus:

    -IAG is a product we use to help improve the bodies' response to a virus. Great for kids as well.

    Bio FCTS – the ingredients in this product help to prevent virus replication.

    Ultravirx – an excellent herbal product that helps the body combat viruses.

    General Immune – Rapid/Daily immune Response – when not feeling well, these herbal products have potent ingredients to stimulate the immune response.

Our office hours will remain unchanged unless otherwise noted.

The Drugless Doctors’ Team

How To Be Healthy 🥦 🥒🎾

Dr. Casen & Friend

How To Be Healthy!

 Hi Everyone! 

When we were coming up with H2H topics this year, we thought that this month’s topic may seem too “simple,” but in reality, this is the question almost everyone has: How can I be healthy? 

Below is our starting point to build your health foundation. We encourage you to watch the video and then send it on to a friend. We know, they’ll be glad you did! 


- The brain & nervous system

- Thoughts, traumas, toxins

- From before birth until now …

- Your body is self-healing & self-adapting


- Essential for healing in your body.

- Create growth hormone for healing

- Goal: 8 hrs. per night

- Have a consistent bedtime

- Minimize screen time before bed


- Create movement as a part of your life

- Helps with detoxification, blood flow, oxygen, mental health…etc.

- Goal: 20 mins/day

- Do what you love and enjoy


- Foods that cause inflammation: gluten/dairy/sugar

- Focusing on anti-inflammatory foods: proteins & vegetables

- Reading labels

- Focus on organic (due to pesticides) & fresh foods


- 85 % of your body is water

- Water goals: measurement is key

- The type of water you should be drinking

- Creating new habits- it takes 21 days

 YOUR Action Steps


Upcoming Events!  Check out our FB page @druglessdrs for all of our free classes.

Breast Thermography

A different approach to help you create a strategy of prevention and to stay healthy at any age.   Our next dates are April 28th, May 1st, and May 5th. Spaces are limited, call to schedule today with our team- 440-471-4200

Help us to reach our community!  Do you have a group, school, or business that is looking for a speaker at their next event?  Please email drcasen@druglessdrs.com.  We do lunch & learns, workshops, health fairs, and can tailor the talk to your needs

Next H2H-

April 1st @ noon and April 2nd @ 6pm- How To PREVENT cancer!

Healthy Cholesterol & Heart Health

Dr. Bob DeMaria & Dr. Casen DeMaria

Hi Everyone!

For our February FB Live on Dr. Bob’s Facebook page, we answered your top cholesterol questions, including:

-What is cholesterol, why is it important, what are the dangers of high cholesterol?

-Explain the benefits of Dr. Bob's ABC's

-What can you do for overall heart health?

We also extend an invitation to join Dr. Bob’s new online class: Dr. Bob’s Guide to a Healthy Heart, which is available to you for only $20.

Please view the video below and share with anyone who you know can benefit.

Sugars & Sweeteners: What You Need to Know!

SUGAR: What You Need to Know!

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you for joining us this month on our H2H discussion on sugar and sweeteners. Please continue to read to view our notes, video, and in-office specials (2/20). As always, please pass this information on to someone who you know can benefit. Have a great month! 

What is sugar? It is a class of carbohydrates that turn into energy.

Why is sugar scary? Targets our belly, silent killer, addictive, and causes damage to a liver, low nutritious value, and it causes your body to attack itself.

61 different names for sugar (University of California San Francisco)

Agave nectar, Barbados sugar, barley malt. Barley malt syrup, beet sugar, brown sugar, buttered syrup, can juice, cane juice crystals, cane sugar, caramel, carob syrup, castor sugar, coconut palm sugar, coconut sugar, confectioners' sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids. Date sugar, dehydrated cane juice, demerara sugar, dextrin, dextrose, evaporate cane juice, free-flowing brown sugars, fructose, fruit juice, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, glucose solids, golden sugar, golden syrup, grape sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, icing sugar, invert sugar, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltol, mannose, maple sugar, molasses, muscovado, palm sugar, panocha, raw sugar, refiners syrup, rice syrup, saccharose, sorghum syrup, sucrose, sugar granulated, sweet sorghum, treacle, turbinado sugar, yellow sugar

Sugar substitutes: stevia, aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), neotame, acesilfame potassium, saccharin, advantame, erythritol, xylitol, cyclamate (sweet n low), mannitol, polydextrose, sorbitol, glycerol, fructooligosaccharide, curculin

The Drugless Doctors Points for sugar

1). Creates inflammation in the body

2). Decreases immune system function

3). Slows the healing process down in the body

4). Promotes weight gain

5). Creates liver distress and adrenal fatigue

Sugar Facts: 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4.2 grams, 1 tablespoon of ketchup = 4 grams (around 1 teaspoon) of sugar.

1.AHA recommends not eating more than 24 grams or 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day for women and 36 grams or 9 teaspoons per day for men. The average American consumes 30 teaspoons of sugar daily.

2. 2013 study found globally 180,000 die per year from sweetened beverage consumption.

3. 200 years ago Americans at 2 pounds of sugar per year, today, however, the average American consumes over 150 pounds of sugar in a year.

4. Sugar has not been extensively studied in chronic disease: has been linked to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dementia, Cancer, and weight gain.

5. JAMA: Americans get, on average 350 calories from added sugar or 22 teaspoons. People that consume 21 percent of their daily calories from added sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease.

6. Sugar and Cancer: Cancer needs to utilize sugar as a source of energy. In order to starve cancer cells, you have to kill the source of fuel. The WHO predicts Cancer will rise by 57% in the next two decades.

7. Not all sugar is created equal. 15.2 oz of Minute made 100% Apple juice contains 49 grams of sugar (same as eating 10 Oreos) – Sources of sugar you may have not considered: bread, yogurt, salad dressing, protein bars, pretzels, beef jerky, cereal, non-dairy milk, pasta sauce, fruit juice.

8. One 32 oz Gatorade has 36 grams of sugar, which is like eating 5 Reese's Peanut butter cups.

9. Sugar activates the reward center of your brain, just like drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.

10. Sugar is toxic to your liver, just like drinking alcohol can be.


1. Take an inventory- what are you consuming/day?

2. Read all ingredients and labels (especially the smaller print). Avoid anything that says sugar or the other chemicals listed above like dyes, artificial flavorings or colorings, cane sugar, coconut sugar, agave, honey…ect

3. Share this information with 1 person you love or care about

March Half Hour to Health 4th at Noon, 5th at 6 PM – HOW TO BE HEALTHY

Specials in February

1.   Omega Test – measures the level of inflammatory fats in the blood and the helpful omega 3's – can be an excellent way to evaluate future chronic health issues. $130 (usually $165)

2.   All Oils are 10% off all month- Flax oil, Optimal EFA, Bio-Omega 500/1000

The Drugless Doctors | 2001 Crocker Road Suite 100 | Westlake, Ohio 44145 | (440)-471-4200


Testimonials: Breast Thermography, "Feeling Centered," & More

Hi Everyone!

We have three new video testimonials we would love for you to watch with us, especially if you are new to site. The first is with a practice member who shares how we have been able to help her in many areas of her health, including personalized nutrition, and breast thermography.

In our next testimonial, Dr. Casen talks with one of our practice members who shares how they feel more "centered" and balanced with chiropractic care, in addition to us assisting with helping her mental health naturally.

Last but not least, Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who shares that her life has come "full circle" since beginning care at our practice. No more knee pain, no more lower back pain. We love to see it!

View more testimonials here, and then come to visit us in Westlake, Ohio.

See you soon!

Your Simple Weight Loss & Detox Plan 💧🥬😊

Our Top 5 Keys to Weight Loss

Happy 2020, Everyone! 

We are so excited to partner with you on your health journey this year, and what a better way to begin than discussing simple ways to help you lose weight and detoxify. Please watch the video below, and if you would like a PDF handout, please go to the bottom of the blog: 

5 Keys

-Eat the Best Food: If you don’t put the right fuel in your body you don’t get the right outcome.

A. The top foods to avoid: sugar (or things that turn to sugar in your body), dairy, and grains. (Inflammation causers)

-Become Calorie Conscious:  It is not necessary to count each calorie but to cut out additional “fru fru” calories.

-Make Exercise Fun: Doing some sort of exercise for 20-60 minutes every day is vital for weight loss.

-Breakfast is the Key Meal: Begin your day with a protein.

-Discipline: Stay away from things that you know don’t promote health in your body. 

Top 5 keys to Detoxification

1. Detox starts with your LIVER: The liver is the key organ for detoxification

Signs of liver being compromised: enlarged liver on X-ray, skin challenges, age spots, bronzing on the cheeks, dark circles under eyes, cry easy, bad body odor, fatigue, brain fog, prostate or hormonal challenges.

2. Environmental toxins: Our environment is very toxic, air is polluted, food sources have preservatives and are sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, household cleaning products, chlorine, and fluorine.  A recent study in The Journal Nature has 90% of cancers are caused by DIET and ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS.

3. Staying away from fruit/fructose: it is the hardest sugar for the liver to remove.

4. Gets rid of excess estrogen in the body: increased estrogen in men and women will lead to health challenges and cancer.

5. Water: water helps our bodies eliminate toxins.  – drinking ½ your body weight in ounces of water each day is the goal.

What Is the Drugless Detox?  

This is a program that was designed in order to help clean up liver and digestive tract function.  It is composed of three products.  

Bio-Detox Packs – this is a group of 10 products designed to clean up liver function.  

Nutriclear is a very effective way to help clean up the liver and promote healing in the digestive tract. 

Pea Protein allows the building blocks for new growth in the body.  This is a program that is designed to be done in 10 days (3 detox packs a day) or in 30 days (1 pack a day).  We have had members continue this on for 1-3 months because of how terrific they felt!

Detox Program

Bio-Detoxification is designed to reduce your body’s load of toxic substances, which may be present from either external sources (drugs, chemicals, alcohol) or your own physiological activities (bacterial toxins, intestinal toxins, metabolic byproducts). By following this program, you will eliminate many food and metabolic toxins for allergens, and achieve more “healthy” function and vitality.

Benefits of doing detox: increase immune function, increase liver function which is important for weight loss and hormonal function, improved mental cognition, improved energy, improved digestion, decreased joint and body pain.

What should I eat during the detoxification program?  Focus on proteins and vegetables and work on eliminating fruits, grains, gluten, and sugar.  Make sure to drink plenty of water during your detoxification process.

Q. Should I expect any side effects?

A. Individual response to cleansing programs is highly variable due to personal differences in biochemical makeup, stress levels, toxin build-up, and medical histories. Individuals sometimes experience headaches, joint pain, mood swings, constipation or other side effects. These side effects are commonly associated with cleansing programs and usually dissipate within a week to 10 days. Notify your healthcare professional if you develop any adverse symptoms, or encounter discomfort while using this product.

Important Factors to Consider

Water – Drinking the proper amount of water helps our body get rid of the toxins that the body is working on excreting.  A good benchmark is to consume half of our body weight in ounces of water every day

Eat Right – It is important to consume foods that allow our body to detoxify properly which means focusing on vegetables and proteins and decreasing fruits, sugar, and gluten.

Rest – Especially when going through a period of detoxification it is important for our bodies to get at the very minimum 8 hours of sleep at night so our body can process the toxins it is eliminating

Decrease exposure to environmental, industrial, and household chemicals.  These chemicals get stored in our body and have many harmful effects on the body and nervous system.

Exercise- movement is life.  Have a pattern of everyday exercise for yourself- this will promote elimination of toxins.

YOUR ACTION STEPS: (You Fill Out Here)

Upcoming Events -

Breast Thermography- Jan 28th, Jan. 31st, and Feb 4th!

Next H2H- Weds.Feb 5th @ noon and Thurs. Feb 6th @ 6PM- Topic: Sugars and Sweeteners

We donate health talks! Would you like us to speak at your next event?  

Email drcasen@druglessdrs.com, we would love to reserve a date for you!

Have a great month!

PDF Copy

Simple Recipes 🥥 🥗🥦

Hi Everyone! 

We welcome you to our final Half-Hour to Health for the decade! We are going over new recipes for you to enjoy this season and into the next. Feel free to let us know what you have made when you stop into the office, or let us know on social media! 

1.  Zucchini and Sweet Potato Fritters

A. Ingredients – 1 grated zucchini, 1 sweet potatoes peeled and grated, 3 tbsp (gluten free flour – rice, coconut), ½ cup finely chopped onion, 3 large egg whites, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp fresh chives, ¼ ground black pepper.

B. In a bowl toss zucchini, sweet potato and flour.  Add onion, 3 egg whites, and black pepper to the mix.  In a pan heat 1 ½ tbsp olive oil, drop ¼ cups of the mixture on the skillet and press down.  Wait until lightly browned and flip. Serve with chives for garnish.

2. Sugar Free Apple Walnut Cake

A. Ingredients -2 cups of no sugar applesauce, 8 packets sweet leaf stevia, ½ cup butter, 3 eggs, 3 cups gluten free flour, 1 ½ tsp celtic salt, ½ tsp baking soda, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg, 1 tbsp vanilla extract, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 3 cups chopped organic red apples.

B. Preheat oven to 350 F.  Use a 10 inch pan. Mix together thoroughly the applesauce, butter and stevia. Add the eggs individually and mix thoroughly with each addition. Set aside the flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients including the walnuts and apples. Mix well and add to the pan. Bake for up to 1 hour or until a toothpick is inserted into the center and it comes out clean.

3. Roasted Vegetables

A. Ingredients – 1 pound sweet potatoes cut into smaller pieces, ½ pound carrots cut in large dices, ½ pound turnups cut in large dices, ½ pound squash peeled seeded and cut in large dices, 1 large pepper cut in large dices, 1 large red onion peeled and cut in large dices, ¼ cup olive oil, celtic salt and ground pepper to taste, fresh flat leaf parsley.

B. Preheat oven to 450 F.  Combine vegetables in a large bowl and toss with olive oil. Season well with Celtic salt and pepper. Cook for 1 hour in a cast iron skillet and check every 10-15 minutes to stir or flip veggies. Top with fresh chopped parsley.

4. Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic

A. Ingredients – 4 pieces celery cut in 4 inch pieces, 2 cups chopped onion, 6 long pieces of parsley, 2 tsp Herbs de Provence seasoning, 1 – 3 pounds chicken thighs, 3 tbsp. olive oil, 40 cloves garlic or 3 heads.  Celtic sea salt and pepper to taste.

B.  Preheat oven to 375 F. Place celery, onion, and parsley in bottom of a cast iron Dutch oven. Season with celtic salt and pepper. Rub chicken with olive oil, sprinkle herbs with any remaining salt and pepper. Place chicken in Dutch oven and add cloves all around. Cook for 1 ½ hours or until the chicken is cooked through. Turn on broiler and broil for 3-4 minutes or chicken skin is browned.

5. No-Bake Pecan Snowballs (gluten free)

A. Ingredients – 1 cup pecan halves, ½ cup shredded unsweetened coconut, 1 cup soft pitted dates, 1 tbsp coconut oil, ½ tsp Celtic sea salt, ½ tsp vanilla extract, ½ cup arrowroot.

B. Place the pecans and coconut in the food processor with a sharp blade. Process until broken down and crumbled. Add in the rest of the ingredients and process again.  Scoop the dough by round tablespoons and roll into balls. Place them on a plate with parchment paper and place in the freezer for 1 – 2 hours. Add a little bit of shredded coconut on the outside when completed so that it looks like a snowball.

Patient Testimonials: PSA Numbers Lower, Back Pain Gone, & More!

No more colic!

We have had a great fall here at The Drugless Doctors, which has included sharing some incredible testimonials from our practice members with a variety of health issues we have been able to help naturally!

Please make sure to watch all of them, and then pass them onto the people in your life who you know can benefit!

We love being part of changing lives, and this mom shares how we were able to help her child from her very FIRST adjustment. (Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen are ICPA certified) Learn more here.

In this testimonial, one of our practice members shares how we were able to naturally lower their PSA numbers.

In this testimonial, one of our practice members shares how, after her adjustments, she is now able to stand for longer periods of time!

Lastly, Dr. Casen is joined by a special guest who shares how after she began care with us, her migraines are now gone, and also an increase of flexibility, and an overall better feeling.

We would love to help you too! Please email info@druglessdrs.com or fill out THIS FORM today!

🌞 Vitamin D & You! 🌞

Dr. Anthony & Dr. Casen DeMaria

The Benefits of Vitamin D

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you to those who came to join us at our office for our monthly H2H. As the sun sadly begins to shorten its stay with us, it’s important to know that one of its benefits, vitamin D, is actually important for optimal health. 

Vitamin D Facts

1. Vitamin D deficiency affects 41% of people in the USA!

2. It is a fat soluble vitamin – ADEK – other fat soluble vitamins absorb well together.

3. Hard to obtain the correct amount of vitamin D from food – fatty fish and eggs.

4. Necessary for correct bone health and a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

5. Has anti-cancer properties by helping the body with a function called apoptosis

6. Helps to boost your immune system – effective against the flu.

7. One study reported 96% of people who had a heart attack had low vitamin D.

8. Several studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked with decreased life span.

Documented Health Benefits

Reduced risk of osteoporosis, better physical strength, reduced risk of cancer, decrease in clinical depression, longer life span, decreased chance of type 1 diabetes, cognitive improvement, and osteoporosis.

Bio- D Mulsion Forte – source of D3

1. Micro-emulsified for easy absorption rate

2. One Drop is 2000 IU – the current RDA is 400 but studies show the daily requirement is closer to 4000 IU or place two drops on your tongue.

3. One study showed one drop daily with kids increases deficient kid’s Vitamin D levels 202% in 6 weeks.

4. Cost effective – 2 drops daily is equivalent to about $1.50 a month.

Who should take it?

1. Kids – 400-2000 IU daily (1 drop on tongue)

2. Adults – 2000-4000 IU daily (2 drops on tongue)

3. Pregnant Moms – 4000 IU daily

4. Elderly – 2000-4000 IU daily

Upcoming Events

1. Breast Thermography - Oct 29, Nov 1, and Nov 5 – space is very limited.

2. Faster Results Workshop – Oct 10th at 6 pm


1. Bio D Mulsion Forte - 15% off (In-Office Only)

2. Test your levels of Vitamin D – Normally $65, All October $55 ($10 savings)

Next H2H

Flu Prevention- Wed Nov. 6th @ noon and Thurs. Nov. 7th @ 6PM

Stream all H2H videos and other videos online FB: @druglessdrs.

Natural Tips for Anxiety at The Drugless Doctors

GradePower Learning stopped by our practice to talk about natural tips to anxiety and how we are able to help with chiropractic and drugless care.

Pass this on to a friend who you know can benefit 😃

Additional Anxiety Resources:

The Drugless Approach to Anxiety & Depression

Mental Health Testimonial: Video Below

We are here to help. If anyone you know would like to consider drugless and natural care, please contact us today at (440) 471-4200.

#TestimonialTuesday: "No More Colic!"

"It changed our entire family!"

We have two special guests with us this week to share about how chiropractic and drugless care has helped their family. Enjoy!

About Us:

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen DeMaria are both ICPA certified in Pediatric Chiropractic and are here to help you if you are pregnant, and also for your newborns, toddlers, and the entire family.

We look forward to helping you!

Serving Our Community | Fall 2019

Dr. Casen & Friends

Hi, Friends!

We are expanding our community outreach this fall season to our local schools and business teams!

What Does This Mean? We’ll donate our time to help you be the best version of yourself.

Schedule your 20 minute talk today by emailing drcasen@druglessdrs.com!

We would love to see if we can help!

Additional Information:

Wellness @ Work

Social Media

Eating Healthy on a Budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget!

Hi Everyone! 

We are in the final third of 2019, (can you believe it?!), and we are kicking off the fall season on a mission to help keep your wallet healthy as well as your physical body. 

For our September H2H we are looking at eating healthy on a budget, which includes the video below. Comment on our Facebook post on how YOU eat healthy on a budget. 

Tips & Strategies

1. Planning ahead – best way to save money

2. Make and buy things in bulk – crock pot, big pots; use Pyrex

3. Shop around – Trader Joe’s, Costco, Whole Foods, Earthfare, WSM, Mustard Seed, Heinen’s.

4. Remember to try new things

5. Look for sales

6. Plant a garden/or join a co-op

7. Budget friendly health foods – cabbage, onions, salad, chicken, ground/beef /lamb

8. Try not to throw away waste, figure out how to re-purpose.

9. Minimize going out to eat

10.  Find out healthy restaurants

Action Steps: (You fill these in :) ) 




In-Office September Specials

OPTICHEM BLOOD WORK – normally $165 – all month on sale for $130 ($35 savings).  This is a full work up to include CBC with Differential CMP, Thyroid panel, Lipid Panel, Urinalysis.

Multi-Vitamin sale (10 % off)

A. Bio – Anabolic Pack – take 1 pack daily – great for on the go people

B. Bio- Multi Plus – great multi vitamin to take 1 with each meal, higher mineral content.

Next H2H- Weds. 10/2 @ noon and Thurs. 10/3 @ 6PM- What you need to know about VITAMIN D!  Watch online & share on FB @druglessdrs

View our September Events

Have a great month! 

Dr. Bob, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Casen, Dr. Aimee